Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference

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Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference
  1. Introduction to Graphics Adapter Device Drivers
  2. GRADD Model Components
  3. Video Manager
  4. Graphics Adapter Device Drivers
  5. VIDEOPMI.DLL Exported Functions
  6. VIDEO Protect-Mode Interface
  7. VIDEOCFG.DLL Exported Functions
  8. Appendix A. OS/2 Version Compatibility Considerations
  9. Appendix B. Syntax Conventions
  10. Appendix C. Data Types
  11. Appendix D. Notices
  12. Miscellaneous

Reprint Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation

About This Book

The Graphics Adapter Device Driver (GRADD) Reference supports OS/2 Warp on the Intel hardware platform. The information in this book describes the GRADD driver model, how the related components work together, and why the GRADD model enhances OS/2 Warp device-driver support.

Detailed descriptions of control structures, data structures, and I/O formats have been included to help you understand and use the interfaces.

Developers using this book should be familiar with the C or assembler programming language and the OS/2 operating system.

How This Book is Organized

This book includes the following chapters and supporting appendixes:

Introduction to Graphics Adapter Device Drivers
This chapter briefly describes the design philosophy of the GRADD Model.
GRADD Model Components
This chapter provides details on each of the components and how they work together within the GRADD Model.
Video Manager
This chapter contains a list of the Video Manager Interface functions, as well as a detailed description of each.
Graphics Adapter Device Drivers
This chapter describes the device driver interface (DDI) for a GRADD, how and when to add extensions, and detailed description of each Graphics Hardware Interface function. In addition, this chapter describes the Enhanced Direct Interface Video Extension (EnDIVE) functions.
VIDEOPMI.DLL Exported Functions
This chapter describes the format and syntax used to define the data necessary to set a video mode while in OS/2 Protect Mode. It also includes the APIs.
VIDEO Protect-Mode Interface
This chapter discusses the purpose of the VIDEO Protect-Mode Interface (PMI) used in IBM Operating System/2. It is an extension of the VESA SVPMI standard currently in use by the operating system's base and virtual video subsystems. The PMI provides a means of setting Super VGA video modes while in Protect Mode and of enabling their virtualization in multiple DOS sessions.
Installing Video Configuration Manager for OS/2
This chapter discussed the Video Configuration Manager (VCMAN), the OS/2 operating-system-service module VIDEOCFG.DLL, how video installation and configuration information is stored in a persistent namespace in the Registry; this discussion includes the functions used to install and configure video adapters and monitors.


Appendix A. OS/2 Version Compatibility Considerations
This appendix describes information in terms of version compatibility.
Appendix B. Syntax Conventions
This appendix indicates the conventions that have been used for the parameter names found in the data types.
Appendix C. Data Types
This appendix contains a description of the parameters for all the data types called by the Video Manager Interface, the Graphics Hardware Interface, the Video Configuration Manager, and the Protect-Mode Interface.
Appendix D. Notices
This appendix contains legal notices.
A glossary and an index are included.


Technical support for device driver development is provided by the IBM Driver Development Support Center (DDSC) through a bulletin board system (BBS) known as the "DUDE." You are encouraged to use the DUDE to obtain support by sending in your questions and reviewing the question and answer database which can be downloaded for off-line review.

To access the DUDE, dial 512-838-9717 (using a modem) to register and access the support system. For voice support in the United States, call 512-838-9493.

Additional assistance is available through the IBM Solution Developer Program. For membership information:

US/Canada: 800-627-8363
International: 770-835-9902
International Fax: 770-835-9444

Ordering Information

For an illustration of OS/2 Technical Publications and other related product documents, see the figure labeled "OS/2 Technical Publications". The documents represented in this illustration are available only in English.

In addition to the actual tools and source code available on The IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2, this CD-ROM also includes the following DDK reference books in online format.

  • The Physical Device Driver Reference
  • The Storage Device Driver Reference
  • The Input/Output Device Driver Reference
  • The Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Reference
  • The Virtual Device Driver Reference
  • The Presentation Device Driver Reference
  • The Display Device Driver Reference
  • The Printer Device Driver Reference
  • The MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference (Multimedia)

OS/2 Version Compatibility Considerations

This version of the GRADD Reference was written to support OS/2 Warp on the Intel hardware platform.


OS/2 Developer Connection Device Driver Kit, Version 4 Edition (June 1996)

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The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:

Multimedia Presentation Manager/2
OS/2 Warp 
Personal System/2
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Trademark Owner
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S3 S3 Incorporated
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