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DosCancelLockRequestL cancels an outstanding DosSetFileLocksL request.


#include  os2.h 

    APIRET DosCancelLockRequestL (HFILE hFile, PFILELOCKL pflLock)


hFile HFILE) input 
File handle used in the DosSetFileLocksL function that is to be cancelled.
pflLockL PFILELOCKL) input 
Address of the structure describing the lock request to cancel.

Return Code

ulrc APIRET) returns

DosCancelLockRequestL returns one of the following values

  • 0 NO_ERROR


DosCancelLockRequestL allows a process to cancel the lock range request of an outstanding DosSetFileLocksL function.

If two threads in a process are waiting on a lock file range, and another thread issues DosCancelLockRequestL for that lock file range, then both waiting threads are released.

Not all file-system drivers (FSDs) can cancel an outstanding lock request.

Local Area Network (LAN) servers cannot cancel an outstanding lock request if they use a version of the operating system prior to OS/2 Version 2.00.

Example Code

This example opens a file named CANLOCK.DAT , locks a block of the data, writes some data to it, and then cancels the lock request.

#define INCL_DOSFILEMGR       /* File Manager values */#define INCL_DOSERRORS        /* DOS Error values    */
#include  os2.h 
#include  stdio.h 
#include  string.h 

int main(VOID)  

HFILE     FileHandle   = NULLHANDLE;  /* File handle */
ULONG     Action       = 0,           /* Action taken by DosOpenL */
Wrote        = 0;           /* Number of bytes written by DosWrite */
CHAR      FileData 40  = "Forty bytes of demonstration text data\r\n";
APIRET    rc           = NO_ERROR;    /* Return code */

FILELOCKL  LockArea     =  0 ,         /* Area of file to lock */
UnlockArea   =  0 ;         /* Area of file to unlock */

rc = DosOpenL("canlock.dat",                 /* File to open */
 FileHandle,                   /* File handle */
 Action,                       /* Action taken */
256,                           /* File primary allocation */
FILE_ARCHIVED,                 /* File attributes */
FILE_OPEN | FILE_CREATE,       /* Open function type */
0L);                           /* No extended attributes */
if (rc != NO_ERROR)                         /* If open failed */
printf("DosOpenL error  return code = %u\n", rc);
return 1;  

LockArea.lOffset = 0;               /* Start locking at beginning of file */
LockArea.lRange =  40;              /* Use a lock range of 40 bytes       */
UnLockArea.lOffset = 0;             /* Start unlocking at beginning of file */
UnLockArea.lRange =  0;             /* Use a unlock range of 0 bytes       */

rc = DosSetFileLocksL(FileHandle,        /* File handle   */
 UnlockArea,       /* No unlock area */
 LockArea,         /* Lock current record */
2000L,             /* Lock time-out value of 2 seconds */
0L);               /* Exclusive lock, not atomic */
if (rc != NO_ERROR)  
printf("DosSetFileLocks error  return code = %u\n", rc);
return 1;

rc = DosWrite(FileHandle, FileData, sizeof(FileData),  Wrote);
if (rc != NO_ERROR)  
printf("DosWrite error  return code = %u\n", rc);
return 1;
/* Should check if (rc != NO_ERROR) here... */

LockArea.lOffset = 0;               /* Start locking at beginning of file */
LockArea.lRange =  0;               /* Use a lock range of 40 bytes       */
UnLockArea.lOffset = 0;             /* Start locking at beginning of file */
UnLockArea.lRange = 40;             /* Use a lock range of 40 bytes       */

rc = DosSetFileLocksL(FileHandle,        /* File handle   */
 UnlockArea,       /* Unlock area */
 LockArea,         /* No Lock */
2000L,             /* Lock time-out value of 2 seconds */
0L);               /* Exclusive lock, not atomic */
if (rc != NO_ERROR)  
printf("DosSetFileLocksL error  return code = %u\n", rc);
return 1;
 rc = DosClose(FileHandle);
/* Should check if (rc != NO_ERROR) here... */

return NO_ERROR;
 rc = DosClose(FileHandle);
/* Should check if (rc != NO_ERROR) here... */

return NO_ERROR;

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