Programming the OS/2 Container Control: The Basics

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Written by Peter Haggar and Peter Brightbill

OS/2 Developer Winter 1993, Vol. 5 No. 1, Pages 96-101

The container control is shipped in OS/2 2.0 as a 32-bit control and in the IBM CUA controls library (CCL/2) as a 16-bit control. The container is functionally equivalent in the two products, and the information in this article can be used by application developers working with either product. This article assumes the reader has limited knowledge of the container control, and at least has read the information in the OS/2 2.0 Programming Guide Volume II, Chapter 18. More information on the container control will follow in the next issue.

The container control is large and complex. While this article is not intended to cover every aspect of the container, it provides information that can help developers write an application using it.

Structure of a Container Application

The container control was designed to be extremely flexible to satisfy the needs of most applications. There are several basic concerns when designing an application. First, applications need not expose all the container's functions, such as drag and drop or the direct edit feature. To prohibit the editing of text in the container, set the CSS_READONLY style at creation. The container provides many views to display its data; the application can choose to support some or all of those views.

Developers must also decide how to allocate and insert container records. For the purpose of optimization, records should be allocated and inserted in groups rather than individually. Grouping records reduces the time needed to populate the container. You can allocate and insert n records with two WinSendMsg calls, as opposed to 2n WinSendMsg calls if you were to allocate and insert each separately. A good rule is to avoid any excessive WinSendMsg calls. This is especially important with 16-bit PMWIN in OS/2. In this setup, the 32-bit application calls 16-bit code in PMWIN, which in turn calls the 32-bit container control. On the return, the 32-bit container code returns to the 16-bit PMWIN code and then back to the 32-bit application code. Converting between 16- and 32-bit memory models, or "thunking", can be costly in terms of clock cycles.



The container uses one of two structures to store record data, RECORDCORE and MINIRECORDCORE. The structure used depends on the style set by the application when a container window is created. (The CCS_MINIRECORDCORE style indicates that the container is to use MINIRECORDCORE) MINIRECORDCORE, which minimizes application memory use, using 28 bytes, or half the size of the RECORDCORE structure's 56 bytes. But the ability to use less memory is rarely free; this situation is no exception. Certain functions are inoperable, or at least more complicated, with the MINIRECORDCORE structure.

With MINIRECORDCORE, the tree name view cannot be used properly. The bitmaps and icons displayed in this view are stored in the TREEITEMDESC structure, which is pointed to by RECORDCORE. If you use the tree name view with MINIRECORDCORE, the same icon designates the expanded and collapsed icon. This can be confusing to the user. In addition, the MINIRECORDCORE is restricted to one text string pointer that displays text for each record in text, name, icon, and tree view. RECORDCORE, however, provides a separate text string pointer for each view. In MINIRECORDCORE, you cannot use bitmaps, as only one icon handle is provided (compared to two icon and two bitmap handles in RECORDCORE).

Unlike RECORDCORE, MINIRECORDCORE does not provide a mini icon handle. To use mini icons with MINRECORDCORE, provide a mini icon handle for the hptrIcon field of the MINIRECORDCORE structure. Set the slBitmapOrIcon field of the CNRINFO structure to specify icon size. This is necessary because the container is expecting a system default icon size. The container uses the system value SV_CXICON and SV_CYICON to determine the size of a default icon. If the given icon is a different size than that specified in the slBitmapOrIcon field, it will be stretched or compressed as needed. This technique is shown in Figure 1.

/* Using the MINIRECORDCORE to display mini icons in the container. */
CNRINFO          CnrInfo;

/* Specify a size for the mini icon.  The system value for the size of
 * a menu is commonly used. */ = WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYMENU); =;

/* Tell the container to display all icons this size. */
WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_SETCNRINFO,

/* Assign the mini icon to the MINIRECORDCORE.  Then insert the
 * record into the container. */
pRecord->hptrIcon = WinLoadPointer (HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, ID_MINIICON);

WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_INSERTRECORD,
            MPFROMP(pRecord), MPFROMP(&RecordInsert));

Figure 1. Mini Icons with MINIRECORDCORE

After determining which of the two container record storage structures to use, you may want to store more information per record than is provided by either the RECORDCORE or MINIRECORDCORE. Determine what information you wish to store for each record, then allocate the extra memory on the CM_ALLOCRECORD message. Applications that use the details view usually add more memory to each record to store information to be displayed in the columns. If an object-oriented environment in which the record represents an object, the instance data for the object can be added to the record. This is the technique used by the OS/2 2.0 Workplace Shell, which uses the container control for its folder object.

If any additional data is to be added to each record, the application needs to typedef a structure as shown in Figure 2.

typedef struct _RECORDOBJECT
  MINIRECORDCORE  MiniRec;  <------- Be sure the MINIRECORDCORE or
  ULONG           ulCount;  <-------             RECORDCORE is first.
  BOOL            bInit;           |
  SHORT           sID;             |-- Additional data.
  PSZ             pszDept;         |
  CDATE           Date;     <-------

Figure 2. Application-defined container item

MINIRECORDCORE or RECORDCORE, must be the first field of the structure. This is important, as the container always returns pointers to RECORDCORE or MINIRECORDCORE. You can then typecast the pointer to, in this case, PRECORDOBJECT, and be able to address the container record and all additional data. In addition, when an application has to pass a pointer to a record for a particular message, it must point to either MINIRECORDCORE or RECORDCORE, as shown in Figure 3.

RECORDINSERT   RecordInsert;

/* Allocate a MINIRECORDCORE plus the additional bytes needed from the
 * RECORDOBJECT structure. */
                                    MPFROMLONG(sizeof(RECORDOBJECT) -

/* Assign the necessary data to the record. */
pRecObj->MiniRec.cb = sizeof(MINIRECORDCORE);
pRecObj->MiniRec.hptrIcon = hptrCarIcon;
pRecObj->ulCount = 1;
pRecObj->bInit = TRUE;
pRecObj->sID   = 100;
strcpy (pRecObj->pszDept, pszDeptTitle);
RecordInsert.pRecordParent = (PRECORDCORE)pRecParent;
/* Insert the record */
WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_INSERTRECORD,
            MPFROMP(&pRecObj), MPFROMP(&RecordInsert));

Figure 3. Record allocation and insertion


An internal CNRINFO structure describes most of the relevant information used by the container. To change the information in this structure, use the CM_SETCNRINFO message. The application should allocate its copy of the CNRINFO structure and set all fields that are to be changed. The application should send the CM_SETCNRINFO message, setting the appropriate flags to indicate which fields are to be updated. The container will then copy the information to the internal CNRINFO structure it manages. CM_QUERYCNRINFO can be used to retrieve a CNRINFO structure in use by the container. This message is necessary if your application needed information about the container stored in the structure. For example, to determine the container's current view, use CM_QUERYCNRINFO and check the attributes in the flWindowAttr field.

The Details on Details View

Details view is one of the most popular views, and is the only view that uses the FIELDINFO structure. It can be one of the more complicated views to program to. The details view is a table of rows and columns. Each row is represented by a RECORDCORE or MINIRECORDCORE structure, and each column by a FIELDINFO structure. Many container attributes apply to the entire details view, while others can be set specifically for each column.

Fields from the CNRINFO structure that apply to the entire details view are xVertSplitbar, pFieldInfoLast, and pFieldInfoObject. Respectively, they set the x position of the splitbar, the last column in the left split window, and the column to receive IN-USE (CRA_INUSE) emphasis. Each is optional, depending on the setup of the details view. If your application does not display a splitbar, the xVertSplitbar and pFieldInfoLast fields are not used. The pFieldInfoObject field, if not set specifically, will default to the first column in the left window, or the first column in an unsplit details view. All these fields can be specified individually or as a group with the CM_SETCNRINFO message. Figure 4 shows how to set these fields with a single CM_SETCNRINFO message.

/* Fill in the fields of the CNRINFO structure that we want
 * to update */
CnrInfo.xVertSplitbar    = 100;
CnrInfo.pFieldInfoLast   = pFieldInfoLastLeft;
CnrInfo.pFieldInfoObject = pFieldInfo;

/* Using the proper flags, tell the container to use this
 * new information */
WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_SETCNRINFO, MPFROMP(&CnrInfo),

Figure 4. Updating CNRINFO

Other attributes, the CFA_* attributes, apply only to a specific column in the details view. Some apply only to the titles and others to the data area of the column. Memory for the FIELDINFO structure is allocated with the CM_ALLOCDETAILFIELDINFO message. The flTitle and flData fields of FIELDINFO are used to set specific attributes for each column before they are inserted into the container with CM_INSERTDETAILFIELDINFO. Any attribute can be changed after the FIELDINFOs are inserted by sending the CM_INVALIDATEDETAILFIELDINFO message.

To display column titles in details view, set the CA_DETAILSVIEWTITLES container attribute in the flWindowAttr field of the CNRINFO structure, then send the CM_SETCNRINFO message specifying CMA_FLWINDOWATTR. For example:

 CnrInfo.flWindowAttr = CV_DETAIL |
                        CA_DETAILSVIEWTITLES |
 WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_SETCNRINFO,

When column titles are to be used in details view, specify the type of data to appear in each column title. This is done through the flTitle field of the FIELDINFO structure. Only two types of data, first, icons or bitmaps and second, text strings, are allowed in the details view column titles. When CFA_BITMAPORICON attribute is specified, the container assumes that the pTitleData field points to an icon or bitmap handle, depending on whether the CA_DRAWICON or CA_DRAWBITMAP attribute is specified. If the CFA_BITMAPORICON attribute is not specified, the container will assume that the pTitleData field points to a text string.

Column data can be icons, bitmaps, text strings, dates, times, or numbers. These are specified by setting the flData field of the FIELDINFO structure to CFA_BITMAPORICON, CFA_STRING, CFA_DATE, CFA_TIME, or CFA_ULONG, respectively. When one of these attributes is specified, the container assumes the same type of data is contained at the location specified by the FIELDINFO's offstruct field, as in Figure 5.


 if (pFieldInfo = WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_ALLOCDETAILFIELDINFO,
                              MPFROMSHORT(numColumns), NULL))
   /* First column title will be a string, and the data will be
    * an icon */
   strcpy (pFieldInfo->pTitleData, pszFirstColTitle);
   pFieldInfo->flData = CFA_BITMAPORICON;
   pFieldInfo->offstruct = FIELDOFFSET(MINIRECORDCORE, hptrIcon);
   pFieldInfo = pFieldInfo->pNextFieldInfo;

   /* Second column title will be a string, and the data will be
    * the name */
   strcpy (pFieldInfo->pTitleData, pszSecondColTitle);
   pFieldInfo->flData = CFA_STRING;
   pFieldInfo->offstruct = FIELDOFFSET(MINIRECORDCORE, pszIcon);
   pFieldInfo = pFieldInfo->pNextFieldInfo;

   /* Third column title will be an icon of a calendar, and the data
    * will be the date */
   pFieldInfo->flTitle = CFA_BITMAPORICON;
   pFieldInfo->pTitleData = hptrCalendar;
   pFieldInfo->flData = CFA_DATE;
   pFieldInfo->offstruct = FIELDOFFSET(RECORDOBJECT, Date);

Figure 5. Setting up FIELDINFO

Other options specific to the flData field are:

Draws a horizontal line between the column title and the column data.
Draws a vertical line after a column; the line extends through the title area.
Allows the application to ownerdraw a column.
Makes a column invisible.
Makes a column's data, but not its title, read-only. To make a column title read-only, specify CFA_FITITLEREADONLY in the flTitle field.

Data in a column can be aligned in any of nine different ways using the CFA_TOP, CFA_BOTTOM, and CFA_VCENTER for vertical positioning and CFA_LEFT, CFA_RIGHT, and CFA_CENTER for horizontal positioning. These can be set differently for title and data in one column.

The most important field in the FIELDINFO structure is offstruct, which tells the column at what offset from the beginning of RECORDCORE or MINIRECORDCORE to find its data. All data displayed in details view is contained in or after RECORDCORE or MINIRECORDCORE. If any data is to be contained after, allocate record memory shown in Figure 3. Figure 5 shows how FIELDINFO structures could be set up to display different columns of data with the RECORDOBJECT structure defined earlier. Be sure that if any column contains string data, the corresponding FIELDINFO's offstruct parameter must refer to a PSZ (pointer to a character string), not a character string itself.

Tree View

The tree view is used when the objects of a container are best represented in a hierarchy. The drives folder of OS/2 2.0, where a drives directory structure is displayed, is an example of where a tree view is useful. In all, the container offers three different types of tree views: tree-text, tree-icon, and tree-name.

The layout of the tree view is flexible and can be tailored to an application. The lines that connect child records to their parents can be specified as to their thickness and indentation depth. These values are set with the cxTreeLine and cxTreeIndent fields of the CNRINFO structure, respectively. This example shows how to display longer and thicker lines than those provided by default:

CnrInfo.cxTreeLine =   5;
CnrInfo.cxTreeIndent = 50;
WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_SETCNRINFO, &CnrInfo,

The tree-icon and tree-text views use an icon to display the state (expanded or collapsed) of a parent record. The container provides default expanded and collapsed icons, which can be replaced with the hptrExpanded and hptrCollapsed fields of the CNRINFO structure. As with all icons used by the container, these can be sized. The following code sample makes the expanded and collapsed icons larger than the default size. = 100; = 100;
WinSendMsg (hwndCnr, CM_SETCNRINFO, &CnrInfo,

The tree-name view can be used to preserve screen real estate. In this view, the record's expanded and collapsed icon are two separate icons. The container displays the appropriate icon based on the state of a parent record. In this case, the application should utilize the TREEITEMDESC structure. Because the MINIRECORDCORE structure does not contain a PTREEITEMDESC field, the TREEITEMDESC structure and tree-name view should be used only with the RECORDCORE structure. For all records, the appropriate icons should be loaded in the TREEITEMDESC structures hptrExpanded and hptrCollapsed fields. This code sample loads icons to be displayed in tree-name view for a parent record.

pRecord->pTreeItemDesc = malloc(
pRecord->pTreeItemDesc->hptrExpanded  =
pRecord->pTreeItemDesc->hptrCollapsed =

To insert records in tree-view, the RECORDINSERT structure needs to be set up properly. To insert records at the root level (items with no parents), the pRecordParent field should always be set to NULL. There are two options when inserting child records. If inserting the first or last (CMA_FIRST or CMA_END) child, the pRecordParent field must point to the appropriate parent record. When inserting child records that are not first or last, the pRecordOrder field must point to the previous child record and the pRecordOrder should be set to NULL.

Although the container's tree view is flexible, there are some limitations. Regardless of the selection model (extended, multiple, or single) chosen, the tree view is always single selection. Only the root-level items may be shown in the other container views. To show child records in other views, you could use record sharing to share these records with another container. While we have mentioned icons in this section, the container offers the same flexibility for bitmaps when the CA_DRAWBITMAP attribute is set.

Query Messages and Coordinate Systems

There are a number of query messages provided by the container that allow you to query useful information. CM_QUERYVIEWPORTRECT, CM_QUERYRECORDRECT, and CM_QUERYRECORDFROMRECT are query messages that deal with coordinate systems.

CM_QUERYVIEWPORTRECT deals with the workspace coordinates and container window coordinates while the others work only in window coordinates. The workspace is defined by the extreme positions of the visible records and the workspace coordinate system is stationary. The container window viewport (the viewable section of the container's workspace) contains a subset of the entire workspace that is moved as the container is scrolled. The viewport does not include scroll bars and titles that may be present in the container window. CM_QUERYVIEWPORTRECT can retrieve the viewport's size and position relative to the workspace (CMA_WORKSPACE) or relative to the container window (CMA_WINDOW). If only the size of the viewport is desired, either coordinate system can be used.

CM_QUERYRECORDRECT is used to query a record's position relative to the container window's origin. This value is dependent on the viewport's current location and changes when the container is scrolled. The position of the record in workspace coordinates can be queried with CM_QUERYRECORDINFO. The record's workspace position does not change when the container is scrolled.

It may be useful to determine which records intersect a given rectangle whose coordinates are relative to the container window origin, for example, if you wanted to know which record was under the mouse. With the mouse coordinates expressed as a rectangle, use CM_QUERYRECORDFROMRECT to search for the record under the mouse, if one exists. This code sample can be used in any view to retrieve a record under the mouse:

   QueryRecordFromRect.cb =
   QueryRecordFromRect.rect.xLeft   = MousePt.x;
   QueryRecordFromRect.rect.xRight  = MousePt.x;
   QueryRecordFromRect.rect.yTop    = MousePt.y;
   QueryRecordFromRect.rect.yBottom = MousePt.y;
   QueryRecordFromRect.rect.fsSearch = CMA_PARTIAL |
   pRecord = WinSendMsg (hwndCnr,

You may want to use the CMA_ZORDER flag in the fsSearch field if the container is in a nonautopositioned icon view (one in which the CCS_AUTOPOSITION is not set upon container creation). In this case, records may be positioned on top of one another.

Closing a Container Application

When your application is closed, it is responsible for freeing all memory, such as memory allocated for text strings used in records and columns. All icons and bitmaps loaded should be released.


  • Haggar, Peter; Tai Woo Nam, and Ruth Anne Taylor. "Container Control: Implementing the Workplace Model," IBM Personal Systems Developer (Winter 1992): 48-54.
  • OS/2 2.0 Programmers Guide Volume II, (IBM Doc. S10G-6494)
  • OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager Programming Reference Volume III, (IBM Doc. S10G-6272)
  • SAA CUA Guide to User Interface Design, (IBM Doc. SC34-4289)
  • SAA CUA Advanced Interface Design Reference, (IBM Doc. SC34-4290)