DDDR/2 - VIDEOCFG.DLL Exported Functions

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Display Device Driver Reference
  1. 16-Bit VGA Display Driver
  2. 8514/A Display Driver
  3. 32-Bit VGA Display Driver
  4. 32-Bit Super VGA Display Driver
  5. SVGA Base Video Subsystem
  6. Physical Video Device Drivers
  7. Virtual Video Device Drivers
  8. Seamless Windows Support
  9. PM Palette Management Support
  10. Distributed Console Access Facility (DCAF)
  11. DBCS Video Driver Support
  12. Installing and Configuring Display Device Drivers
  13. Graphics Test Suites
  14. Display Test Tool
  15. VIDEOCFG.DLL Exported Functions
  16. VIDEOPMI.DLL Exported Functions
  17. VIDEO Protect-Mode Interface
  1. Data Types
  2. S3 Display Driver

Reprint Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation

The VIDEOCFG.DLL shared library represents the video configuration module in OS/2. Resolution, monitor, and refresh configuration methods are standardized, meaning that IBM- and vendor-shipped drivers for different video devices have the same user interface for the video configuration. The configuration of the resolution is handled by Page 1 of the System Icon notebook. The monitor configuration is handled by Page 2 of the System icon notebook. Page 2 is offered whenever the PMI subsystem contains timing information in its mode table and the attached monitor does not support the VESA DDC standard. For DDC monitors, Page 2 is not offered, because the DDC standard provides a software interface for retrieving monitor specifications and no user interaction is required.

Resolution listbox entries are based on the mode table supported by the display driver, as retrieved via the DspQueryDisplayResolutions API. Refresh listbox on Page 1 is offered for each display driver supported mode that has timing information (VerticalRefresh other than 0xFFFF) in the PMI subsystem mode table.

User configuration is recorded at closing of the System object in VIDEO.CFG, a private profiling file. This is a flat file with syntax similar to that of the PMI. The very first VIDEO.CFG is created by the SVGA.EXE utility ( both the IBM-shipped version and the SVGAOEM.EXE provided in the DDK for vendor modification) and reflects the detected monitor configuration at install time. The only generic monitor detection built into the utility is that of the VESA DDC standard. For adapter-specific current monitor configuration, the utility has to be modified to "read" the current settings. An alternative approach is to choose and hard code some standard settings as the default monitor configuration. All of the legacy monitors, as well as the original default settings, are stored in the monitor database. The monitor database is composed of MONITOR.DIF and the optional PRIVATE.DIF. The PRIVATE.DIF can be created by vendors performing RIPL install who prefer to leave MONITOR.DIF as a read-only file. .DIF files are flat files with PMI-like syntax and can be edited to correct or add new legacy monitor entries.

VIDEOCFG.DLL also supports a generic display driver configuration, which allows display drivers to declare one or more settings, the type of each setting, possible values, as well as current value of each setting. When the display driver does have a need to handle some user interface, this feature is the preferred method to any custom configuration. The reason it is preferred is that, in the future, with dynamic resolution change and adapter change, the configuration manager will be able to save and restore all of the display driver custom settings. Note that VIDEOCFG does not attempt to understand the nature of each setting, nor is it performing any profiling of the setting changes.

When the feature is exported by the display driver via a DevEscape (see Generic Video Configuration Interface), VIDEOCFG provides a "Capabilities" button on Page 1 that opens a notebook with one page dedicated to each declared setting. Help for each setting, if desired, has to be exported by the display driver via a resource module and a resource ID for the help. As the user makes changes to the settings, the display driver is notified at the time the System Icon changes and is responsible for recording ( profiling) the new value. Each time the pages of the settings are opened, VIDEOCFG will query the display driver for the current value of each exported setting.

Current monitor and mode configuration can be queried and changed via the VIDEOCFG's exported APIs, all of which are listed here and prototyped in h\svgadefs.h.

Installing Video Configuration Manager for OS/2

There are different files required for installing the Video Configuration Manager, depending on the version of OS/2 you are using.

Files Required for OS/2 Warp, Version 3 and Above

Your installation must identify the OS/2 version and copy the following files for OS/2 Warp, Version 3 and above:


Files Required for OS/2 V2.1 and 2.11

Your installation must identify the OS/2 version and copy the following files for OS/2 V2.1 and V2.11:


After copying the files, you must run VCFGINST.EXE.

Exported Functions

The following API services are exported by VIDEOCFG.DLL:


The format and syntax of each of the above functions is shown on the following pages.


AddMonitorData adds a monitor definition to the VIDEOCFG.DLL monitor definitions database. The monitor definition is also written to the MONITOR .DIF file.

#include <svgadefs.h>

MONITORINFO    *pNewMonitorInfo;  /* Pointer to the MONITORINFO data structure. */
ULONG          rc;                /* Return codes. */

rc = AddMonitorData(*pNewMonitorInfo);
*pNewMonitorInfo (MONITORINFO) - input Pointer to the MONITORINFO data structure.
This parameter points to the MONITORINFO data structure that specifies the new monitor definition to add to the database.
rc (ULONG) - returns Return codes.
0 Function is successful
Nonzero Returns one of the following errors:


GetAllMonitors retrieves all monitor definitions. These monitor definitions are defined in the MONITOR.DIF file.

#include <svgadefs.h>

MONITORINFO    *pMonitors;     /* Pointer to the array of MONITORINFO data structures. */
PULONG         pulBufferSize;  /* Specifies the size of the pMonitors buffer, in bytes. */
ULONG          rc;             /* Return codes. */

rc = GetAllMonitors(*pMonitors, pulBufferSize);
*pMonitors (MONITORINFO) - output Pointer to the array of MONITORINFO data structures.
This parameter points to the array of MONITORINFO data structures that receive all the monitor definitions in the MONITOR.DIF file.
pulBufferSize (PULONG) - output Specifies the size of the pMonitors buffer, in bytes.
If the buffer size is too small to contain all monitor definitions, the ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY error is returned. The variable is then given the size of the buffer required in order to contain all monitor definitions.
rc (ULONG) - returns Return codes.
0 Function is successful
Nonzero Returns one of the following errors:


GetCurrentCFG gets the current video configuration stored in the Registry.

#include <svgadefs.h>

ADAPTERINFO    *pAdapter;  /* Pointer to the ADAPTERINFO data structure. */
MONITORINFO    *pMonitor;  /* Pointer to the MONITORINFO data structure. */
ULONG          rc;         /* Return codes. */

rc = GetCurrentCFG(*pAdapter, *pMonitor);
*pAdapter (ADAPTERINFO) - output Pointer to the ADAPTERINFO data structure.
This parameter points to the data structure receiving the current video adapter information.
*pMonitor (MONITORINFO) - output Pointer to the MONITORINFO data structure.
This parameter points to the data structure receiving the current video monitor information.
rc (ULONG) - returns Return codes.
0 Function is successful
Nonzero Returns one of the following errors:


GetCurrentDesktopMode retrieves the current desktop mode information stored in the Registry. The desktop mode information includes X and Y resolutions, bits per pixel, vertical and horizontal refresh rates, vertical and horizontal polarity positives, and screen top, bottom, left, and right.

#include <svgadefs.h>

VIDEO_ADAPTER    *pVideoAdapter;  /* Pointer to the VIDEO_ADAPTER data structure. */
ULONG            rc;              /* Return codes. */

rc = GetCurrentDesktopMode(*pVideoAdapter);
*pVideoAdapter (VIDEO_ADAPTER) - output Pointer to the VIDEO_ADAPTER data structure.
This parameter points to the data structure receiving the desktop mode information.
rc(ULONG) - returns Return codes.
TRUE Function is successful
FALSE Function is unsuccessful.


QueryNumMonitors queries the number of monitor definitions available.

#include <svgadefs.h>

PULONG    pulNumMonitors;  /* Pointer to variable receiving the number of monitor definitions. */
ULONG     rc;              /* Return codes. */

rc = QueryNumMonitors(pulNumMonitors);
pulNumMonitors (PULONG) - output Pointer to variable receiving the number of monitor definitions.
rc(ULONG) - returns Return codes.
0 Function is successful
Nonzero Returns the following error:


SetCurrentCFG sets the current video configuration in the Registry.

#include <svgadefs.h>

ADAPTERINFO    *pAdapter;  /* Pointer to the ADAPTERINFO data structure. */
MONITORINFO    *pMonitor;  /* Pointer to the MONITORINFO data structure. */
ULONG          rc;         /* Return codes. */

rc = SetCurrentCFG(*pAdapter, *pMonitor);
*pAdapter (ADAPTERINFO) - input Pointer to the ADAPTERINFO data structure.
This parameter points to the data structure that specifies the current adapter configuration to be set in the Registry.
*pMonitor (MONITORINFO) - input Pointer to the MONITORINFO data structure.
This parameter points to the data structure that specifies the current monitor configuration to be set in the Registry.
rc(ULONG) - returns Return codes.
0 Function is successful
Nonzero Returns one of the following errors:

Generic Video Configuration Interface

The Video Configuration Manager supports a generic video configuration interface that allows any display driver to interface with the user via notebook settings in the System icon. The driver needs to export DevEscape calls that identify the capability. The driver also needs to provide DevEscape calls that allow the VIDEOCFG to query the current value and notify the driver when the user sets the value. The DevEscape functions are invoked as Ring3. The method of recording the current setting, as well as default values, is at the driver's discretion.


Simulation support:

This function is optional for display drivers and has no simulation support .

GreEscape DEVESC_QUERYDRIVERCAPS returns the capabilities descriptions. The values for each capability are not yet allocated and are queried later. The #define DEVESC_QUERYDRIVERCAPS (4010L) is defined in SVGADEFS.H.

#include <svgadefs.h>

HDC      hdc;         /* A handle to the device context. */
LONG     lInCount;    /* Not used. */
PBYTE    pbInData;    /* Not used. */
PLONG    plOutCount;  /* The number of bytes of data pointed to by pbOutData. */
PBYTE    pbOutData;   /* The address of a buffer that will contain a ULONG variable
                         specifying the number of capabilities. */
LONG     rc;          /* Return Code. */

rc = GreEscape(hdc, lCode, lInCount, pbInData, plOutCount, pbOutData);
hdc (HDC) - input A handle to the device context.
lInCount (LONG) - input Not used.
pbInData (PBYTE) - input Not used.
plOutCount (PLONG) - output The number of bytes of data pointed to by pbOutData.
On return, this is updated to the number of bytes returned.
pbOutData (PBYTE) - output The address of a buffer that will contain a ULONG variable specifying the number of capabilities.
On return, this buffer contains a ULONG variable that specifies the number of capabilities that the driver supports, immediately followed by an array of DRIVERCAPS structures.
Note: This allows a driver to export multiple capabilities (each, in turn, gets its own page in the System icon).
rc (LONG) - returns Return Code.
Returns NO_ERROR.


Simulation support:

This function is optional for display drivers and has no simulation support .

GreEscape DEVESC_QUERYDRIVERCAPSLIST fills the pValueList, pCurrentValue,and pDefaultValue in the DRIVERCAPS data structure. The members must be 0 padded up to the ulValueMemberSize in the pValueList.

There are three kind of data types that we are supporting at the present time-boolean, aggregate of int values, and aggregate of strings. These data types are defined as follows:

#define  CAPSTYPE_BOOLEAN          1L

#include <svgadefs.h>

HDC      hdc;         /* A handle to the device context. */
LONG     lInCount;    /* Number of bytes pointed to by pbInData. */
PBYTE    pbInData;    /* Pointer to a DRIVERCAPS data structure. */
PLONG    plOutCount;  /* Not used. */
PBYTE    pbOutData;   /* Not used. */
LONG     rc;          /* Return Code. */

rc = GreEscape(hdc, lCode, lInCount, pbInData, plOutCount, pbOutData);
hdc (HDC) - input A handle to the device context.
lInCount (LONG) - input Number of bytes pointed to by pbInData.
pbInData (PBYTE) - input Pointer to a DRIVERCAPS data structure.
The DRIVERCAPS da ta structure specifies the driver capability to query. Storage is already allocated for pValueList, pCurrentValue,and pDefaultValue.
When ulCapsType = CAPSTYPE_BOOLEAN, the driver does not have to fill pValueList.
plOutCount (PLONG) - output Not used.
pbOutData (PBYTE) - output Not used.
rc (LONG) - returns Return Code.
Returns NO_ERROR.


Simulation support:

This function is optional for display drivers and has no simulation support.

GreEscape DEVESC_SETDRIVERCAPSVALUE will set the value that user has selected. The new value is specified in pCurrentValue.

When the Video Configuration Manager presents the interface to the user, each capability is presented in a separate window page of the capabilities notebook in System Object. The window layout depends on the capability type -Boolean type is represented by a check box and aggregate type is represented by a listbox. The capability description appears as the title for that control.

If the driver is going to support these capabilities in multiple languages, it must get the capability description (szCapsDesc) and capability aggregate strings, if applicable, from a resource module that contains already- translated strings.

#include <svgadefs.h>

HDC      hdc;         /* A handle to the device context. */
LONG     lInCount;    /* Number of bytes pointed to by pbInData. */
PBYTE    pbInData;    /* Pointer to a DRIVERCAPS data structure. */
PLONG    plOutCount;  /* Not used. */
PBYTE    pbOutData;   /* Not used. */
LONG     rc;          /* Return Code. */

rc = GreEscape(hdc, lCode, lInCount, pbInData, plOutCount, pbOutData);
hdc (HDC) - input A handle to the device context.
lInCount (LONG) - input Number of bytes pointed to by pbInData.
pbInData (PBYTE) - input Pointer to a DRIVERCAPS data structure.
The DRIVERCAPS data structure specifies the driver capability to set.
plOutCount (PLONG) - output Not used.
pbOutData (PBYTE) - output Not used.
rc (LONG) - returns Return Code.
Returns NO_ERROR.

How to Write to Windows Profiling Files in OS/2

Some display drivers must perform windows profiling (updates to SYSTEM.INI or WIN.INI file). The following sample source file can be included in display driver source and executed at ring 3 only.

     typedef WPF1 *PWPF1;
     typedef WPF2 *PWPF2;
     typedef WPF3 *PWPF3;
     BOOL UpdateWindowsIniFiles(VOID)
       BOOL    result = TRUE;
       BOOL    res1;
       ULONG   hWpf;
       CHAR    szUpdateString[256];
       PWPF1   pWpfOpenProfileList;
       PWPF2   pWpfCloseProfileList;
       PWPF3   pWpfWriteProfileListLine;
       HMODULE hMod;
       if (DosLoadModule(NULL, 0, "WINPRF", &hMod) ||
           DosQueryProcAddr(hMod, 0, "WPFOPENPROFILELIST", (PFN *)&pWpfOpenProfileList) ||
           DosQueryProcAddr(hMod, 0, "WPFCLOSEPROFILELIST", (PFN *)&pWpfCloseProfileList) ||
           DosQueryProcAddr(hMod, 0, "WPFWRITEPROFILELISTLINE", (PFN *)&pWpfWriteProfileListLine))
          return FALSE;

       // Open the profile handler.
       if (hWpf = (*pWpfOpenProfileList)())
       ** szUpdateString has the following format
       ** <profile name>  <section>  <keyword>  [value]
       ** ex.   "system.ini boot sdisplay.drv wd3116sl.drv"  will insert the line
       **    sdisplay.drv=wd3116sl.drv in the boot section of system.ini
       ** if [value] is omitted, the <keyword> is deleted from the section
          if (!(*pWpfWriteProfileListLine)(hWpf, szUpdateString))
             result = FALSE;          // Win Ini update failed!

          res1 = (*pWpfCloseProfileList)(hWpf, result); // Close or abort the updates
          result &= res1;
          result = FALSE;

       return result;

Most Frequently Asked Video Configuration Questions and Answers

How does the user configure monitor, resolution, and refresh in OS/2? 
The user interface for video configuration is located in the System object member of the System Setup folder, which can be brought up by clicking the right mouse button on the desktop area.
Why use the System Icon monitor configuration vs. custom configuration? 
System Icon provides a large pool of legacy monitors and a consistent device-independent resolution/refresh/monitor configuration. The OS/2 Warp, Version 3.0 System Icon configuration support can be installed on OS/2 2.1 and will be supported on future versions of OS/2. The System Icon's initial configuration reflects the configuration that was performed by the BIOS.
What other video configuration features are supported by the System Icon? 
VIDEOCFG, the binary module that owns the System's video pages, also has a generic capability interface. This generic interface allows for expansion of configuration if a vendor needs additional pages, such as a page for font selection, orientation selection, or any other discrete value configuration.
What is needed to get the System Icon to display the monitor list? 
The mode table exported by the PMI subsystem has to have at least one graphics mode with a [MonitorModeInfo] section. The presence of this graphics mode indicates that the base video system can take into account monitor capabilities.
What is needed to get the System Icon to display the Monitor size button? 
The PMI subsystem mode table has to have at least one mode with startup values for ScreenLeftEdge, ScreenRightEdge and so forth. The support for monitor sizing is disabled in the DDK version of the VIDEOCFG, but a refresh of the VIDEOCFG is available on request.
How are monitor capabilities described in OS/2? 
OS/2 has a pre-built database of about 300 monitors. The list is ordered alphabetically by monitor manufacturer name. Each monitor is described in terms of the resolutions it supports and the maximum refresh value for each resolution. The syntax does not allow for optimum or multiple timing choices. The database is a flat file, MONITOR.DIF, that can be modified. VIDEOCFG.DLL exports APIs that allow for monitor database queries and expansion.
Where is the current configuration stored? 
Current monitor configuration capabilities, as well as the current refresh for each mode and screen sizing information, are stored in a flat file, VIDEO.CFG, whose syntax is very similar to PMI. The content can be queried or changed by calling VIDEOCFG.DLL's configuration APIs.
Where does the default monitor come from? 
SVGA.EXE (SVGAOEM.EXE) formats the very first VIDEO.CFG that communicates to the configurator the current refresh configuration, as left by the BIOS. We have assembled per-adapter information that lets us understand how each vendor records its refresh configuration. These values are formatted into the VIDEO.CFG. If SVGA.EXE does not format the file, the very first monitor from the MONITOR.DIF database is chosen. Otherwise, the original (default) VIDEO.CFG monitor capabilities are added to the MONITOR.DIF so that the customer can go back to the BIOS-configured monitor capabilities.
Is there DDC support? 
SVGA.EXE (and SVGAOEM.EXE) and the configuration do support the DDC1 standard. SVGA.EXE formats the VIDEO.CFG with the DDC1- queried capabilities and marks the monitor as DDC. This automatically excludes any monitor from the database. As a result, the customer is not offered monitor selection page, but does have refresh choices per mode on Page 1. In order to change from a DDC monitor to a non-DDC monitor, the customer has to do one of the following:
Change the current VIDEO.CFG's monitor name from the "DDC" keyword to anything else
Issue a SetCurrentCFG API into the VIDEOCFG.DLL and specify a name other than DDC for the current monitor's name
Remove VIDEO.CFG will also enable the monitor selection.
Where do the refresh values in the refresh listbox on Page 1 come from? 
The resolutions offered represent the resolutions returned by the display driver that are also available from the PMI subsystem. The match is done on horizontal and vertical resolution and color depth (NOT pixel depth).
If at least one of the resolutions in this group has a [MonitorModeInfo] section, the refresh box will be offered. The content of the refresh box is tied into the currently selected resolution. The refresh values are those found in the VIDEOPMI's mode query list that are within the range of the currently selected monitor. The highlight (default) is on the highest value in the listbox (unless overridden by the customer). Changing the selected monitor affects the range and elicits immediate change if the range has been diminished. If the range is increased, the configured refresh remains the same and has to be increased by the customer, if so desired.
What does "DEFAULT" entry in the refresh listbox mean? 
If the very first VIDEO.CFG has 0xFF for the resolutions vertical refresh, the entry "DEFAULT" will be highlighted in the refresh box. The actual set mode will also pass the 0xFF in the mode structure, so that the selection of the refresh is entirely up to the PMI subsystem (PMI file or imported binary that handles the setmode function). The "DEFAULT" can be used in places where the startup configuration of an adapter is not known at first, but the base video subsystem has ways of setting appropriate (non-harmful) refresh values. If the SVGADATA.PMI contains [MonitorModeInfo] sections with refresh entries other than 0xFF, the refresh listbox will also contain those, but the customer has to override the default highlight. As soon as an actual (non-DDC) monitor is chosen, the DEFAULT will no longer be a valid option in the refresh listbox. Going back to the original monitor " DEFAULT" would put the "DEFAULT" refresh entry into the listbox.
How could a vendor be noncommittal about the refresh values it supports? 
The vendor could provide a single [MonitorModeInfo] section that represent its highest refresh capability. This information will be filtered against the monitor's capabilities (the monitor's range is always the highest refresh entry), which effectively notifies the customer that only one (highest capability of the monitor) refresh can be offered. The vendor could specify its [MonitorModeInfo] entry to be so high that no monitor is discriminated against. However, we strongly recommend that the monitor's refresh value passed into the setmode be respected and set as close as possible. There is the potential for some legal problems if the values requested are not within a margin. Regulations, such as ISO 9000 specifications, are established and enforced by countries where our product is sold, not by IBM.
Could the OS/2 configuration serve to configure BIOS/WIN-OS2? 
If the setmode function servicing the requested refresh also sets configuration registers used by the BIOS / WIN-OS2 driver before or after it changes the clock registers, this will affect non-OS2 mode sets as well. It is not recommended that non-OS2 applications read the VIDEO.CFG, as its format is open to change. The GetCurrentCFG and GetCurrentDesktopMode APIs are exported by the VIDEOCFG.DLL for OS/2 applications so that the current monitor capabilities and current resolution/refresh/monitor sizing values can be read.
How can new monitors be added to the list? 
A new monitor can be added by using the AddMonitorData API exported by the VIDEOCFG or by manually editing the MONITOR.DIF file. A PRIVATE.DIF file with new monitor entries will accomplish the same thing while keeping MONITOR.DIF as read-only.
Are customers configuring their monitors or the refresh in OS/2? 
The answer is both, if the vendor's PMI file has more than one [MonitorModeInfo] section per mode. In other words, after selecting the monitor, the customer still has multiple refresh choices if the PMI file had multiple refresh entries for the current mode below the monitor's end-of-range. Some vendors have utilities that are geared towards monitor configuration (a somewhat limited monitor list is usually the problem) and some are geared towards the refresh value setting (most users have a hard time understanding what the refresh means). We have a two-pronged configuration which, in the absence of DDC, lets the user choose a monitor as a way of limiting the highest refresh, and still select one of the more standard timings for a given resolution.
How can the System Icon refresh support be installed on OS/2 2.1? 
In order to install VIDEOCFG on OS/2 2.x, the VCFGINST.EXE utility provided in the video\bin directory should be executed first. This utility installs WPVIDSYS.DLL, which subclassed WPSYSTEM class to VIDEOCFG.DLL. Both WPVIDSYS.DLL and VIDEOCFG.DLL should be copied into the LIBPATH and will become active upon a reboot following the VCFGINST.EXE. There used to be a version of VIDEOCFG for OS/2 2.x called VIDEOCFG.206. This version is now consolidated into VIDEOCFG.DLL, so a single library can be installed on both versions of the operating system.

You can also download S3_864.ZIP. This package supports S3 864/964 and 764 and showcases the installation on OS/2 2.x. The 764 driver also uses VIDEOPMI's software interrupt services.