VioReadCharStr (FAPI)

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Att.gif Legacy Function Warning
It is recommended to use a newer replacement for this function.
Replacement: VioReadCharStr
Remarks: This page list the older version of the function for reference.

This call reads a string of characters from the display starting at the specified location.


VioReadCharStr (CharStr, Length, Row, Column, VioHandle) 


CharStr (PCH) - output 
Address of the buffer where the character string is returned.
Length (PUSHORT) - input/output 
Address of the buffer length in bytes.
Row (USHORT) - input 
Starting row of the field to read, 0 is the top row.
Column (USHORT) - input 
Starting column of the field to read, 0 is the leftmost column.
VioHandle (HVIO) - input 
This must be zero unless the caller is a Presentation Manager application, in which case it must be the value returned by VioGetPs.

Return Code

rc (USHORT) - return

Return code descriptions are:

  • 0 NO_ERROR


If a string read comes to the end of the line and is not complete, then the string read continues at the beginning of the next line. If the read comes to the end of the screen and is not complete, the read terminates and the length is set to the number of characters read.

PM Considerations

VioReadCharStr reads a character string from the Advanced VIO presentation space starting at the specified location.

Example Code

C Binding

#define INCL_VIO

USHORT  rc = VioReadCharStr(CharStr, Length, Row, Column, VioHandle);

PCH              CharStr;       /* Character buffer */
PUSHORT          Length;        /* Length of buffer */
USHORT           Row;           /* Starting row location */
USHORT           Column;        /* Starting column location */
HVIO             VioHandle;     /* Video handle */

USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

MASM Binding

EXTRN  VioReadCharStr:FAR
INCL_VIO            EQU 1

PUSH@  OTHER   CharStr       ;Character buffer
PUSH@  WORD    Length        ;Length of buffer
PUSH   WORD    Row           ;Starting row location
PUSH   WORD    Column        ;Starting column location
PUSH   WORD    VioHandle     ;Video handle
CALL   VioReadCharStr

Returns WORD

Related Functions

  • VioWrtCharStr