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rc = DosDeleteMuxWaitSem( phmuxSemaphore, hsemSemaphore );


PHMUX phmuxSemaphore (input)
This is a pointer to the HMUX that will get the handle to the new semaphore.

HSEM hsemSemaphore (input)
The handle to the semaphore to be removed from the muxwait list. it must be cast to HSEM from either HEV or HMTX.


The following values can be returned

Include Info

#include <os2.h>

Usage Explanation

DosDeleteMuxWaitSem deletes a specified semaphore from a muxwait list.

Relevant Structures


This may only be called from a process that has gained proper access to the MuxWait semaphore via either DosCreateMuxWaitSem or DosOpenMuxWaitSem.

If the deleted semaphore is the last semaphore in the muxwait list, all threads blocking on the MuxWait semaphore are unblocked.

If the deleted semaphore is the only "hold-out" in a MuxWait semaphore with the DCMW_WAIT_ALL attribute, all threads blocked on the MuxWait semaphore will be unblocked.

Sample Code

#define INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES #include <os2.h> HMUX hmuxMySemaphore; /* my muxwait semaphore handle */ HMTX hmtxMyOtherSemaphore; /* my mutex semaphore handle */ /* wave the magic wand and... */ /* hmuxMySemaphore contains a valid muxwait sem handle */ /* hmtxMyOtherSemaphore contains a valid mutex sem handle */ rc = DosDeleteMuxWaitSem( nmuxMySemaphore, (HSEM)hmtxMyOtherSemaphore); if (rc != 0) { /* We got an error to take care of. */ }

See Also

DosAddMuxWaitSem, DosCloseMuxWaitSem, DosCreateMuxWaitSemDosOpenMuxWaitSem, DosQueryMuxWaitSem, DosWaitMuxWaitSem


Joe Phillips - jaiger@eng2.uconn.edu


Last modified July 17/1996
Please send all errors, comments, and suggestions to: timur@vnet.ibm.com

0NO_ERROROperation was successful.
6ERROR_INVALID_HANDLEError, The calling process must first have access to the shared semaphore in question before adding it to the muxwait list
286ERROR_EMPTY_MUXWAITError, The MuxWait semaphore hmuxSemaphore is empty

The OS/2 API Project
