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Sets the pointer shape and size to be used as the mouse device driver pointer image for all applications in a session.


#define INCL_MOU
#include <os2.h>

PBYTE        PtrBuffer;     /*  Pointer-shape buffer. */
PPTRSHAPE    PtrDefRec;     /*  Pointer definition record. */
HMOU         DeviceHandle;  /*  Reserved.  Must be 0. */
APIRET       rc;            /*  Return code. */

rc = MouSetPtrShape(PtrBuffer, PtrDefRec, DeviceHandle);


PtrBuffer (PBYTE) - input 
Pointer-shape buffer.
Address of a buffer containing the bit image used as the pointer shape for the session. The buffer consists of AND and XOR pointer masks.

For CGA-compatible text modes (0, 1, 2, and 3) the following describes the AND and XOR pointer mask bit definitions for each character cell of the masks. Bit values are *colon.

15        Blinking
14-12     Background color
11        Instensity
10-8      Foreground color
7-0       Character
PtrDefRec (PPTRSHAPE) - input 
Pointer definition record.
Address of the structure where the application stores the necessary data for the pointer draw device driver to build a row-by-column image for each bit plane for the current display mode.
DeviceHandle (HMOU) - input 
Reserved. Must be 0.

Return Code

rc (APIRET) - returns

MouSetPtrShape returns one of the following values:

  • 0 NO_ERROR

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