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APIRET APIENTRY Dos32Profile ( ULONG func, PID pid, PRFCMD *profcmd, PRFRET *profret ) ; 

Linkage Definition

IMPORTS Dos32Profile = DOSCALLS.377 


ULONG func
Function to perform. See notes.
PID pid
Process ID to be profiled. Zero selects the kernel.
PRFCMD *profcmd
Address of command buffer. See notes.
PRFRET *profret
Address of results buffer. See notes.

Return Codes

  0 NO ERROR - Ok. 
  8 NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Couldn't allocate profile structures. 
87 INVALID_PARAMETER - Some parameter not ok. 
111 BUFFER_OVERFLOW - Not enough size in return buffer. 
115 PROTECTION_VIOLATION - Invalid return buffer data. 
126 MOD_NOT_FOUND - Requested module data not available. 
303 INVALID_PROCID - Parameter 2 is not a valid PID. 
328 SYS_INTERNAL - Profile data structure corrupted. 
543 PRF_NOT_INITIALIZED - Profiling was not initialized. 
544 PRF_ALREADY_INITIALIZED - Profiling is already initialized. 
545 PRF_NOT_STARTED - Cannot stop profiling without start. 
546 PRF_ALREADY_STARTED - Profiling is already started. 
547 PRF_TIMER_OUT_OF_RANGE - Invalid timer frequency. 
548 PRF_TIMER_RESET - Re-initialized with different timer.  


(1) The func parameter can have the following values:

PRF_CM_INIT (0) Initialize. pid and profcmd must be specified. 
PRF_CM_START (1) Start profiling. pid must be specified. 
PRF_CM_STOP (2) Stop profiling. pid must be specified. 
PRF_CM_CLEAR (3) Clear profile counters. pid must be specified. 
PRF_CM_DUMP (4) Read out profile data. pid and profret must be specified. 
PRF_CM_EXIT (5) Exit profiling. Discard profiling structures. 

(2) The profcmd structure is as follows:

struct {
   PRFSLOT *cm_slots ;              /* Virtual address slots */
   USHORT   cm_nslots ;             /* # of VA slots < 256 (!) */
   USHORT   cm_flags ;              /* command */
      #define PRF_PROCESS_MT 0      /* profile proc+threads */
      #define PRF_PROCESS_ST 1      /* profile proc only */
      #define PRF_KERNEL     2      /* profile kernel */
      #define PRF_VADETAIL   0      /* create detailed page counters */
      #define PRF_VAHIT      4      /* create hit table */
      #define PRF_VATOTAL    8      /* create total count for VA only */
      #define PRF_FLGBITS    0x40   /*  has a flgbits structure (?) */
      #define PRF_WRAP       0x80   /* don't use: if hit table full, wrap */
                                    /* there is a bug in kernel, which */
                                    /* prevents this from correct working! */
      /* status bits, don't ever set these (won't work, not masked, bug!) */
      #define PRFS_RUNNING   0x100  /* profiling is active */
      #define PRFS_THRDS     0x200  /* also profiling threads */
      #define PRFS_HITOVFL   0x800  /* overflow in hit buffer */
      #define PRFS_HEADER    0x1000 /* internally used */

   ULONG    cm_bufsz ;              /* reserve # of bytes for buffers */
                                    /* e.g. for hit buffer or detailed */
                                    /* counters */
   USHORT   cm_timval ;             /* timer resolution */
                                    /* if 0, use default == 1000 */
   /* valid if PRF_FLAGBITS set */
   PUCHAR   cm_flgbits ;            /* vector of flag bits (?) */
   UCHAR    cm_nflgs ;              /* # of flag bits >= 2 if present */
} PRFCMD; /* 19 bytes */

typedef struct {
   ULONG sl_vaddr; /* start of VA segment to profile */
   ULONG sl_size;  /* length of VA segment */
   ULONG sl_mode;  /* !=0 use PRF_VA* flags, */
                   /* =0, simple count */

(3) The profret structure is as follows:

typedef struct {
   UCHAR us_cmd ;                /* command */
      #define PRF_RET_GLOBAL   0 /* return global data */
                                 /* set us_thrdno for specific thread */
                                 /* us_buf = struct PRFRET0 */
      #define PRF_RET_VASLOTS  1 /* return VA slot data (PRFRET1) */
      #define PRF_RET_VAHITS   2 /* return hit table (PRFRET2) */
      #define PRF_RET_VADETAIL 3 /* return detailed counters (PRFRET3) */
                                 /* specify us_vaddr */
   USHORT us_thrdno ;            /* thread requested for cmd=0 */
   ULONG us_vaddr ;              /* VA for cmd=3*/
   ULONG us_bufsz ;              /* length of return buffer */
   VOID *us_buf ;                /* return buffer */
} PRFRET ; /* 15 bytes */

typedef struct {
   USHORT r0_flags ;             /* profile flags */
                                 /* see PRF_* defines */
   USHORT r0_shift ;             /* shift factor */
                                 /* 2^N = length of a segment for */
                                 /* detailed counters */
   ULONG  r0_idle ;              /* count if process is idle */
   ULONG  r0_vm86 ;              /* count if process is in VM mode */
   ULONG  r0_kernel ;            /* count if process is in kernel */
   ULONG  r0_shrmem ;            /* count if process is in shr mem */
   ULONG  r0_unknown ;           /* count if process is elsewhere */
   ULONG  r0_nhitbufs ;          /* # of dwords in hitbufs */
   ULONG  r0_hitbufcnt ;         /* # of entries in hit table */
   ULONG  r0_reserved1 ;         /* internally used */
   ULONG  r0_reserved2 ;         /* internally used */
   USHORT r0_timval ;            /* timer resolution */
   UCHAR  r0_errcnt ;            /* error count */
   USHORT r0_nstruc1 ;           /* # of add structures 1 (?) */
   USHORT r0_nstruc2 ;           /* # of add structures 2 (?) */

typedef struct {
   UCHAR r1_nslots ;             /* # of slots (bug: prevents */
                                 /* correct # if #slots >255) */
   PRFVA r1_slots[1] ;           /* slots */

typedef struct {
   ULONG r2_nhits ;              /* # of entries in table */
   ULONG r2_hits[1] ;            /* hit table */

typedef struct {
   ULONG r3_size ;               /* size of segment */
   ULONG r3_ncnts ;              /* # of entries in table */
   ULONG r3_cnts[1] ;            /* counters */

typedef struct {
   ULONG va_vaddr ;              /* virtual address of segment */
   ULONG va_size ;               /* length of segment */
   ULONG va_flags ;              /* == 8, va_cnt is valid */
   ULONG va_reserved ;           /* internally used */
   ULONG va_cnt ;                /* profile count */

(4) Profiling is based on VA (virtual address) segments. The profiler can operate in the following modes:

  • Simple counting: will increment a counter if a VA range is found.
  • Hit tracing: will store the detailed VA in the hit buffer if an address is found in a range to be profiled. If the buffer is full with VAs, this type of logging stops, since the wrap function has a bug.
  • Detailed counting: first all segments are added. Assuming cm_bufsz/4 ULONGs are available, calculate the finest page granularity that will use most space of the counter buffer. Allocate sufficient counters for each VA range. If a page is hit, increment the corresponding counter.

(5) All structures are byte aligned and packed.

(6) Several bugs in the logic seem to prevent certain functions.

(7) Apparently only one process may be profiled at a time, due to a difficulty of sharing the global internal _pmb structure.

(8) The flgbits structure seems to be a strange kind of clock divider: if there are flgbits, the profiling routine is only called from the profile interrupt, if the one of the bytes decrements to 0, e.g. flgbits[] = { 5,6,7,8 } profiling data will be accumulated after tick 8, 15, 21, 26, 34, 41, 47, 52,... I have no idea why this is available.