The V C++ GUI Framework User Guide:Quick Reference

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//  CommandObject: "#include <v/v_defs.h>"

typedef struct CommandObject
   CmdType cmdType;    // what kind of item is this
   ItemVal cmdId;      // unique id for the item
   ItemVal retVal;     // value returned when picked
   char* title;        // string
   void* itemList;     // used when cmd needs a list
   CmdAttribute attrs; // list of attributes
      Sensitive : 1;   // if item is sensitive or not
   ItemVal cFrame;     // Frame used for an item
   ItemVal cRightOf;   // Item placed left of this id
   ItemVal cBelow;     // Item placed below this one
   int size;           // Optional - for size information
   char* tip;		// Optional tip string
 } CommandObject;


                  (with suggested prefix for id names)
   C_EndOfList:   Used to denote end of command list
   C_Blank:       filler to help RightOfs, Belows work (blk)
   C_BoxedLabel:  a label with a box (bxl)
   C_Button:      Button (btn)
   C_CheckBox:    Checked Item (chk)
   C_ColorButton: Colored button (cbt)
   C_ColorLabel:  Colored label (clb)
   C_ComboBox:    Popup combo list (cbx)
   C_Frame:       General purpose frame (frm)
   C_Icon:        a display only Icon (ico)
   C_IconButton:  a command button Icon (icb)
   C_Label:       Regular text label (lbl)
   C_List:        List of items (lst)
   C_ProgressBar: Bar to show progress (pbr)
   C_RadioButton: Radio button (rdb)
   C_Slider:      Slider to enter value (sld)
   C_Spinner:     Spinner value entry (spn)
   C_TextIn:      Text input field (txi)
   C_Text:        wrapping text out (txt)
   C_ToggleButton: a toggle button (tbt)
   C_ToggleFrame: a toggle frame (tfr)
   C_ToggleIconButton:  a toggle Icon button (tib)


   CA_DefaultButton: Special Default Button
      [Used by: C_Button]
   CA_Hidden:        Starts out hidden
      [All controls]
   CA_Horizontal:    Horizontal orientation
      [C_ProgressBar, C_Slider]
   CA_Large:         Command larger than normal
      [C_List C_ProgressBar, C_Slider, C_Spinner, C_TextIn]
   CA_MainMsg:       Gets replacement message
   CA_NoBorder:      No border (frames, status bar)
      [C_Frame,C_ToggleFrame,C_Text,status bar]
   CA_NoLabel:       No label on progress bar
   CA_NoNotify:      Don't notify on all events
   CA_NoSpace:       No space between widgets
   CA_None:          No special attributes
      [All controls]
   CA_Percent:       Use % on progress bar
   CA_Small:         Command smaller than normal
   CA_Size:          Specify size
   CA_Text:          A Text value box
   CA_Vertical:      Vertical orientation
      [C_ProgressBar, C_Slider]

Useful symbolic values

   NoList:           No list used
   NoFrame:          Not a member of a frame
   isSens:           Is sensitive
   notSens:          Not sensitive
   isChk:            Is checked
   notChk:           Not checked
   notUsed:          Not used
   noIcon:           No icon


//  vApp:  "#include <v/vapp.h>"

   class vApp : public vBaseItem
     public:  //---------------------------------------- public
       vApp(VCONST char* appName, int simSDI = 0, int frameHeight = 0,
           int frameWidth = 0);      // constructor
       virtual ~vApp();

       // Methods to override

       virtual void AppCommand(vWindow* win, ItemVal id,
                               ItemVal retval, CmdType ctype);
       virtual void CloseAppWin(vWindow* win);
       virtual void CloseLastCmdWindow(vWindow* win, int exitcode);
       virtual void Exit(void);
       virtual void KeyIn(vWindow* win, vKey key, unsigned int shift);
       virtual vWindow* NewAppWin(vWindow* win, char* name, int w, int h, 
                              vAppWinInfo* winInfo = 0);
       // Utility methods

       vFont GetDefaultFont(void);
       void GetVVersion(int& major, int& minor);
       int DefaultHeight();
       int DefaultWidth();
       int IsRunning();
       void SendWindowCommandAll(ItemVal id, int val, CmdType ctype);
       void SetAppTitle(char* title);
       void SetValueAll(ItemVal id, int val, ItemSetType setType);
       void SetStringAll(ItemVal id, char* str);
       void UpdateAllViews(vWindow* sender = NULL, int hint = 0, 
              void* pHint = NULL);
       const char* name();

       vAppWinInfo *getAppWinInfo(vWindow* Win);

       // Clipboard

       int ClipboardSetText(char* text);
       char* ClipboardGetText();
       int ClipboardCheckText();
       void ClipboardClear();

       // Tasking

	void CheckEvents();

	int EnableWorkSlice(long slice);
	virtual void WorkSlice();

       // X platform dependent

       Display* display();           // To get the X display
       XtAppContext appContext();    // To get the context

       // MS-Windows platform dependent
       int simSDI();

   extern vApp *theApp;     // Pointer to single global instance
   extern int AppMain(int argc, char** argv);  // Pseudo main program


// vAppWinInfo: "#include <v/vawinfo.h>"

   class V_EXPORT vAppWinInfo
     public:     //---------------------------------------- public
       vAppWinInfo(VCONST char* name = "", VCONST void* ptr = 0);
       virtual ~vAppWinInfo();
       virtual VCONST char* infoName() {return _infoName;}
       virtual VCONST void* getPtr() {return _ptr;}


//  vBrush:  "#include <v/vbrush.h>"
   class vBrush
     public:       //-------------------------------- public
       vBrush(unsigned int r = 0, unsigned int g = 0, unsigned int b = 0,
              int style = vSolid, int fillMode = vAlternate);

       int operator ==(vBrush b2);
       int operator !=(vBrush b2);

       vColor GetColor();
       int GetFillMode();
       int GetStyle();
       void SetColor(vColor c);
       void SetColor(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
       void SetFillMode(int fillMode);
       void SetStyle(int style);


//  vCanvasPane:  "#include <v/vcanvas.h>"

    class vCanvasPane
     public:   //---------------------------------------- public

       vCanvasPane(PaneType pt = P_Canvas);
       virtual ~vCanvasPane();

       virtual void ShowPane(int OnOrOff);

       // Cursor
       void SetCursor(VCursor id);
       VCursor GetCursor();
       void UnSetCursor(void);

       // Scrolling
       virtual void HPage(int Shown, int Top);
       virtual void VPage(int Shown, int Top);
       virtual void HScroll(int step);
       virtual void VScroll(int step);
       virtual void SetHScroll(int Shown, int Top);
       virtual void SetVScroll(int Shown, int Top);
       virtual int GetHScroll(int& Shown, int& Top);
       virtual int GetVScroll(int& Shown, int& Top);
       virtual void ShowHScroll(int OnOff);
       virtual void ShowVScroll(int OnOff);

       // Change messages
       virtual void FontChanged(vFont vf);

       // Events
       virtual void MouseDown(int x, int y, int button);
       virtual void MouseUp(int x, int y, int button);
       virtual void MouseMove(int x, int y, int button);
       virtual void EnterFocus();
       virtual void LeaveFocus();

       // Expose/redraw events
       virtual void Redraw(int x, int y, int width , int height);
       virtual void Resize(int newW, int newH);

       // Information
       virtual int GetWidth();
       virtual int GetHeight();

       // Drawing
       void Clear(void);
       virtual void ClearRect(int left, int top, int width, int height);
       virtual void DrawAttrText(int x, int y, char* text, const ChrAttr attr);
       virtual void DrawColorPoints(int x, int y, int nPoints, vColor* pts);
       virtual void DrawText(int x, int y, char* text);
       virtual void DrawEllipse(int x, int y, int width, int height);
       virtual void DrawIcon(int x, int y, vIcon& icon);
       virtual void DrawLine(int x, int y, int xend , int yend);
       virtual void DrawLines(vLine* lineList, int count);
       virtual void DrawPoint(int x, int y);
       virtual void DrawPoints(vPoint* pointList, int count);
       virtual void DrawPolygon(int n, vPoint points[], int fillStyle = vAlternate);
       virtual void DrawRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height);
       virtual void DrawRectangles(vRect* rectList, int count);
       virtual void DrawRoundedRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, int radius);
       virtual void DrawRubberLine(int x, int y, int xend, int yend);
       virtual void DrawRubberEllipse(int x, int y, int width, int height);
       virtual void DrawRubberRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height);
       virtual vBrush GetBrush(void);
       virtual void SetBrush(vBrush brush);
       virtual vFont GetFont(void);
       virtual void SetFont(vFont fnt);
       virtual int TextWidth(char* str);
       virtual int TextHeight(int& ascent, int& descent);
       vDC* GetDC();

       // Appearance
       virtual void SetScale(int mult, int div);
       virtual void GetScale(int& mult, int& div);
       virtual void SetBackground(vColor color);
       virtual void SetPen(vPen pen);
       vPen GetPen();
       void SetTranslate(int x, int y);
       void SetTransX(int x);
       void SetTransY(int y);
       void GetTranslate(int& x, int& y);
       int GetTransX();
       int GetTransY();

       // X Platform dependent
       Widget DrawingWindow();
	// Windows Platform dependent
	HWND DrawingWindow();


//  vCmdWindow:  "#include <v/vcmdwin.h>"

   class vCmdWindow : public vWindow
     public:           //----------------------------------- public
       vCmdWindow(char* name = "+", int width = 0, int height = 0);
       virtual ~vCmdWindow();                         // Destructor

       virtual void CloseWin(void);    // callback for close button


//  vColor:  "#include <v/vcolor.h>"

// Message constants for use in Color buttons (for color buttons, etc.)

       M_Black, M_Red, M_DimRed, M_Green, M_DimGreen, M_Blue, M_DimBlue,
       M_Yellow, M_DimYellow, M_Magenta, M_DimMagenta, M_Cyan, M_DimCyan,
       M_DarkGray, M_MedGray, M_White,

// Index constants into V "standard" color arrays: vStdColors, vColorNames.

       vC_Black, vC_Red, vC_DimRed, vC_Green, vC_DimGreen, vC_Blue, vC_DimBlue,
       vC_Yellow, vC_DimYellow, vC_Magenta, vC_DimMagenta, vC_Cyan, vC_DimCyan,
       vC_DarkGray, vC_MedGray, vC_White

   class vColor
     public:    //---------------------------------------- public
       vColor(unsigned int rd = 0, unsigned int gr = 0, unsigned int bl = 0);

       int operator ==(vColor c2);
       int operator !=(vColor c2);
       int BitsOfColor();
       ResetColor(unsigned int rd = 0, unsigned int gr = 0, unsigned int bl = 0);
       Set(unsigned int rd = 0, unsigned int gr = 0, unsigned int bl = 0);
       Set(vColor& c);
       void SetR(unsigned int rd = 0);
       void SetG(unsigned int gr = 0);
       void SetB(unsigned int bl = 0);

       unsigned int r();
       unsigned int g();
       unsigned int b();

   extern vColor vStdColors[16];       // 16 "standard" colors
   extern char* vColorNames[16];       // and their names


//  vDebugDialog:  "#include <v/vdebug.h>"

    class vDebugDialog : public vModalDialog
     public:    //---------------------------------------- public
       vDebugDialog(vBaseWindow* bw,char* title = "Debugging Options");
       vDebugDialog(vApp* aw,char* title = "Debugging Options");
       void SetDebug();

Command Line Switches

-vDebug SU < list > Turn on System or User (or both) debug messages in list.

c Command events (menu, dialog commands).

m Mouse events.

w Window events (resize, redraw).

b Build events.

o Other misc. events.

v Bad values.

C Constructors.

D Destructors.

123 User items 1, 2, or 3.


//  vDialog:  "#include <v/vdialog.h>"

   class vDialog
     public:             //------------------------------------ public

       vDialog(vBaseWindow* creator, int modal = 0, char* title = "");
       vDialog(vApp* creator, int modal = 0, char* title = "");

       WindowType wType();

       virtual void AddDialogCmds(CommandObject* cList);
       virtual void CancelDialog(void);
       virtual void CloseDialog(void);
       virtual void SetDialogTitle(char * title);
       virtual void DialogCommand(ItemVal id, ItemVal retval, CmdType ctype);
       virtual int GetTextIn(ItemVal id, char* strout, int maxlen);
       virtual int GetValue(ItemVal id);
       virtual void SetValue(ItemVal id, ItemVal val, ItemSetType setType);
       virtual void SetString(ItemVal id, char* str);
       int IsDisplayed(void);
       virtual void ShowDialog(const char* msg);


//  vFileSelect:  "#include <v/vfilesel.h>"

   class vFileSelect : protected vModalDialog
     public:     //---------------------------------------- public
       vFileSelect(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title = "File Select");
       vFileSelect(vApp* aw, char* title = "File Select");

       int FileSelect(const char* msg, char* filename, 
           const int maxlen, char** filter);
       int FileSelectSave(const char* msg, char* filename, 
           const int maxlen, char** filter);


//  vFont:  "#include <v/vfont.h>"
   enum vFontID                // various font related ids
       vfDefaultSystem,        // the default system font
       vfDefaultFixed,         // the system default fixed font
       vfDefaultVariable,      // the system default variable font
       vfSerif,                // serifed font - TimesRoman
       vfSansSerif,            // SansSerif - Swiss or Helvetica
       vfFixed,                // fixed font - Courier
       vfDecorative,           // decorative - dingbat
       vfOtherFont,            // for all other fonts
       vfNormal,               // normal style, weight
       vfBold,                 // boldface
       vfItalic,               // italic style

   class vFont         // make the font stuff a class to make it portable
     public:           //---------------------------------------- public
       vFont(vFontID fam = vfDefaultFixed, int size = 10,
          vFontID sty = vfNormal, vFontID wt = vfNormal, int und = 0,
          int angle = 0);

       vFontID GetFamily() { return _family; }
       int GetPointSize() { return _pointSize; }
       vFontID GetStyle() { return _style; }
       vFontID GetWeight() { return _weight; }
       int GetUnderlined() { return _underlined; }
       void SetFontValues(vFontID fam = vfDefaultFixed, int size = 10,
          vFontID sty = vfNormal, vFontID wt = vfNormal, int und = 0);


//  vFontSelect:  "#include <v/vfontsel.h>"

    class vFontSelect : protected vModalDialog
     public:       //---------------------------------------- public
       vFontSelect(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title = "Select Font");
       vFontSelect(vApp* aw, char* title = "Select Font");

      int FontSelect(vFont& font, const char* msg = "Select Font" );


   // <v/vicon.h>

   class vIcon     // an icon
     public:             //---------------------------------------- public
       vIcon(unsigned char* ic, int h, int w, int d = 1);
       int height;             // height in pixels
       int width;              // width in pixels
       int depth;              // bits per pixel
       unsigned char* icon;    // ptr to icon array

     protected:        //--------------------------------------- protected
     private:          //--------------------------------------- private


//  vMenu:  "#include <v/v_menu.h>"

    typedef struct vMenu
       char* label;       // The label on the menu
       ItemVal menuId;    // A User assigned unique id
         sensitive : 1,   // If item is sensitive or not
         checked : 1;     // If item is checked or not
       char* keyLabel;    // Label for an accelerator key
       vKey accel;        // Value of accelerator key
       vMenu* SubMenu;    // Ptr to a submenu 
     } MenuItem;

Useful symbolic values

   isSens:           Is sensitive
   notSens:          Not sensitive
   noSub:            No submenu
   isChk:            Is checked
   notChk:           Not checked
   noKey:            No accelerator specified
   noKeyLbl:         No accelerator label


//  vModalDialog:  "#include <v/vmodald.h>"

    class vModalDialog : public vDialog
     public:   //---------------------------------------- public

       vModalDialog(vBaseWindow* creator, char* title = "");
       vModalDialog(vApp* creator, char* title = "");
       virtual ~vModalDialog();

       virtual ItemVal ShowModalDialog(const char* msg, ItemVal& retval);

       // rest are inherited from vDialog


// vNoticeDialog: "#include <v/vnotice.h>"

   class vNoticeDialog : protected vModalDialog
     public:    //---------------------------------------- public
       vNoticeDialog(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title = "Notice");
       vNoticeDialog(vApp* aw, char* title = "Notice");
       void Notice(char* msg);


//  vPen:  "#include <v/vpen.h>"

   class vPen
     public:    //---------------------------------------- public
       vPen(unsigned int r = 0, unsigned int g = 0,
            unsigned int b = 0, int width = 1, int style = vSolid);

       int operator ==(vPen p2);
       int operator !=(vPen p2);

       void SetStyle(int style);
       int GetStyle(void);
       void SetWidth(int width);
       int GetWidth();
       void SetColor(vColor c);
       vColor GetColor();


//  vReplyDialog:  "#include <v/vreply.h>"

   class vReplyDialog : protected vModalDialog
      public:   //---------------------------------------- public
        vReplyDialog(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title = "Reply");
        vReplyDialog(vApp *aw, char* title = "Reply");
       int Reply(const char* msg, char* reply, const int maxlen);


// vStatus: "#include <v/v_defs.h>"

   typedef struct vStatus      // for status bars
       char* label;            // text label
       ItemVal statId;         // id
       CmdAttribute attrs;     // attributes - CA_NoBorder, CA_None
       unsigned sensitive : 1; // if button is sensitive or not
       int width;              // to specify width (0 for default)
     } vButton;

Useful symbolic values

   CA_NoBorder:      No border (frames, status bar)
   CA_None:          No special attributes
   isSens:           Is sensitive
   notSens:          Not sensitive
   noIcon:           No icon


// vTextCanvasPane: "#include <v/vtextcnv.h>"

   class vTextCanvasPane : public vCanvasPane
     public:  //---------------------------------------- public
       virtual ~vTextCanvasPane();
       // Window management/drawing
       virtual void Clear(void);
       virtual void ClearRow(const int r, const int c);
       virtual void ClearToEnd(const int r, const int c);
       int GetCols();
       int GetRows();
       void GetRC(int& r, int& c);
       void GotoRC(const int r, const int c);
       virtual void DrawAttrText(const char* text, const ChrAttr attr);
       virtual void DrawChar(const char chr, const ChrAttr attr);
       virtual void DrawText(const char* text);
       void HideTextCursor(void);
       void ShowTextCursor(void);
       // Scrolling
       void ScrollText(const int lineCount);
       // Events
       virtual void ResizeText(const int rows, const int cols);
       virtual void TextMouseDown(int row, int col, int button);
       virtual void TextMouseUp(int row, int col, int button);
       virtual void TextMouseMove(int row, int col, int button);


//  vTimer:  "#include <v/vtimer.h>"

   class vTimer
     public:   //---------------------------------------- public
       virtual ~vTimer();
       virtual int TimerSet(long interval);
       virtual void TimerStop(void);
       virtual void TimerTick(void);

V Utilities

// V Utilities: "#include <v/vutil.h>"

   extern void LongToStr(long intg, char* str);
   extern void IntToStr(int intg, char* str);
   extern void vGetLocalTime(char* tm);
   extern void vGetLocalDate(char* tm);


// vWindow: "#include <v/vwindow.h>"

   enum WindowType
     { WINDOW, CMDWINDOW, DIALOG };  // Types of windows
   class vWindow
     public:           //-------------------------------- public
       vWindow(char *name = "+", int width = 0, int height = 0,
          WindowType wintype = WINDOW);    // Constructor
       virtual ~vWindow();                 // Destructor
       // Methods to Override
       virtual void KeyIn(vKey keysym, unsigned int shift);
       virtual void MenuCommand(ItemVal id);
       virtual void WindowCommand(ItemVal id, ItemVal retval, CmdType ctype);
       // Utility Methods
       const Widget vHandle();         // X only - native handle
       const char* name();             // the name set
       virtual void ShowWindow(void);
       WindowType wType();          // what kind of window we are
       virtual void AddPane(vPane* add_pane);
       virtual void CloseWin(void);
       virtual int GetValue(ItemVal id);
       virtual void RaiseWindow(void);
       virtual void SetString(ItemVal id, char* str);
       virtual void SetStringAll(ItemVal id, char* str);
       virtual void SetTitle(char* title);
       virtual void SetValue(ItemVal id, int val, ItemSetType setType);
       virtual void SetValueAll(ItemVal id, int val, ItemSetType setType);
       void ShowPane(vPane* wpane, int OnOrOff);


// vYNReplyDialog: "#include <v/vynreply.h>"

   class vYNReplyDialog : protected vModalDialog
     public:     //---------------------------------------- public
       vYNReplyDialog(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title = "Yes or No");
       vYNReplyDialog(vApp* aw, char* title = "Yes or No");

       int AskYN(const char* msg);