The Config.sys Documentation Project

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The Config.sys Documentation Project
  1. BASEDEV Statements
  2. CALL Statements
  3. DEVICE Statements
  4. IFS Statements
  5. OS/2 Commands
  6. DOS Commands
  7. RUN Statements
  8. SET Statements
  9. PSD Statements
  10. Other Information
  1. Programs
  2. Hardware
  3. List of Statements

The CONFIG.SYS Documentation Project (the "Project") is based on the original work by Oliver Poggensee, which was complemented by CfgTool 1.3.0 (or Config Tool 1.3.0), created by Goran Ivankovic, Klaus Staedtler, and others from within the OS/2 community.

The Project is a continuing effort to document statements and parameters which may be used in the OS/2 configuration boot file, CONFIG.SYS (including such information pertaining to third party applications).

The Project is now in wiki format as part of EDM/2, where the entire OS/2 community is welcome to expand and enhance it.

The Project is organized as follows:



The authors and editors accept no responsibility for damages which may be caused by the use of the information contained herein, and make NO WARRANTY or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy hereof. This documentation is provided "AS IS," and you, as user, assume the entire risk when you use it.

All product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.

See also:

  • DOS CONFIG.SYS - Description of the DOS CONFIG.SYS file, used in OS/2 for DOS tasks