PDRREF:Mandatory and Simulated Graphics Engine Function Reference

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Presentation Device Driver Reference for OS/2
  1. Introduction to OS/2 Presentation Drivers
  2. Design Considerations for All Drivers
  3. Graphics Engine/Presentation Driver Design Changes
  4. Design Considerations for Display Drivers
  5. Design Considerations for Hardcopy Drivers
  6. Display Drivers
  7. Distributed Console Access Facility (DCAF) Architecture
  8. Graphics Engine Hardcopy Drivers
  9. Queue Drivers
  10. Port Drivers
  11. Presentation Manager Function Categories
  12. Exported Driver Function Reference
  13. Mandatory and Simulated Graphics Engine Function Reference
  14. Device Support Function Reference
  15. DBIDI Command Structures and Command Flow


A - OS/2 Version Compatibility Considerations
B - Syntax Conventions
C - Format of the Journal File
D - Bit-Map Simulation for 16-Bit Hardcopy Drivers
E - Data Types
F - Notices


G - Glossary

Reprint Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation

All mandatory and simulated Presentation Manager functions are listed alphabetically in the following table. The two rightmost columns indicate whether a function is required for Hardcopy or Display drivers, or for both. A detailed description of each function follows the table. For ease of recognition, mandatory functions also include at the top of the page an icon of a printer, a display, or both, as appropriate.

Function Type Hard Copy Display
GreAccumulateBounds mandatory x x
GreArc simulated (arc function)
GreAreaSetAttributes simulated (area function)
GreBeginArea simulated (area function)
GreBeginPath simulated (arc function)
GreBitblt mandatory x x
GreBoxBoth simulated (arc function)
GreBoxBoundary simulated (arc function)
GreBoxInterior simulated (area/path function)
GreCharRect mandatory (AVIO function) x
GreCharStr mandatory (AVIO function) x
GreCharStr mandatory x x
GreCharStringPos mandatory x x
GreCloseFigure simulated (arc function)
GreCombineRectRegion simulated (region function)
GreCombineRegion simulated (region function)
GreCombineShortLineRegion simulated (region function)
GreConvert simulated (transform function)
GreConvertWithMatrix simulated (transform function)
GreCopyClipRegion simulated (clip function)
GreCreateLogColorTable mandatory x x
GreCreateRectRegion simulated (region function)
GreDeath mandatory (display devices) device function 3 x
GreDestroyRegion simulated (region function)
GreDeviceAnimatePalette simulated (transform function)
GreDeviceCreateBitmap mandatory x x
GreDeviceCreatePalette simulated (transform function)
GreDeviceDeleteBitmap mandatory x x
GreDeviceDeletePalette simulated (palette manager)
GreDeviceGetAttributes mandatory x x
GreDeviceInvalidateVisRegion mandatory (display devices) device function 2 x
GreDeviceQueryFontAttributes mandatory x x
GreDeviceQueryFonts mandatory x x
GreDeviceResizePalette simulated (palette manager function)
GreDeviceSelectBitmap mandatory x x
GreDeviceSetAttributes mandatory x x
GreDeviceSetAVIOFont mandatory (display devices) AVIO function x
GreDeviceSetCursor mandatory (display devices) bit map function x
GreDeviceSetDCOrigin mandatory x x
GreDeviceSetGlobalAttribute mandatory x x
GreDeviceSetPaletteEntries simulated (palette manager function)
GreDisjointLines mandatory x x
GreDrawBits mandatory x x
GreDrawBorder mandatory x x
GreDrawLinesInPath mandatory x x
GreDrawRLE simulated (line function)
GreEndArea simulated (area function)
GreEndPath simulated (path function)
GreEqualRegion simulated (region function)
GreErasePS mandatory x x
GreEscape DEVESC_ABORTDOC mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_ACQUIREFB mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_BREAK_EXTRA mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_CHAR_EXTRA mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_DBE_FONTMANAGEMENT mandatory (DBCS support)
GreEscape DEVESC_DBE_LAST mandatory (DBCS support)
GreEscape DEVESC_DEACQUIREFB mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_DRAFTMODE mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_ENDDOC mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_EXTGET mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_EXTPUT mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_EXTQUERY mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_FLUSHOUTPUT mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_GETAPERTURE mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_GETCP mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_GETJOBID mandatory (hardcopy devices) ??? x
GreEscape DEVESC_GETSCALINGFACTOR mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_HWREQUEST mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_NEWFRAME mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_NEXTBAND mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_QUERYESCSUPPORT mandatory x x
GreEscape DEVESC_QUERYFB mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_QUERYVIOCELLSIZES mandatory (display devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_RAWDATA mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_REGISTER mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_SETMODE mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_SETUPBLITTERNOTIFY mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_STARTDOC mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_STD_JOURNAL mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreEscape DEVESC_SWITCHBANK mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_VIDEOHIDDEN mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreEscape DEVESC_VRAMALLOC mandatory (software motion video support) x
GreExcludeClipRectangle simulated (clip function)
GreFillPath simulated (path function)
GreFullArcBoth simulated (arc function)
GreFullArcBoundary simulated (arc function)
GreFullArcInterior simulated (arc function)
GreGetArcParameters simulated (arc function)
GreGetBitmapBits mandatory x x
GreGetBoundsData mandatory x x
GreGetClipBox simulated (clip function)
GreGetClipRects simulated (clip function)
GreGetCodePage mandatory x x
GreGetCurrentPosition mandatory x x
GreGetDCOrigin mandatory x x
GreGetGlobalViewingXform simulated (transform function)
GreGetGraphicsField simulated (transform function)
GreGetLineOrigin mandatory x x
GreGetModelXform simulated (transform function)
GreGetPageUnits simulated (transform function)
GreGetPageViewport simulated (transform function)
GreGetPairKerningTable mandatory x x
GreGetPel mandatory x x
GreGetPickWindow mandatory (display devices) misc function x
GreGetRegionBox simulated (region function)
GreGetRegionRects simulated (transform function)
GreGetStyleRatio mandatory (display devices) device function 2 x
GreGetViewingLimits simulated (transform function)
GreGetWindowViewportXform simulated (transform function)
GreImageData mandatory x x
GreIntersectClipRectangle simulated (clip function)
GreLockDevice mandatory x x
GreModifyPath simulated (path function)
GreMultiplyXforms simulated (transform function)
GreNotifyClipChange mandatory x x
GreNotifyTransformChange mandatory x x
GreOffsetClipRegion simulated (clip function)
GreOffsetRegion simulated (region function)
GreOutlinePath simulated (path function)
GrePaintRegion simulated (region function)
GrePartialArc simulated (arc function)
GrePolyFillet simulated (arc function)
GrePolyFilletSharp simulated (arc function)
GrePolygonSet simulated (line function)
GrePolyLine mandatory x x
GrePolyMarker mandatory x x
GrePolyScanline mandatory x x
GrePolyShortLine mandatory x x
GrePolySpline simulated (line function)
GrePtInRegion simulated (region function)
GrePtVisible simulated (clip function)
GreQueryCharPositions mandatory x x
GreQueryClipRegion simulated (clip function)
GreQueryColorData mandatory x x
GreQueryColorIndex mandatory x x
GreQueryDeviceBitmaps mandatory x x
GreQueryDeviceCaps mandatory x x
GreQueryDevResource mandatory x x
GreQueryHardcopyCaps mandatory (hardcopy devices) x
GreQueryHWPaletteInfo simulated (palette manager)
GreQueryLogColorTable mandatory x x
GreQueryNearestColor mandatory x x
GreQueryPaletteRealization simulated (palette manager function)
GreQueryRealColors mandatory x x
GreQueryRGBColor mandatory x x
GreQueryTextBox mandatory x x
GreQueryWidthTable mandatory x x
GreRealizeColorTable mandatory x x
GreRealizeFont mandatory x x
GreRealizePalette simulated
GreRectInRegion simulated (region function)
GreRectVisible simulated (clip function)
GreRegionSelectBitmap simulated (clip function)
GreResetBounds mandatory x x
GreRestorePath simulated (path function)
GreRestoreRegion simulated (clip function)
GreRestoreScreenBits mandatory (display devices) bit map function x
GreRestoreXform simulated (transform function)
GreRestoreXformData simulated (transform function)
GreResurrection mandatory (display devices) device function 3 x
GreSavePath simulated (path function)
GreSaveRegion simulated (clip function)
GreSaveScreenBits mandatory (display devices) bit map function x
GreSaveXform simulated (transform function)
GreSaveXformData simulated (transform function)
GreScrollRect mandatory (display devices) AVIO function x
GreSelectClipPath simulated (path function)
GreSelectClipRegion simulated (clip function)
GreSelectPathRegion simulated (clip function)
GreSetArcParameters simulated (arc function)
GreSetBitmapBits mandatory x x
GreSetCodePage mandatory x x
GreSetColorCursor mandatory (display devices) misc function x
GreSetCurrentPosition mandatory x x
GreSetGlobalViewingXform simulated (transform function)
GreSetGraphicsField simulated (transform function)
GreSetLineOrigin mandatory x x
GreSetModelXform simulated (transform function)
GreSetPageUnits simulated (transform function)
GreSetPageViewport simulated (transform function)
GreSetPel mandatory x x
GreSetPickWindow mandatory (display devices) misc function x
GreSetRectRegion simulated (region function)
GreSetStyleRatio mandatory (display devices) device function 2 x
GreSetupDC simulated (clip function)
GreSetViewingLimits simulated (transform function)
GreSetWindowViewportXform simulated (transform function)
GreSetXformRect simulated (clip function)
GreStrokePath simulated (path function)
GreUnlockDevice mandatory x x
GreUnrealizeColorTable mandatory x x
GreUpdateColors simulated (palette manager function)
GreUpdateCursor mandatory (display devices) AVIO function x
SDBitBlt simulated (device surface function)
SDLine mandatory (device surface function)