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Presentation Parameters

Dean Roddey - droddey@jagunet.com
Controls the foreground color of the text in the button, or the background color used to fill the background of the button. The first set apply to enabled buttons and the second to disabled buttons.
PP_BORDERCOLOR This controls the border around pushbuttons. This border is drawn around buttons in order to make their 3D effect more pronounced when they are on a background that has a similar color to one of the 3D colors. Otherwise, it would tend to wash out. Applies to both enabled and disabled buttons. Only pushbuttons have a border, other button types don't use this.

Dean Roddey - droddey@jagunet.com
PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR This controls the color of all of the text titles, of the container as a whole or the column titles. Does enabled and disabled containers.
PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR The whole background of the container, including behind the titles, is filled with this color.
Controls the foreground and background color of selected text in the container entries. Does enabled and disabled containers.
PP_BORDERCOLOR This is used to draw all of the horizontal and vertical separator lines in the container.
PP_ICONTEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR This color is kind of strange. It is used as the whole background fill of all of the column titles, but only as the background of the actual text for the overall container title.

Entry Fields
Dean Roddey - droddey@jagunet.com
Controls the foreground color of the text in the field, or the background color used to fill the background of the field. The first set apply to enabled fields and the second to disabled fields.
Controls the colors of the text in the entry field that is selected. There is not a disabled version because you cannot select text in a disabled entry field.
PP_BORDERCOLOR Controls the color of the border around the entry field. Note that the border is really made up of two colors in a 3D look, but this only controls one of them. The other is controlled by the SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT system color only.

List Boxes
Dean Roddey - droddey@jagunet.com
Controls the foreground and background color of non-selected items in the list box. The first set applies to enabled list boxes, and the second set to disabled ones.
Controls the foreground and background color of selected items in the list box.
PP_BORDERCOLOR Controls the dark color of the 3D border around the list box. This is very similar to the MLE below, so see the next section.

Multi Line Entryfields
Dean Roddey - droddey@jagunet.com
Controls the foreground color of the text in the field, or the background color used to fill the background of the field. There is no disabled version because MLE's don't look any different when disabled.
PP_BORDERCOLOR Controls the color of the border around the multiline entry field. Note that the border is really made up of two colors in a 3D look, but this only controls one of them. If this parameter is not present, the SYSCLR_WINDOWBORDER system color is used. The other is controlled by the SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT system color only. There is not a presentation parameter for it. Note that a disabled MLE does not always pick up new presentation parameters until its forced to redraw!!

Spin Buttons
Dean Roddey - droddey@jagunet.com
These control the foreground color of the text in an enabled or disabled spin button. The background color of the entry field in the spin button is not affected by presentation parameters. I assume you must query the entry field and set it separately.
Controls the foreground and background color of selected text in the entry field part of an enabled spin button.
PP_BORDERCOLOR Controls the dark color of the 3D border around the spin button. This is very similar to the MLE above, so see the MLE section.

Dean Roddey - droddey@jagunet.com
These control the colors used to draw the static text. These control the text of both enabled and disabled statics. These also control the colors of SS_FGNDRECT and SS_BGNDRECT type statics. PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR controls the color of both the SS_FGNDFRAME and SS_BKGNDFRAME static control.
PP_BORDERCOLOR Controls the dark color of the 3D border of a group box border.


Last modified March 7/1996
Please send all errors, comments, and suggestions to: timur@vnet.ibm.com

The OS/2 API Project

Presentation Parameters