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Resources and Decompiling Them

Written by Martin Lafaix



What's that? OS/2 comes with a resource compiler, RC, which allows us to put resources in an executable file; but, it would sometimes be useful to do just the opposite, namely, extracting resources from an executable (or from a DLL).


If we were able to extract resources, it would help us adapting this lovely little tool, which unfortunately has all its messages and menus in, say, Chinese... :-) and which is no longer supported by its author. Or, it would allow us to correct those lovely typographical errors in the base OS/2 system, too. (At least, the French version includes some boring typos, in menu items and shortcuts :-( ) Or, it would even allow us to grab some lovely dialog box and include it in our wonderful projects.


This article contains four parts. The first one describes the general executable file structure, the second one describes the 16-bit EXE structure, the third describes the 32-bit EXE structure, and the fourth describes the RES to RC translation. Sample code will be given in REXX, which will use many user-defined functions, such as readw() or readl().

A (short) bibliography can be found at the end of this document.

A Voyage to OMF

In the following sections, "EXE" will be used as a generic term for .EXE or .DLL files.

The Old DOS Header

Each EXE starts with an old DOS header. Two fields interest us, namely e_magic and e_lfanew. The first one contains "MZ" and allowed us to recognize the EXE header, and the second one contains the offset of the new EXE header, which is where the fun begins. The remaining fields are used for a DOS 'stub', that is, a program which displays a message like:

This program cannot be run in a DOS session.

This message is displayed whenever the program is run from vanilla DOS.

struct exe_hdr                          /* DOS 1, 2, 3 .EXE header */
    unsigned short      e_magic;        /* Magic number */
    unsigned short      e_cblp;         /* Bytes on last page of file */
    unsigned short      e_cp;           /* Pages in file */
    unsigned short      e_crlc;         /* Relocations */
    unsigned short      e_cparhdr;      /* Size of header in paragraphs */

    unsigned short      e_minalloc;     /* Minimum extra paragraphs needed */

    unsigned short      e_maxalloc;     /* Maximum extra paragraphs needed */

    unsigned short      e_ss;           /* Initial (relative) SS value */
    unsigned short      e_sp;           /* Initial SP value */
    unsigned short      e_csum;         /* Checksum */
    unsigned short      e_ip;           /* Initial IP value */
    unsigned short      e_cs;           /* Initial (relative) CS value */

    unsigned short      e_lfarlc;       /* File address of relocation table */

    unsigned short      e_ovno;         /* Overlay number */
    unsigned short      e_res[ERES1WDS];/* Reserved words */

    unsigned short      e_oemid;        /* OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo) */

    unsigned short      e_oeminfo;      /* OEM information; e_oemid specific */

    unsigned short      e_res2[ERES2WDS];/* Reserved words */

    long                e_lfanew;       /* File address of new exe header */

Figure 1. The DOS 1, 2, 3 .EXE header.

Recognizing it from REXX

In the following code, infile contains the EXE filename. base will then contain the new header offset.

   if charin(infile,,2) = 'MZ' then base = 1+l2d(charin(infile,61,4))

Exploring 16-Bit Headers

Recognizing a 16-bit EXE header A 16-bit EXE header starts with the 'NE' magic number; a 16-bit EXE structure starts with this magic number:

struct new_exe                          /* New .EXE header */
    unsigned short      ne_magic;       /* Magic number NE_MAGIC */
    unsigned char       ne_ver;         /* Version number */
    unsigned char       ne_rev;         /* Revision number */
    unsigned short      ne_enttab;      /* Offset of Entry Table */

    unsigned short      ne_cbenttab;    /* Number of bytes in Entry Table */

    long                ne_crc;         /* Checksum of whole file */
    unsigned short      ne_flags;       /* Flag word */
    unsigned short      ne_autodata;    /* Automatic data segment number */
    unsigned short      ne_heap;        /* Initial heap allocation */
    unsigned short      ne_stack;       /* Initial stack allocation */
    long                ne_csip;        /* Initial CS:IP setting */
    long                ne_sssp;        /* Initial SS:SP setting */
    unsigned short      ne_cseg;        /* Count of file segments */

    unsigned short      ne_cmod;        /* Entries in Module Reference Table */

    unsigned short      ne_cbnrestab;   /* Size of non-resident name table */

    unsigned short      ne_segtab;      /* Offset of Segment Table */
    unsigned short      ne_rsrctab;     /* Offset of Resource Table */
    unsigned short      ne_restab;      /* Offset of resident name table */

    unsigned short      ne_modtab;      /* Offset of Module Reference Table */

    unsigned short      ne_imptab;      /* Offset of Imported Names Table */

    long                ne_nrestab;     /* Offset of Non-resident Names Table */

    unsigned short      ne_cmovent;     /* Count of movable entries */
    unsigned short      ne_align;       /* Segment alignment shift count */
    unsigned short      ne_cres;        /* Count of resource entries */
    unsigned char       ne_exetyp;      /* Target operating system */
    unsigned char       ne_flagsothers; /* Other .EXE flags */
    char                ne_res[NERESBYTES];
                                        /* Pad structure to 64 bytes */
Figure 2. The OS/2 286 .EXE header.

The following fields interest us:

is the number of segments in the EXE. Segments containing resources are at the end of the segment table.
is the offset of the segment table. Each entry in this table contains the following:
ssector (WORD)
is the segment's beginning sector, from the beginning of the EXE. See ne_align below for more explanations on how to compute the segment's effective position in EXE.
cb (WORD)
is the segment's size in bytes.
sflags (WORD)
is the segment's flags. Interesting bits are:

NSMOVE      0x0010  Moveable segment flag
NSSHARED    0x0020  Shared segment flag
NSPRELOAD   0x0040  Preload segment flag
NSDISCARD   0x1000  Segment is discardable
smin (WORD)
is the minimum allocation in bytes. This field's value is not used with segments containing resources.
Note: The segment table offset is from the beginning of the 286 EXE header, not from the beginning of the EXE.
is the offset of the resource table. Each entry in this table contains two fields:
etype (WORD)
is the resource type.
ename (WORD)
is the resource name (well, for OS/2, it's a number).
Note: The resource table offset is from the beginning of the 286 EXE header, not from the beginning of the EXE.
is the segment alignment shift count. It's the number of bits we should shift the segment's beginning sector value to find the segment's position in EXE.
For example, if ne_align is 4, segments will be aligned on 16-byte boundaries (that is, the EXE will be composed of 16-byte 'sectors').
is the number of resources in the EXE. Each resource uses a segment.

More information on the 16-bit EXE header can be found in NEWEXE.H, which comes with the Developer's toolkit. Unfortunately, it isn't very informative.

Extracting a Resource From The EXE

The process of extracting resources from an EXE to a RES file is quite simple. We walk through the resource table (rsrctab), and, for each entry, we find and emit the corresponding segment. (We have to twiddle the segment flag and create a small header for the resource, but that's not a big deal.)

  • First, we have to find the corresponding resource table entry (resource number cnt):
       call charin infile,base+rsrctab+cnt*4,0
  • Then, we have to read the entry's content:
       etype = readw()
       ename = readw()
  • Then, we have to find and read the corresponding segment table entry:
       call segin cseg-rsrccnt+1+cnt
  • Then we...(I'm using a procedure here for readability.)
       call charin infile,base+segtab+(arg(1)-1)*8,0
       ssector = readw()
       cb = readw()
       sflags = readw()
       smin = readw()
  • We then calculate the resource offset:
       pos = 1+(2**segshift)*ssector
  • And we translate the segment flag (from NSMMOVE, etc. to MOVEABLE, etc.):
       flags = 0
       if bit(sflags,10) then flags = flags+64
       if bit(sflags,12) then flags = flags+16
       if bit(sflags,4) then flags = flags+4096
       if \ bit(sflags,11) then flags = flags+32
  • We are now ready to write the resource header to a RES file:
       call emit 'FF'x||d2w(etype)'FF'x||d2w(ename)d2w(flags)d2l(cb)
  • And, last but not least, we have to write the resource data, too:
       call emit charin(infile,pos,cb)
Note: The RES format is explained in the section The RES File Format

Exploring 32-Bit Headers

Recognizing a 32-bit EXE header

A 32-bit EXE header starts with the 'LX' magic number; a 32-bit structure starts with this magic number:

struct e32_exe                          /* New 32-bit .EXE header */
    unsigned char   e32_magic[2]; /* Magic number E32_MAGIC */

    unsigned char   e32_border; /* The byte ordering for the .EXE */

    unsigned char   e32_worder; /* The word ordering for the .EXE */

    unsigned long   e32_level; /* The EXE format level for now = 0 */

    unsigned short  e32_cpu; /* The CPU type */
    unsigned short  e32_os; /* The OS type */
    unsigned long   e32_ver; /* Module version */
    unsigned long   e32_mflags; /* Module flags */
    unsigned long   e32_mpages; /* Module # pages */

    unsigned long   e32_startobj; /* Object # for instruction pointer */

    unsigned long   e32_eip; /* Extended instruction pointer */
    unsigned long   e32_stackobj; /* Object # for stack pointer */
    unsigned long   e32_esp; /* Extended stack pointer */
    unsigned long   e32_pagesize; /* .EXE page size */
    unsigned long   e32_pageshift; /* Page alignment shift in .EXE */
    unsigned long   e32_fixupsize; /* Fixup section size */
    unsigned long   e32_fixupsum; /* Fixup section checksum */
    unsigned long   e32_ldrsize; /* Loader section size */
    unsigned long   e32_ldrsum; /* Loader section checksum */
    unsigned long   e32_objtab; /* Object table offset */
    unsigned long   e32_objcnt; /* Number of objects in module */
    unsigned long   e32_objmap; /* Object page map offset */

    unsigned long   e32_itermap; /* Object iterated data map offset */

    unsigned long   e32_rsrctab; /* Offset of Resource Table */
    unsigned long   e32_rsrccnt; /* Number of resource entries */
    unsigned long   e32_restab; /* Offset of resident name table */
    unsigned long   e32_enttab; /* Offset of Entry Table */

    unsigned long   e32_dirtab; /* Offset of Module Directive Table */

    unsigned long   e32_dircnt; /* Number of module directives */
    unsigned long   e32_fpagetab; /* Offset of Fixup Page Table */
    unsigned long   e32_frectab; /* Offset of Fixup Record Table */

    unsigned long   e32_impmod; /* Offset of Import Module Name Table */

    unsigned long   e32_impmodcnt; /* Number of entries in Import 
Module Name Table */ unsigned long e32_impproc; /* Offset of Import Procedure Name Table */ unsigned long e32_pagesum; /* Offset of Per-Page Checksum Table */ unsigned long e32_datapage; /* Offset of Enumerated Data Pages */ unsigned long e32_preload; /* Number of preload pages */ unsigned long e32_nrestab; /* Offset of Non-resident Names Table */ unsigned long e32_cbnrestab; /* Size of Non-resident Name Table */ unsigned long e32_nressum; /* Non-resident Name Table Checksum */ unsigned long e32_autodata; /* Object # for automatic data object */ unsigned long e32_debuginfo; /* Offset of the debugging information */ unsigned long e32_debuglen; /* The length of the debugging info. in bytes */ unsigned long e32_instpreload; /* Number of instance pages in preload
section of .EXE file */ unsigned long e32_instdemand; /* Number of instance pages in demand
load section of EXE file */ unsigned long e32_heapsize; /* Size of heap - for 16-bit apps */ unsigned long e32_stacksize; /* Size of stack */ unsigned char e32_res3[E32RESBYTES3]; /* Pad structure to 196 bytes */ };
Figure 3. The OS/2 386 .EXE header.

The following fields interest us:

is the page alignment shift in the EXE. It's the number of bits we should shift the page offset value to find the page's position in EXE.For example, if e32_pageshift is 4, pages will be aligned on 16-byte boundaries.
is the object table offset. Each entry contains the following fields:

  • size is the object virtual size.
  • base is the object base virtual address.
  • flags is the object attribute flags.
  • pagemap is the object page map index.
  • mapsize is the number of entry in the object's page map.
  • reserved is, well, reserved :-)
We're only interested by flags and pagemap. That is, flags contains the resource flags (MOVEABLE, LOADONCALL, and so on), while pagemap allows us to find the object's pages within the EXE. (See the "Tables and Maps Relations" section below, for more explanations on pagemap, the object table, and other tables.)

flags' interesting bits are:
OBJWRITE0x0002LWriteable Object
OBJDISCARD0x0010LObject is Discardable
OBJSHARED0x0020LObject is Shared
OBJPRELOAD0x0040LObject has preload pages
Note: The object table offset is from the beginning of the 386 EXE header, not from the beginning of the EXE.

is the object page map offset. Each entry contains the following fields:

  • pagedataoffset is the file offset of page.
  • pagesize is the number of bytes of page data.
  • pageflags is per-page attributes.
Note: The object page map offset is from the beginning of the 386 EXE header, not from the beginning of the EXE.

is the offset of the resource table. Each entry contains the following fields:

  • type is the resource type.
  • name is the resource name.
  • cb is the resource size, in bytes.
  • obj is the number of the object containing the resource.
  • offset is the resource's offset within object. Resource will be in object obj, starting at the specified offset:

    Note: The resource table offset is from the beginning of the 386 EXE header, not from the beginning of the EXE.

is the number of resources in the EXE.
is the offset of Enumerated data page. It's the position of the first data page in the EXE. Warning: This offset is from the beginning of the EXE, not from the beginning of the 386 EXE header. It's THE exception :-/
More information on the 32-bit EXE header can be found on exe386.h, which comes with the Developer's toolkit. It's not that informative, though, and OMF.INF is much better. I highly recommend it.

Tables and Maps Relations

In this section, we will view the various relations between tables and maps.

Figure 4. Tables and maps relations.

To find the data of a resource r, we first have to read the corresponding entry in the resource table. The obj field of this entry allows us to find the object which contains the data. The pagemap field of the object table entry then allows us to locate the object's pages in the EXE, via the page map. To find the resource data, we then just have to read cb bytes from object, starting at offset.

Extracting a Resource From The EXE

The process of extracting resources from a 32-bit EXE to a RES file is similar to the 16-bit EXE to RES conversion. We walk through the resource table (rsrctab), and, for each entry, we find and emit the corresponding resource. (We have to twiddle the object flag and create a small header for the resource, but that's not a big deal.)

Note: In the following code, we'll assume that objects span over consecutive pages. That is, we will not handle the case where the object's pages are arranged discontinuously in the EXE.

  • First, we have to find the corresponding resource table entry (resource number cnt):
       call charin infile,base+rsrctab+cnt*14,0
  • Then, we have to read the entry's content:
       etype = readw()                   /* resource type              */
       ename = readw()                   /* resource name              */
       cb = readl()                      /* resource size              */
       eobj = readw()                    /* object containing resource */
       eoffset = readl()                 /* resource's offset in eobj  */
       call objin eobj
    (I'm using a procedure here for readability.)
       call charin infile,base+objtab+(arg(1)-1)*24,8
       oflags = readl()                  /* object attributes          */
       opagemap = readl()                /* object page map index      */
       omapsize = readl()                /* -- not used --             */
       opagedataoffset = l2d(charin(infile,base+objmap+(opagemap-1)*8,4))
  • We then calculate the resource offset:
       pos = 1+datapage+eoffset+(2**pageshift)*opagedataoffset
  • And we translate the object flag (from OBJPRELOAD, ... to LOADONCALL, ...):
       flags = 0
       if bit(oflags,10) then flags = flags+64
       if bit(oflags,11) then flags = flags+16
       if bit(oflags,12) then flags = flags+4096
       if \ bit(oflags,15) then flags = flags+32
  • We are now ready to write the resource header to a RES file:
       call emit 'FF'x||d2w(etype)'FF'x||d2w(ename)d2w(flags)d2l(cb)
  • And, last but not least, we have to write the resource data, too:
       call emit charin(infile,pos,cb)
Note: The RES format is explained in the next section (The RES file format).

The RES to RC Translation

And now the last part. First, we will describe the RES format, and we will then describe some resources data. We will focus our interest on the human-readable resources, such as menus, stringtables and so on.

Note: An important exception will be the dialog templates, for the following two reasons:

  • The Dialog editor already does this.
  • It's not that different from the others resources, and it would necessitated an even more fastidious enumeration.
For these reasons, our resource decompiler will not extract dialog templates from RES to RC.

And we will finally describe briefly the included resource decompiler, rdc.

The RES format

The RES file is an aggregate of resources. Each resource is composed of a header, followed by the resource data.

Figure 5. The resource header.

Type is the resource type (see below).

Id is the resource name/identifier.

Flags is the resource attributes (MOVEABLE, LOADONCALL, ...).

cb is the resource size.

The following types may appear:

RT_POINTER         1  /* mouse pointer shape */
RT_BITMAP          2  /* bitmap */
RT_MENU            3  /* menu template */
RT_DIALOG          4  /* dialog template */
RT_STRING          5  /* string tables */
RT_FONTDIR         6  /* font directory */
RT_FONT            7  /* font */
RT_ACCELTABLE      8  /* accelerator tables */
RT_RCDATA          9  /* binary data */
RT_MESSAGE        10  /* error msg tables */
RT_DLGINCLUDE     11  /* dialog include file name */
RT_VKEYTBL        12  /* key to vkey tables */
RT_KEYTBL         13  /* key to UGL tables */
RT_CHARTBL        14  /* glyph to character tables */
RT_DISPLAYINFO    15  /* screen display information */
RT_FKASHORT       16  /* function key area short form */
RT_FKALONG        17  /* function key area long form */
RT_HELPTABLE      18  /* Help table for Cary Help manager */
RT_HELPSUBTABLE   19  /* Help subtable for Cary Help manager */
RT_FDDIR          20  /* DBCS uniq/font driver directory */
RT_FD             21  /* DBCS uniq/font driver */
Other values for type denote user-defined resources.

Resource data format

We first have to read the resource header:

res2rc:  /* convert .RES format to .RC */
   call skip 1                       /* skipping the 'FF'x     */
   rt = readw()                      /* the resource type      */
   call skip 1                       /* skipping the 'FF'x     */
   id = readw()                      /* the resource ID/name   */
   opt = readw()                     /* the resource flag      */
   cb = readl()                      /* the resource data size */
Then, according to the resource type, we'll have to do specific operations:

      when rt = 1  then call emit 'POINTER 'id' 'option()' 'file('ptr')nl
      when rt = 2  then call emit 'BITMAP 'id' 'option()' 'file('bmp')nl
      when rt = 7  then call emit 'FONT 'id' 'option()' 'file('fon')nl
If the resource is a pointer, a bitmap, a font or an icon, the resource data is the corresponding pointer, bitmap, font or icon. We then just have to recreate a file containing this data.

      when rt = 3  then do; call emit 'MENU 'id' 'option()nl'BEGIN'nl;
           call emit menuout('  ')nl'END'nl; end
If the resource is a menu, it's not that simple :-) The resource data is the corresponding menu structure:

cb is the size of the menu data.

type is the menu type (Only 0 and 1 are valid).

cp is the menu code page (850 by default).

offs is the starting offset of the menu data, from the start of the structure.

count is the number of item composing the menu.

If the menu type is 1, count is followed by another 16-bit field, ppoffs (presentation parameter offset, from the start of the structure). But we won't handle type 1 menus, so...

Every item has the following format:

style is the item style (MIS_*).

attrib is the item attributes (MIA_*).

Id is the item identifier.

If the item contains data (that is, if item is a submenu, or has the MIS_BITMAP, MIS_STRING or ... style), then the previous structure is followed by the corresponding data:

MIS_SUBMENU   Data is a menu structure, as previously defined.
MIS_STRING   Data is a null-terminated string.
MIS_BITMAP   Data can be any of the following:

  'FF'x, followed by a 16-bit word, representing the resource identifier.
  '00'x.  No resource identifier provided.

  "#", and subsequent characters make up the decimal representation of the
resource identifier.
So, if the resource is a menu, we will have to emit each item, recursively (as a menu can contain a submenu, ...).

      when rt = 5  then call emit 'STRINGTABLE

      when rt = 10 then call emit 'MESSAGETABLE
If the resource is a stringtable or a messagetable, then we have to emit the corresponding table. Each string/messagetable contains up to 16 strings. (In a RC file, you can have more than one stringtable, with more than 16 strings, but rc does not preserve your ordering -- string IDs are maintained, though.)

In the RES file, STRINGTABLE data looks like the following:

Each string is zero-terminated. If len is zero, the string does not exists.

      when rt = 8  then do; call emit 'ACCELTABLE 'id'
'option()nl'BEGIN'nl||keyout()'END'nl; end
If the resource is an acceltable, then we have to emit the corresponding table. ACCELTABLE resource data looks like the following:

count is the number of keys in the acceltable.

cp is the acceltable codepage.

And the type/key/cmd triplets describe the accel-keys :

type is the key's type (VIRTUALKEY, shifted, ...).

key is the key's value (VK_F1, "a", ...).

cmd is the accel command.

      when rt = 11 then do; call emit 'DLGINCLUDE 'id'
'charin(infile,,cb)nl; cb = 0; end
If the resource is a dlginclude statement, then the resource data will contain the included file name.

Note: This information is of little value if you don't have the included file...

      when rt = 18 then call emit 'HELPTABLE 'id||nl'BEGIN'htout()'END'nl
If the resource is a helptable, then the resource data will contain the following:

wnd n is the application window ID.

sub n is the help subtable ID.

ext n is the extended help panel ID.

      when rt = 19 then call emit 'HELPSUBTABLE 'id||hstout()nl
If the resource is a HELPSUBTABLE, then the resource data will contain the following:

Each subitem contains size items (the default size value is 2):

wnd n is the child window ID.

help n is the help panel ID.

And, if size is more than 2, the remaining integers have an application-defined meaning.

      call emit 'RESOURCE 'rt' 'id' 'option()' 'file('dat')
If the resource is of any other type, then we emit the 'RESOURCE' generic statement, and we put the resource data in a .DAT file. The rc compiler will handle that gracefully. :-)

   end  /* select */

The Resource decompiler The interesting part, at last! A resource decompiler (named rdc.cmd) is provided in It's usage is as follow:

Usage:  rdc [] <.EXE input file> [<.RC output file>]
        -r              - Extract .res file
        -h              - Access Help
Figure 6. The resource decompiler usage.

Note: Please note the following:

  • It's not highly polished.
  • The RES to RC translation part is known to be buggy.
  • You can't directly obtain a RC file from an EXE. You have to take a two-step process (first, rdc -r xxx.exe, and then rdc xxx.res xxx.rc).
  • If files named res_*.* are present in the current directory, you'll get a strange result. (And it may trash these files.)
  • The default RC file extension is '.RC2'. It'll protect you from bad surprises.
  • And, as stated earlier, it does not extract dialog templates from RES to RC files (but it does extract them from EXE to RES).
But, to be optimistic, it works just fine most of the time :-)


In the previous parts, we have seen how to extract resources from an executable (a .EXE or a .DLL), and how to extract some resources from a .RES file, as we have focused our interest on the 'human-readable' resources.

While I realize there are still many obscure points, I hope you will find the included information useful. And I'll try my best to answer all questions on it.


On EXE format
describes the new 32-bit file format. It's a good discussion on OMF (Object Module Format) and the 386 EXE header. It's available on
These C header files contain the various EXE header structures. But it's not really a good place to start with.
On RC/RES format Control Program Guide and Reference This on-line manual describes the DosGetResource/DosFreeResource APIs. It's part of the Developer's toolkit.
PM Reference
This on-line manual contains much useful information on the resource data format (In Related Information/Resource File). It's part of the Developer's toolkit.
Tools Reference
This on-line manual contains the Resource Compiler reference. It describes all RC statements/directives. It's part of the Developer's toolkit.


outname This function, which requires two parameters, returns an output filename (if one does not already exists).

outname: /* return name made from infile and extension */
   if outfile = '' then
      if lastpos('.',arg(1)) > lastpos('\',arg(1)) then
         outfile = left(arg(1),lastpos('.',arg(1)))arg(2)
         outfile = arg(1)'.'arg(2)
   return outfile

readw This function reads one word (two bytes) from current file position. The file's position is updated.

readw:   /* read one word from infile */
   return w2d(charin(infile,,2))
readl This function reads one long word (four bytes) from current file position. The file's position is updated.

readl:   /* read one long from infile */
   return l2d(charin(infile,,4))
skip This function skips arg(1) chars in current file. The file's position is updated.

skip:    /* skip arg(1) chars */
   return charin(infile,,arg(1))
bit This function returns bit arg(2) of arg(1). arg(1) can contain up to 32 bits.

Note: bits are numbered from left to right.

bit:     /* return bit arg(2) of arg(1) */
   return substr(x2b(d2x(arg(1),4)), arg(2),1)
w2d This function translates a little-endian word to a REXX integer.

w2d:     /* little-endian word to decimal */
   w = c2x(arg(1))
   return x2d(substr(w,3,2)substr(w,1,2))
d2w This function translates a REXX integer to a little-endian word.

d2w:     /* decimal to little-endian word */
   w = d2x(arg(1),4)
   return x2c(substr(w,3,2)substr(w,1,2))
l2d This function translates a little-endian long word to a REXX integer.

l2d:     /* little-endian long to decimal */
   l = c2x(arg(1))
   return x2d(substr(l,7,2)substr(l,5,2)substr(l,3,2)substr(l,1,2))
d2l This function translates a REXX integer to a little-endian long word.

d2l:     /* decimal to little-endian long */
   l = d2x(arg(1),8)
   return x2c(substr(l,7,2)substr(l,5,2)substr(l,3,2)substr(l,1,2))
emit This function writes arg(1) to output file.

emit:    /* write data to output file */
   return charout(outfile,arg(1))
option This function translates the option's attributes into a RC string.

option:  /* convert flags to option string */
   if bit(opt,10) then r = 'PRELOAD'; else r = 'LOADONCALL'
   if bit(opt,12) then r = r' MOVEABLE'
   if bit(opt, 4) then r = r' DISCARDABLE'
   if \ (bit(opt,4) | bit(opt,12)) then r = r' FIXED'
   return r
file This function creates a new file, with extension arg(1), and fill it with cb bytes of infile.

file:    /* write cb bytes to res_xxx.arg(1) */
   r = 'res_'right(fnum,4,'0')'.'arg(1)
   call charout r,charin(infile,,cb)
   fnum = fnum+1; cb = 0
   call stream r,'c','close'
   return r
strout This function extracts a string/messagetable definitions, and returns a string containing the table.

strout:  /* extract strings definitions */
   call skip 2
   id = (id-1)*16; cb = cb-2; r = nl
   do while cb > 0
      len = x2d(c2x(charin(infile,,1)))
      if len > 1 then r = r'  'left(id,8)'"'charin(infile,,len-1)'"'nl
      call skip 1
      id = id+1; cb = cb-len-1
   end /* do */
   return r
keyout This functions extracts an acceltable definition, and returns a string containing the acceltable.

keyout:  /* extract acceltable definitions */
   procedure expose nl cb infile outfile
   cnt = readw()
   cp = readw()
   cb = cb-4
   if cp \= 850 then call emit arg(1)'CODEPAGE 'cp||nl
   do cnt
      typ = readw()
      key = readw()

      if \ bit(typ,15) & key >= 32 & key <= 255 then key = '"'d2c(key)'"';
else key = '0x'd2x(key)

      cmd = readw()
      cb = cb-6; t = ''
      if bit(typ,16) then t = t', CHAR'
      if bit(typ,15) then t = t', VIRTUALKEY'
      if bit(typ,14) then t = t', SCANCODE'
      if bit(typ,13) then t = t', SHIFT'
      if bit(typ,12) then t = t', CONTROL'
      if bit(typ,11) then t = t', ALT'
      if bit(typ,10) then t = t', LONEKEY'
      if bit(typ, 8) then t = t', SYSCOMMAND'
      if bit(typ, 7) then t = t', HELP'
      call emit '  'left(key',',8)left(cmd',',8)substr(t,3)nl
   end /* do */
   return ''
htout This function returns a string containing the HELPTABLE definition.

htout:   /* extract helptable definitions */
   r = nl
   i = readw()
   do while i \= 0
      r = r'  HELPITEM 'i', 'readw()
      call skip 2
      r = r', 'readw()nl; cb = cb-8
      i = readw()
   end /* do */
   cb = cb-2
   return r
hstout This function returns a string containing the HELPSUBTABLE definition.

hstout:  /* extract helpsubtable definitions */
   sis = readw()
   if sis \= 2 then r = nl'SUBITEMSIZE 'sis; else r = ''
   r = r||nl'BEGIN'nl; cb = cb-2
   i = readw()
   do while i \= 0
      r = r||'  HELPSUBITEM 'i
      do sis-1; r = r', 'readw(); end
      cb = cb-2*sis; r = r||nl
      i = readw();
   end /* do */
   cb = cb-2
   return r'END'
itemout This functions emits the current menu item.

itemout: /* extract menu item definition */
   procedure expose nl cb infile outfile

   cb = cb-6; s = ''; a = ''; r = arg(1)'MENUITEM "'; x = '| MIS_'; y = '| MIA_'

   sty = readw()
   att = readw()
   iid = readw()
   if \ (bit(sty,13) | bit(sty,14)) then
         c = charin(infile); cb = cb-1

         if c = 'FF'x & bit(sty,15) then do; r = r'#'readw(); cb = cb-2; end

         else do while c \= '00'x; r = r||c; c = charin(infile); cb = cb-1; end

   if bit(sty,15) then s = s x'BITMAP'
   if bit(sty,14) then s = s x'SEPARATOR'
   if bit(sty,13) then s = s x'OWNERDRAW'
   if bit(sty,12) then s = s x'SUBMENU'
   if bit(sty,11) then s = s x'MULTMENU'
   if bit(sty,10) then s = s x'SYSCOMMAND'
   if bit(sty, 9) then s = s x'HELP'
   if bit(sty, 8) then s = s x'STATIC'
   if bit(sty, 7) then s = s x'BUTTONSEPARATOR'
   if bit(sty, 6) then s = s x'BREAK'
   if bit(sty, 5) then s = s x'BREAKSEPARATOR'
   if bit(sty, 4) then s = s x'GROUP'
   if bit(sty, 3) then s = s x'SINGLE'
   if bit(att,11) then a = a y'NODISMISS'
   if bit(att, 4) then a = a y'FRAMED'
   if bit(att, 3) then a = a y'CHECKED'
   if bit(att, 2) then a = a y'DISABLED'
   if bit(att, 1) then a = a y'HILITED'
   if a \= '' then a = ','substr(a,3)
   if s \= '' then s = ','substr(s,3); else if a \= '' then s = ','
   call emit r'", 'iid||s||a||nl

   if bit(sty,12) then do; call emit arg(1)'BEGIN'nl; call emit
menuout(arg(1)'  ','')arg(1)'END'nl; end

menuout This functions emit the current menu or submenu.

menuout: /* extract menus definitions */
   procedure expose nl cb infile outfile
   cb = cb-10;
   cbs = readw()
   typ = readw()
   cp = readw()
   off = readw()
   cnt = readw()
   if arg(2) \= '' then
         if cp \= 850 then call emit 'CODEPAGE 'cp||nl
         call emit arg(2)
      end /* do */
   do cnt; call itemout arg(1); end
   return ''