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(Category 80h CD-ROM Drive and Disc IOCtl Commands)
(Category 80h High-Resolution Timer IOCtl Commands)
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==Category 80h High-Resolution Timer IOCtl Commands==
==Category 80h High-Resolution Timer IOCtl Commands==
The following IOCtls are defined and supported by the TIMER0$ device driver by way of the DosDevIOCtl call. The IOCtl category code is 80h (defined as HRT_IOCTL_CATEGORY).
    HRT_QUERY_VERSION (00h) - Query Version
The function codes within the HRT_IOCTL_CATEGORY are:
    HRT_GET_RESOLUTION (01h) - Get Resolution
    HRT_SET_RESOLUTION (02h) - Set Resolution
    HRT_GET_POINTER (03h) - Get Pointer
│Function  │Description                                      │
    HRT_FREE_POINTER (04h) - Free Pointer
    HRT_BLOCKUNTIL (05h) - Block Until Time Elapses
│00h      │Get Version                                      │ HRT_QUERY_VERSION (00h)
│01h      │Get Resolution                                    │ HRT_GET_RESOLUTION (01h)
│02h      │Set Resolution                                   │ HRT_SET_RESOLUTION (02h)
│03h      │Get Pointer to Clock Timer                        │ HRT_GET_POINTER (03h)
│04h      │Free Pointer to Clock Timer                      │ HRT_FREE_POINTER (04h)
│05h      │Block Until Time Elapses                          │ HRT_BLOCKUNTIL (05h)
│06h-7Fh  │Reserved                                          │
An example of the DosDevIOCtl calling convention for reading the current time follows:
  #include "tmr0_ioc.h"
  APIRET rc          = NO_ERROR;
  HFILE  hfile        = NULLHANDLE;
  ULONG  ulAction    = 0L;
  ULONG  ulResolution = 1;
  ULONG  ulSize1      = sizeof(ulResolution);
  ULONG  * _Seg16 pulTimer16;            // defines a 16:16 pointer
  ULONG  ulSize2      = sizeof(pulTimer16);
  ULONG  *pulTimer;
  rc=DosOpen( "TIMER0$ ",
  if (rc) {
      printf("Couldn't open TIMER0$.\n");
  printf("TIMER0$ opened. File Handle is %lu\n",hfile);
  rc=DosDevIOCtl( hfile,
  if (rc) {
      printf("Couldn't set resolution.\n");
  rc=DosDevIOCtl( hfile,
  if (rc) {
      printf("Couldn't get pointer.\n");
  pulTimer = pulTimer16;    // converts a 16:16 pointer to a 0:32 pointer
  if (!pulTimer) {
      printf("NULL pointer.\n");
  // At this point, pulTimer is now a pointer to the timer 0 counter variable.
The DosOpen of TIMER0$ registers the application as a client. At this point, the high-resolution timer (HRT) is taking interrupts, so only open the driver when timer services are needed. The pointer is valid for the life of the process, and each call to HRT_GET_POINTER allocates another selector, so this call should only be made once.
While the HRT is taking interrupts, DOS sessions (VDMs) will not receive INT 8 or INT 1Ch calls. The reason for this is that OS/2 only allows one device driver to receive interrupts on a given IRQ, and VTIMER.SYS (the VDD that provides INT 8 and INT 1Ch services to VDM's) expects CLOCK0x.SYS to deliver IRQ 0 interrupts. When the HRT is active, it receives the IRQ 0 interrupts instead of CLOCK0x.SYS, and thus VTIMER.SYS never gets them either.
Note: Performance tools, such as C Set's DDE4XTRA.SYS and VisualAge's CPPOPA3.SYS, are incompatible with this driver. Performance analysis tools cannot be run while the high-resolution timer is active, and vice versa.
The following code segment illustrates how to block a time-critical thread until a certain time has eleapsed. Return code checking has been omitted for brevity. A time-critical thread should be used for this function.
  ULONG ulDelay = 1;              // Number of milliseconds to wait
  ULONG ulSize2 = sizeof(ulDelay);
  DosOpen("TIMER0$ ", &hfile,
  DosDevIOCtl( hfile,
==Category 81h CD-ROM Audio IOCtl Commands==
==Category 81h CD-ROM Audio IOCtl Commands==

Revision as of 20:50, 26 March 2020

Reprint Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation

Control Program Programming Guide and Reference
  1. Introduction to the Control Program
  2. Control Program Functions
  3. Keyboard Functions
  4. Mouse Functions
  5. Video Functions
  6. Data Types
  7. Errors
  8. Debugging
  9. Kernel Debugger Communications Protocol
  10. Device I/O
  11. Dynamic Linking
  12. Error Management
  13. Exception Management
  14. Extended Attributes
  15. File Management
  16. File Names
  17. File Systems
  18. Generic IOCtl Commands
  19. Memory Management
  20. Message Management
  21. National Language Support
  22. Pipes
  23. Program Execution Control
  24. Queues
  25. Semaphores
  26. Timers
  27. Notices
  28. Glossary

OS/2 device drivers are used to access the I/O hardware. The IOCtl functions provide a method for an application, or subsystem, to send device-specific control commands to a physical device driver. These IOCtls are subfunctions that are issued through the DosDevIOCtl API function request. The DosDevIOCtl function request can be used only by OS/2 applications; the INT 21h IOCtl request can be used only by DOS applications.

The category and function fields are as follows. Each code is contained in a byte:

Category Code
0xxx xxxx OS/2-defined
1xxx xxxx User-defined
_xxx xxxx Code.
Function Code
0xxx xxxx Return error, if unsupported
1xxx xxxx Ignore, if unsupported
x0xx xxxx Intercepted by the OS/2 operating system
x1xx xxxx Passed to driver
xx0x xxxx Sends data and commands to device
xx1x xxxx Queries data and information from device
___x xxxx Subfunction.

Notice that the send/query data bit is intended only to standardize the function set; it plays no critical role. Some functions can contain both command and query elements. Such commands are defined as sends data.


Generic IOCtl Function Table

The list of categories and functions for the generic IOCtl requests are as follows:

│Category  │Function  │Description                             │
│    01h   │          │Serial Device Control                   │
│          │   14h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   34h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   41h    │Set Bit Rate                            │
│          │   42h    │Set Line Characteristics (stop, parity, │
│          │          │data bits)                              │
│          │   43h    │Extended Set Bit Rate                   │
│          │   44h    │Transmit Byte Immediate                 │
│          │   45h    │Set Break OFF                           │
│          │   46h    │Set Modem Control Signals               │
│          │   47h    │Behave As If XOFF Received (stop        │
│          │          │transmit)                               │
│          │   48h    │Behave As If XON Received (start        │
│          │          │transmit)                               │
│          │   49h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   4Bh    │Set Break ON                            │
│          │   53h    │Set Device Control Block (DCB)          │
│          │          │Parameters                              │
│          │   54h    │Set Enhanced Mode Parameters            │
│          │   61h    │Query Current Bit Rate                  │
│          │   62h    │Query Line Characteristics              │
│          │   63h    │Extended Query Bit Rate                 │
│          │   64h    │Query COM Status                        │
│          │   65h    │Query Transmit Data Status              │
│          │   66h    │Query Modem Control Output Signals      │
│          │   67h    │Query Current Modem Input Signals       │
│          │   68h    │Query Number of Characters in Receive   │
│          │          │Queue                                   │
│          │   69h    │Query Number of Characters in Transmit  │
│          │          │Queue                                   │
│          │   6Dh    │Query COM Error                         │
│          │   72h    │Query COM Event Information             │
│          │   73h    │Query Device Control Block (DCB)        │
│          │          │Parameters                              │
│          │   74h    │Query Enhanced Mode Parameters          │
│    02h   │          │Reserved                                │
│    03h   │          │Video Control                           │
│          │   70h    │Allocate an LDT Selector                │
│          │   71h    │Deallocate an LDT Selector              │
│          │   72h    │Query Pointer Draw Address              │
│          │   73h    │Initialize Call Vector Table            │
│          │   74h    │ABIOS Pass-Through                      │
│          │   75h    │Allocate an LDT Selector with Offset    │
│          │   76h    │Allocate an LDT Selector with Background│
│          │          │Validation Options                      │
│          │   7Eh    │Allocate Video Buffer                   │
│          │   7Fh    │Get Address to ROM Font                 │
│    04h   │          │Keyboard Control                        │
│          │   50h    │Set Code Page                           │
│          │   51h    │Set Input Mode (Default ASCII)          │
│          │   52h    │Set Interim Character Flags             │
│          │   53h    │Set Shift State                         │
│          │   54h    │Set Typematic Rate and Delay            │
│          │   55h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   56h    │Set Session Manager Hot Key             │
│          │   57h    │Set KCB                                 │
│          │   58h    │Set Code Page Number                    │
│          │   59h    │Set Read/Peek Notification              │
│          │   5Ah    │Alter Keyboard LEDs                     │
│          │   5Bh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   5Ch    │Set NLS and Custom Code Page            │
│          │   5Dh    │Create New Logical Keyboard             │
│          │   5Eh    │Destroy Logical Keyboard                │
│          │   71h    │Query Input Mode                        │
│          │   72h    │Query Interim Character Flags           │
│          │   73h    │Query Shift State                       │
│          │   74h    │Read Character Data Records             │
│          │   75h    │Peek Character Data Record              │
│          │   76h    │Query Session Manager Hot Key           │
│          │   77h    │Query Keyboard Type                     │
│          │   78h    │Query Code Page Number                  │
│          │   79h    │Translate Scan Code to ASCII            │
│          │   7Ah    │Query Keyboard Hardware ID              │
│          │   7Bh    │Query Keyboard Code Page Support        │
│          │          │Information                             │
│    05h   │          │Parallel Port Control                   │
│          │   42h    │Set Frame Control (CPL, LPI)            │
│          │   43h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   44h    │Set Infinite Retry                      │
│          │   45h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   46h    │Initialize Parallel Port                │
│          │   47h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   48h    │Activate Font                           │
│          │   49h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   4Bh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   4Ch    │Reserved                                │
│          │   4Dh    │Set Print-Job Title                     │
│          │   4Eh    │Set Parallel Port Write Time-Out Value  │
│          │   4Fh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   50h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   51h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   62h    │Query Frame Control                     │
│          │   63h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   64h    │Query Infinite Retry                    │
│          │   65h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   66h    │Query Parallel Port Status              │
│          │   67h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   68h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   69h    │Query Active Font                       │
│          │   6Ah    │Verify Font                             │
│          │   6Bh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   6Ch    │Reserved                                │
│          │   6Dh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   6Eh    │Query Parallel Port Write Time-Out Value│
│          │   6Fh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   70h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   71h    │Reserved                                │
│    06h   │          │Light Pen Control                       │
│    07h   │          │Mouse Control                           │
│          │   50h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   51h    │Notification of Display Mode Change     │
│          │   52h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   53h    │Reassign Current Mouse Scaling Factors  │
│          │   54h    │Assign New Mouse Event Mask             │
│          │   55h    │Reassign Mouse Threshold Values         │
│          │   56h    │Set Pointer Shape                       │
│          │   57h    │Unmark Collision Area                   │
│          │   58h    │Mark Collision Area                     │
│          │   59h    │Specify/Replace Pointer Screen Position │
│          │   5Ah    │Set OS/2-Mode Pointer Draw Device Driver│
│          │          │Address                                 │
│          │   5Bh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   5Ch    │Set Current Physical Mouse Device Driver│
│          │          │Status Flags                            │
│          │   5Dh    │Notification of Mode Switch Completion  │
│          │   60h    │Query Number of Mouse Buttons Supported │
│          │   61h    │Query Mouse Device Motion Sensitivity   │
│          │   62h    │Query Current Physical Mouse Device     │
│          │          │Driver Status Flags                     │
│          │   63h    │Read Mouse Event Queue                  │
│          │   64h    │Query Current Event Queue Status        │
│          │   65h    │Query Current Mouse Event Mask          │
│          │   66h    │Query Current Mouse Scaling Factors     │
│          │   67h    │Query Current Pointer Screen Position   │
│          │   68h    │Query Current Pointer Shape             │
│          │   69h    │Query Mouse Threshold Values            │
│          │   6Ah    │Query Physical Mouse Device Driver      │
│          │          │Level/Version                           │
│          │   6Bh    │Query Pointing Device ID                │
│    08h   │          │Logical Disk Control                    │
│          │   00h    │Lock Drive                              │
│          │   01h    │Unlock Drive                            │
│          │   02h    │Redetermine Media (end format)          │
│          │   03h    │Set Logical Map                         │
│          │   04h    │Begin Format                            │
│          │   20h    │Block Removable                         │
│          │   21h    │Query Logical Map                       │
│          │   22h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   40h    │Removable Media Control                 │
│          │   43h    │Set Device Parameters                   │
│          │   44h    │Write Logical Track                     │
│          │   45h    │Format and Verify Track                 │
│          │   5Dh    │Diskette Control                        │
│          │   5Eh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   5Fh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   60h    │Query Media Sense                       │
│          │   63h    │Query Device Parameters                 │
│          │   64h    │Read Logical Track                      │
│          │   65h    │Verify Logical Track                    │
│          │   66h    │Status                                  │
│    09h   │          │Physical Disk Control                   │
│          │   00h    │Lock Physical Drive                     │
│          │   01h    │Unlock Physical Drive                   │
│          │   44h    │Write Physical Track                    │
│          │   63h    │Query Physical Device Parameters        │
│          │   64h    │Read Physical Track                     │
│          │   65h    │Verify Physical Track                   │
│    0Ah   │          │Character Device Monitor Control        │
│          │   40h    │Register Monitor                        │
│    0Bh   │          │General Device Control                  │
│          │   01h    │Flush Input Buffer                      │
│          │   02h    │Flush Output Buffer                     │
│          │   41h    │System Notifications for Physical Device│
│          │          │Drivers                                 │
│          │   60h    │Query Monitor Support                   │
│    0Ch   │          │Advanced Power Management               │
│          │   40h    │Send Power Event                        │
│          │   41h    │Set Power Event Res                     │
│          │   42h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   60h    │Query Power Status                      │
│          │   61h    │Query Power Event                       │
│          │   62h    │Query PowerInfo                         │
│   0Dh-7Fh│          │Reserved Category Codes                 │
│    80h   │          │Screen Control                          │
│          │   00h    │Get Current Video Memory Bank           │
│          │   01h    │Set Current Video Memory Bank           │
│          │   02-07Fh│Reserved                                │
│          │   08h    │Return Adapter Video Configuration      │
│          │   09h    │Return Manufacturer-Specific Adapter    │
│          │          │Data                                    │
│          │   0Ah    │Update Adapter Video Information        │
│          │   0Bh    │Return Linear Address Mapped to Physical│
│          │          │Address                                 │
│          │          │Reserved                                │
│          │0Ch-07Fh  │                                        │
│    80h   │          │OEMHLP Controls                         │
│          │   00h    │Query OEM Adaptation Information        │
│          │   01h    │Query Machine Information               │
│          │   02h    │Query Display Combination Code          │
│          │   03h    │Return Video Fonts                      │
│          │   04h    │Read EISA Configuration                 │
│          │          │Information-Subfunction 00              │
│          │   04h    │Read EISA Function                      │
│          │          │Information-Subfunction 01              │
│          │   05h    │Query ROM BIOS Information              │
│          │   06h    │Query Miscellaneous Video Information   │
│          │   07h    │Query Video Adapter                     │
│          │   08h    │Query SVGA Information                  │
│          │   09h    │Query Memory Information                │
│          │   0Ah    │Query, Display Mode, Query, and Set     │
│          │          │(DMQS) Information                      │
│          │   0Bh    │Access and Query PCI BIOS Information   │
│    80h   │          │Adapter Presence Check (TESTCFG.SYS)    │
│          │   40h    │Get Copy of BIOS/Adapter                │
│          │   41h    │Issue an IN I/O Instruction             │
│          │   42h    │Issue an OUT I/O Instruction            │
│          │   60h    │Get Bus Architecture                    │
│          │   61h    │Return all POS IDs                      │
│          │   62h    │Return all EISA IDs                     │
│    80h   │          │Resource Manager Commands               │
│          │   01h    │Get Resource Manager Node Data          │
│          │   02h    │Enumerate Resource Manager Nodes        │
│    80h   │          │CD-ROM Drive and Disk Control           │
│          │   40h    │Reset Drive                             │
│          │   44h    │Eject Disk                              │
│          │   46h    │Lock/Unlock Door                        │
│          │   50h    │Seek                                    │
│          │   60h    │Device Status                           │
│          │   61h    │Identify CD-ROM Driver                  │
│          │   63h    │Return Sector Size                      │
│          │   70h    │Location of Drive Head                  │
│          │   72h    │Read Long                               │
│          │   78h    │Return Volume Size                      │
│          │   79h    │Get UPC                                 │
│    80h   │          │High-Resolution Timer Driver            │
│          │   00h    │Query Version                           │
│          │   01h    │Get Resolution                          │
│          │   02h    │Set Resolution                          │
│          │   03h    │Get Pointer to Clock Counter            │
│          │   04h    │Free Pointer to Clock Counter           │
│          │   05h    │Block Until Time Elapses                │
│    81h   │          │CD-ROM Audio Control                    │
│          │   40h    │Audio Channel Control                   │
│          │   50h    │Play Audio                              │
│          │   51h    │Stop Audio                              │
│          │   52h    │Resume Audio                            │
│          │   60h    │Return Audio-Channel Information        │
│          │   61h    │Return Audio-Disk Information           │
│          │   62h    │Return Audio-Track Information          │
│          │   63h    │Return Audio-Subchannel Q Information   │
│          │   65h    │Return Audio-Status Information         │
│    81h   │          │Touch-Device-Dependent Driver Control   │
│          │   50h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   51h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   52h    │Set Calibration Constants               │
│          │   53h    │Read Data                               │
│          │   54h    │Set Data Mode                           │
│          │   55h    │Set Click-Lock Parameters               │
│          │   56h    │Set Touch Thresholds                    │
│          │   57h    │Set Emulation XY Offset                 │
│          │   58h    │Set Data Report Rate                    │
│          │   59h    │Set Low-Pass Filter                     │
│          │   5Ah    │Write Memory Location                   │
│          │   5Bh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   5Ch    │Reserved                                │
│          │   5Dh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   5Eh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   5Fh    │Reserved                                │
│          │   60h    │Get Calibration Constants               │
│          │   61h    │Get Data Mode                           │
│          │   62h    │Get Click Lock Parameters               │
│          │   63h    │Get Touch Thresholds                    │
│          │   64h    │Get Emulation XY Offset                 │
│          │   65h    │Get Data Report Rate                    │
│          │   66h    │Get Low Pass Filter                     │
│          │   67h    │Read Memory Location                    │
│    81h   │          │Touch-Device-Independent Driver Control │
│          │   50h    │Set Coordinate System                   │
│          │   51h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   52h    │Set Selection Mechanism                 │
│          │   53h    │Set Event Mask                          │
│          │   54h    │Set Queue Size                          │
│          │   55h    │Set Emulation State                     │
│          │   60h    │Set Coordinate System                   │
│          │   61h    │Reserved                                │
│          │   62h    │Get Selection Mechanism                 │
│          │   63h    │Get Event Mask                          │
│          │   64h    │Get Queue Size                          │
│          │   65h    │Get Emulation State                     │
│          │   66h    │Get Read Event Queue                    │

Category 01h ASYNC (RS232-C) Control IOCtl Commands

Whenever an IOCtl command calls for a NULL pointer, it is the responsibility of the application to set one up for the appropriate Parameter or Data Packet pointer before calling the physical device driver. IOCtls can be interpreted differently by future releases if the pointer is not a NULL pointer. If a NULL pointer is called for and it is not received by the device driver, it is considered an invalid Parameter or Data Packet value.

The physical device driver services each communications port (COM1, COM2, and so forth) independently. IOCtls issued to the physical device driver for a given port have no effect on any other communications ports that the physical device driver is servicing. The application cannot assume a given timing relationship between when the IOCtls are executed and when data is received or transmitted by the ASYNC hardware. Data Carrier Detect (DCD) is the same signal as Receiver Line Signal Detect (RLSD).

The following is a summary of the Category 01h IOCtl Commands:

Function Description Name
14h Reserved
34h Reserved
41h Set Bit Rate ASYNC_SETBAUDRATE (41h)
42h Set Line Characteristics (stop, parity, data bits) ASYNC_SETLINECTRL (42h)
43h Extended Set Bit Rate ASYNC_EXTSETBAUDRATE (43h)
44h Transmit Byte Immediate ASYNC_TRANSMITIMM (44h)
46h Set Modem Control Signals ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL (46h)
47h Behave as if XOFF Received (stop transmit) ASYNC_STOPTRANSMIT (47h)
48h Behave as if XON Received (start transmit)
53h Set Device Control Block (DCB) Parameters ASYNC_SETDCBINFO (53h)
54h Set Enhanced Mode Parameters ASYNC_SETENHANCEDMODEPARMS (54h)
61h Query Current Bit Rate ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE (61h)
62h Query Line Characteristics ASYNC_GETLINECTRL (62h)
63h Extended Query Bit Rate ASYNC_EXTGETBAUDRATE (63h)
64h Query COM Status ASYNC_GETCOMMSTATUS (64h)
65h Query Transmit Data Status ASYNC_GETLINESTATUS (65h)
66h Query Modem Control Output Signals ASYNC_GETMODEMOUTPUT (66h)
67h Query Current Modem Input Signals ASYNC_GETMODEMINPUT (67h)
68h Query Number of Characters in Receive Queue ASYNC_GETINQUECOUNT (68h)
69h Query Number of Characters in Transmit Queue ASYNC_GETOUTQUECOUNT (69h)
72h Query COM Event Information ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT (72h)
73h Query Device Control Block (DCB) Parameters ASYNC_GETDCBINFO (73h)
74h Query Enhanced Mode Parameters ASYNC_GETENHANCEDMODEPARMS (74h)

Asynchronous (RS232-C) Communications Physical Device Driver

The Asynchronous Communications (ASYNC) device driver enables OS/2 applications to utilize the Serial Communications (RS232-C) device hardware. The physical device driver allows an application program in OS/2 session to support duplex communications while the device driver:

  • Services the RS232-C port in an interrupt-driven manner
  • Provides transmit and receive queues
  • Provides different automatic control modes for the modem control signals
  • Provides logical data stream flow control (XON/XOFF) for transmit and receive operations

The user will normally want to use the physical ASYNC device driver either in conjunction with the spooler (for serial printers only) or with an application program that uses the RS232-enabling capabilities of the physical ASYNC device driver coupled with a serial device attached to the system.

The user installs the physical ASYNC device driver by adding a DEVICE= statement to the CONFIG.SYS file.

Hardware Support

The RS232-C ASYNC communications device driver supports any personal computer system based on an 80386SX (or higher) microprocessor.

IBM PS/2 Micro Channel Adapter Support

The physical device driver supports a maximum of four ASYNC ports on a maximum of two different interrupt levels. The interrupt levels must have ABIOS support, with one unit per Logical ID (LID) for the ASYNC Device ID. The only ASYNC devices supported on IBM PS/2 and the Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) machines are COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4. These devices correspond to the first four LIDs in the ABIOS common data area that have the architected ASYNC Device ID. These devices also correspond to the first four ASYNC addresses in the ROM BIOS 40: data area.

If a device has capabilities other than ASYNC that cannot be utilized independently of the ASYNC capabilities (for example, as in the Advanced BIOS separate LID architecture), and if Advanced BIOS assigns the device the ASYNC Device ID, then that device can be used only for ASYNC in that power-on session.

If the device is assigned the ASYNC Device ID, and it has additional capabilities beyond supporting the RS232-C port (for example, a built-in modem), the physical device driver does not recognize those additional capabilities (and potential limitations). Also, the physical device driver does not inform any application program of those additional capabilities or limitations. In addition, it does not limit the control of the RS232-C interface or the device to only those modes that are acceptable to the extended hardware capabilities of that RS232-C port.

If the device is not assigned the ASYNC Device ID, it is not supported by this physical device driver. If an ASYNC device is not supported by the OS/2 operating system, but is recognized by Advanced BIOS as an ASYNC Device ID, the physical device driver can recognize and try to use that unsupported device, if it is COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4.

AT Bus Adapter Support

The physical device driver for the IBM AT bus machines by default, supports two ASYNC ports, COM1 and COM2, each on separate levels. ASYNC ports with the following base I/O addresses are recognized by the physical device driver:

  • 3F8H (must generate a level 4 interrupt)
  • 2F8H (must generate a level 3 interrupt)

COM3 and COM4 are supported by the command line parameters for COM.SYS. COM3 and COM4 are supported through parameters on the DEVICE= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. These parameters specify the desired base I/O address and interrupt levels. The physical ASYNC device driver for the AT- bus machine interfaces directly to the hardware and supports:

  • IBM AT-bus serial/parallel adapter based on the NS 16450 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) device
  • Other compatible adapters based on the UART architecture (NS 16550, NS 16550A)
Attachment Support

The ASYNC physical device driver does not provide any support for devices attached to the RS232-C port. The physical device driver provides enabling support for the RS232-C interface itself. Application programs, subsystems, and systems programs provide the support needed to use devices attached to the RS232-C port.

The ability to support a device can be determined by understanding the level of RS232-C interface enabling support the physical device driver provides, along with the characteristics of the attachment hardware in question and the required functions to be supported.

The OS/2 operating system provides a mechanism where one or more additional drivers can be installed to support specific COM ports. This feature might be required for the following reasons:

  • To allow an application program to support a special device not adequately supportable with this ASYNC device driver
  • To allow additional COM ports (besides COM1-4 on IBM PS/2) to be supported
  • To enhance the level of device driver function for a given COM port (This might be required for certain subsystem support.)
RS232-C Interface

The ASYNC interface consists of separate read and transmit lines. There are two separate modem control signals whose output values can be controlled by the physical device driver:

  • Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
  • Request To Send (RTS)

There are four separate modem control signals whose input values are available to the physical device driver:

  • Data Set Ready (DSR)
  • Clear To Send (CTS)
  • Data Carrier Detect (DCD), also known as Receive Line Signal Detect (RLSD)
  • Ring Indicator (RI)

The receive and transmit data lines have the following hardware characteristics:

  • Logical 1 (Marking). More negative than -3 Volts. This state could mean no data.
  • Logical 0 (Spacing). More positive than +3 Volts. This state could mean break condition.

The modem control signal lines have the following hardware characteristics:

  • Function ON, when more positive than +3 Volts.
  • Function OFF, when more negative than -3 Volts.
Hardware Support for Extended Hardware Buffering

This capability is a feature of the asynchronous communications port's serial controller device. Serial controllers that support this capability, such as the NS-16550A UART, are present in many IBM PS/2 systems and on a variety of IBM and non-IBM asynchronous communications adapters.

INS 8250, INS 8250-B Considerations

The following hardware defects cannot be compensated for in the physical device driver and can cause indeterminate function when used with the OS/2 physical ASYNC device driver:

Line Control Configurations
These devices are known to transmit bad data when configured for 5 data bits and 1.5 stop bits.
Receive Character Overrun Errors
These devices are known to occasionally drop received characters without posting the RECEIVE_OVERRUN error flag. Undetected data loss can result from this hardware deficiency. Application error-correction routines can be implemented to ensure accurate data transmission when these devices are being used.
Spurious Characters at Power-On
These devices can transmit a single random character at power-on. The connected device must not be expecting valid data to be received until after the physical device driver initialization routine has been run.
Supported Bit Rates on 16450 and Compatibles

The NS 16450 and other compatible UART devices (including the 8250- and 16550-Series UARTs) incorporate a Programmable Baud Generator feature that is driven as a function of the following constants:

   CLOCK     = 1843200    ; crystal frequency
   CLOCK/16  = 115200     ; after divider

Given these constants, the algorithm for determining which rates are supported is explained in the following examples:

  • If 900 bps is specified, the bit rate is exactly 900 because it divides evenly into 115200 (115200/900 = 128). Bit rate, returned by IOCtl ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE, is 900.
  • If 901 bps is specified, the bit rate does not change, and the IOCtl fails with an invalid parameter error because it cannot be supported within .01% (115200/901 = 128, 115200/128 = 900, which gives a .1111% error).
  • If 907 bps is specified, the bit rate is 907.0866 because it can be supported within .01% (115200/907 = 127, 115200/127 = 907.0866, which gives a .0095% error). Bit rate, returned by ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE, is 907.
  • If 110 bps is specified, the bit rate is 110.0287, even though the error is over .01% (115200/110 = 1047, 115200/1047 = 110.0287, which gives a .0260% error). Bit rate, returned by ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE, is 110.
Where division is performed and the quotient is not a whole integer, an integer result is obtained by rounding off the fractional part of the quotient.

ASYNC (RS232-C) Device Driver Features

The device driver supports the ASYNC interface in an interrupt-driven manner. This allows the multitasking capabilities of the OS/2 operating system to be supported while ASYNC data reception and transmission are taking place.

Warning: With any supported hardware, the physical device driver cannot absolutely guarantee accurate function, as there is a dependency on the hardware being driven. It is known, for example, that INS 8250 and INS 8250-B UART devices exhibit a number of deviations from their hardware specifications. In some cases, these deviations have been compensated for in the physical device driver design. Some of these deviations, however, cannot be resolved in software. The user must be familiar with the limitations and restrictions associated with such hardware.

When data is given to the transmit hardware, it has not yet been physically transmitted (at the RS232 interface). The data is considered completely transmitted by the transmit hardware at the physical RS232 interface when the transmit shift register of the UART is empty. The IOCtl ASYNC_GETLINESTATUS can be used to determine this information.

The device driver transmit queue is a memory buffer between the operating system and the transmit hardware. The device driver receive queue is a memory buffer between the operating system and the receive hardware. Both are considered to be owned by the physical device driver because the physical device driver controls the data movement in and out of the transmit and receive queues. Algorithms for this data movement can change between releases of the physical device driver. Changes in the ASYNC hardware can cause changes in the data movement algorithms and external interfaces.

Data that applications send (made available by Write requests) is placed in the physical device driver transmit queue. When an interrupt occurs to tell the physical device driver that the hardware is ready for more data, the driver gives the transmit hardware more data from the transmit queue.

When an interrupt occurs to tell the physical device driver that the hardware has received data, that data is placed in the physical device driver receive queue. When the physical device driver gets a Read request (READ request packet) from the application, it fills the Read request from the receive queue.

At high bit rates, such as 19200 bits-per-second, a serial device supporting full-duplex asynchronous I/O can generate an interrupt every 260 microseconds (at 10 bits-per-character and one interrupt-per-character transmitted and received). This leads to excessive interrupt-time overhead in the multitasking, interrupt-driven, device driver.

To address this problem, serial devices with Extended Hardware Buffering capabilities (FIFO or First-In-First-Out buffers) have been developed. However, many serially-attached devices that support the RS232-C interface, have been designed to operate with specific protocols that assume the system processes all data I/O one character at a time. The ASYNC physical device driver employs a software mechanism that automatically controls parameters to utilize the Extended Hardware Buffering capability, while compatibly supporting devices that use existing ASYNC device driver protocols.

The Automatic Protocol Override (system default) mode for Extended Hardware Buffering support partially utilizes only these performance advantages, while remaining fully compatible with the behavior of existing ASYNC device driver protocols (for example, Input Sensitivity using DSR). Applications and subsystems can disable certain device driver default settings in order to fully use the Extended Hardware Buffering capabilities. This results in a significant reduction of serial device interrupt processing overhead, and greatly increases the aggregate bit rates that can be supported across multiple active COM ports.

The size of the receive and transmit queues are available from the following IOCtls:

  • Query Number of Characters in Receive Queue (ASYNC_GETINQUECOUNT)
  • Query Number of Characters in Transmit Queue (ASYNC_GETOUTQUECOUNT)

The physical device driver services each communications port independently. Requests issued to a given port have no effect on any other communications ports that the physical device driver might be servicing. The physical device driver processes READ and WRITE request packets independently for a given port. An application can be written to support simultaneous reception and transmission of data. In addition, the device driver can process an IOCtl request simultaneously with outstanding Read and Write requests.

The physical device driver does not schedule the processing of IOCtl requests. It processes the IOCtl request when received, regardless of what else it is doing. This can cause unexpected results if, for instance, the bit rate is modified while data reception or transmission is taking place. The application should issue only one IOCtl request at a time. If it issues another IOCtl request before the first IOCtl request is completed, the results are UNDEFINED.

The device driver queues multiple READ and WRITE request packets independently and always begins processing the READ request packets in the order they are received. It also begins processing the WRITE request packets in the order they are received.

The operating system does not guarantee that file system requests will be delivered to a device driver in the order in which they are issued by an application. This means that a request by one thread can get blocked in the operating system, thus allowing a subsequent request by a different thread for the same function (for example, DosWrite) to pass through and arrive ahead of the first thread at the physical device driver. This is true for synchronous operations performed by multiple threads or asynchronous operations performed by the same thread.

Because of thread-priority considerations and the system dynamics, the order observed by the application of completing requests of the same type might not be the order in which they were received by the device driver. The physical device driver always keeps the data in the same order in which the READ and WRITE request packets (of the same type) were received. There is no ordering or timing between different types of request packets.

The concept of a First Level Open is described in the section on States of the ASYNC Device Driver. A First Level Open occurs when the device driver receives an OPEN request packet for the port and the port is not already open (from a previous open without a matching close). A CLOSE request packet causing the physical device driver to process the next OPEN request packet as a First Level Open is called a Last Level Close. Because the requests that an application issues sometimes get out of order before they reach the device driver, an application cannot consider a close a Last Level Close until the CLOSE completes. If the application issues an Open request to the COM port before a previously issued Close request is completed, then the results are UNDEFINED.

A Flush request can be completed before all the appropriate request packets (which have been queued by the device driver) have been flushed. The appropriate request packets eventually are flushed and return to the caller, based on their priority and the system dynamics. Once the Flush request has been processed, the appropriate request packets do not cause data to be incorrectly transmitted (or received data to be moved).

The device driver supports different timeout processing characteristics and timeout settings for the Read and Write requests. Only the physical device driver is informed of when a given character is being transmitted or received at the hardware interface. Therefore, an application cannot expect to provide real-time flow control of data (in the middle of data transmission or reception) based on logical characters (XON/XOFF), or based on the state of the modem control signals by manually:

  • Controlling or monitoring those modem control signals
  • Monitoring the queue status
  • Monitoring data moving across the link

Alternatively, the physical device driver provides optional modes of operation to control the data flow through the RS232-C port automatically. OS/2 applications use IOCtls to select which protocols are to be made active.

Output Modem Control Signals

In addition to allowing the application to directly control RTS and DTR, the physical device driver has different automatic control modes to control the value of the output modem control signals:

  • Open and Close processing of DTR and RTS
  • Disable/Enable DTR and RTS
  • RTS toggling on transmit
  • Input handshaking using DTR and RTS

These control modes are described in the section on States of the ASYNC Device Driver, and in the IOCtls description.

The level of support provided by this device driver requires that DTR and RTS are turned on at least once, even if this puts the physical device driver in a mode where they will never be turned on again.
Input Modem Control Signals

Besides allowing the application to read directly the current state of DSR, CTS, DCD, and RI, the physical device driver has automatic modes that cause it to respond to the value that some input modem control signals can have:

  • Output handshaking using CTS, DSR, DCD
  • Input sensitivity using DSR

These control modes are described in the section on States of the ASYNC Device Driver and in the IOCtls description. Additional information on the state of the input modem control signals is available by using the IOCtl ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT.

Logical Flow Control (XON/XOFF)

The application can attempt to manually control the flow of data by using the following IOCtls:

  • Transmit Immediate (ASYNC_TRANSMITIMM)
  • Stop Transmit Behave as if XOFF Received (ASYNC_STOPTRANSMIT)
  • Start Transmit Behave as if XON Received (ASYNC_STARTTRANSMIT)

The physical device driver automatically controls the flow of transmitted data based upon the reception of XON/XOFF characters. This is referred to as Automatic Transmit Flow Control (XON/XOFF). The physical device driver also attempts to control the flow of data that is received by automatically transmitting XON/XOFF characters to the system it is communicating with, based on the amount of space left in the receive queue. This is referred to as Automatic Receive Flow Control (XON/XOFF).

Support for Extended Hardware Buffering

Another significant feature of this device driver is its exploitation of the Extended Hardware Buffering capabilities of the serial communications devices in many IBM systems and option adapters. Extended Hardware Buffering refers to the ability of the serial device servicing a COM port to buffer in hardware several characters, and to release them all at one time on the occurrence of a single transmit or receive hardware interrupt. This capability significantly reduces the interrupt-driven I/O processing overhead required to service Transmit and Receive requests on a given COM port. On the devices that support the Extended Hardware Buffering capability, this significantly improves COM I/O throughput and improves data integrity for higher data-transfer rates.

The Extended Hardware Buffering capabilities are automatically controlled under the default modes of the physical ASYNC device driver. Automatic Protocol Override is a feature of the OS/2 ASYNC device driver that automatically controls parameters relating to Extended Hardware Buffering. Systems and Adapters that incorporate the FIFO-mode hardware feature in a manner fully compatible with the NS-16550A UART are automatically enabled to run in Automatic Protocol Override mode.

Line Characteristics

IOCtls can be used to control and read the bit rate, number of stop-bits per character, number of data bits per character, and the parity characteristics of the line. See States of the ASYNC Device Driver.

Break and Error Processing

The device driver can be commanded to transmit a Break with an IOCtl (See IOCtls ASYNC_SETBREAKON and ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF). An application can detect where an error or break occurred in the input data stream by using Break Replacement Character Processing and Error Replacement Character Processing. This requires that certain binary byte combinations be reserved for this purpose.

State of the COM Port

The following IOCtls can be used to determine the state of the COM port or if a given event happened. However, the exact timing relationship between this information and the specific data being received or transmitted at the time of the event is not available.

  • Query COM Event Information (ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT)
Event Notification

The device driver does not provide any capabilities of event notification. For example, the only way for an application to know that RI changed state or that a Break condition occurred is to poll that status with the IOCtl ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT. This should not be a problem for those applications that can use the automatic control modes of the physical device driver during the course of a communications dialog (for time-critical control functions). Polling could be adequate for non-time-critical event monitoring.

Error Alert Generation

The ASYNC physical device driver supports SNA Generic Alerts by generating Error Alerts, as defined under the OS/2 Logging Facility. Alerts are generated by the ASYNC driver whenever the OS/2 Logging Facility is enabled by the user at system initialization time.

Alerts may be generated only while the COM port is open and is processing a Write request (transmitting data). Write Timeout mode must be normal. (If Infinite Timeout mode is enabled, timeouts do not occur.) Error Alerts can be generated only when a Write Timeout occurs while waiting for:

  • CTS to be asserted, when Transmit is disabled because CTS is inactive. The Output Handshaking Using CTS mode must be enabled for this alert-generating condition to occur. This mode is enabled by default in the physical ASYNC device driver.
  • DSR to be asserted, when Transmit is disabled because DSR is inactive. The Output Handshaking Using DSR mode must be enabled for this alert-generating condition to occur. This mode is enabled by default in the physical ASYNC device driver.
  • DCD to be asserted, when Transmit is disabled because DCD is inactive. The Output Handshaking Using DCD mode must be enabled for this alert-generating condition to occur. This mode must be enabled by an application. It is not enabled by default in the ASYNC device driver.
  • An XON to be received, when Transmit is disabled because an XOFF is received. Automatic Transmit Flow Control mode must be enabled for this alert-generating condition to occur. This mode must be enabled by an application. It is not enabled by default in the ASYNC device driver.

See the Set Device Control Block (DCB) Parameters Note on the IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO.

States of the ASYNC Device Driver

The different processing states of the physical ASYNC device driver, the ASYNC hardware, and the ASYNC control signals are listed below:

  • Automatic Receive Flow Control (XON/XOFF)
  • Automatic Transmit Flow Control (XON/XOFF)
  • Bit Rate
  • Break Replacement Character
  • Break Replacement Character Processing
  • COM Event WORD and COM Error WORD
  • Data Bits
  • DTR and RTS
  • DTR Control Mode
  • Error Replacement Character
  • Error Replacement Character Processing
  • Extended Hardware Buffering
  • Input Sensitivity Using DSR
  • Null Stripping
  • Output Handshaking Using CTS, DSR, DCD
  • Parity
  • RTS Control Mode
  • Read Timeout State
  • Read Timeout Value
  • Stop Bits
  • Transmit Immediate
  • Transmitting Break
  • Write Timeout State
  • Write Timeout Value
  • XON/XOFF Characters

Each of the above states are covered as follows:

  • A brief description
  • The initial (default) value
  • The effect on the physical device driver when the physical device driver receives an OPEN request packet for the port and the port is not already open (from a previous OPEN without a matching CLOSE)

This is called a First Level Open. If applicable, the way the state of the physical device driver is affected by a CLOSE request packet.

  • How the MODE utility can be used to alter the state of this item or how the MODE utility will alter the state of this item
  • The effect on the physical device driver of the state of Extended Hardware Buffering

In particular, special considerations relating to Automatic Protocol Override are given where the protocol being described is affected by this feature of the physical ASYNC device driver.

Automatic Receive Flow Control (XON/XOFF)

When the physical device driver is enabled for this mode of operation, it transmits an XOFF when its receive queue gets close to full, and an XON when its receive queue is about half full.

The normal mode of Automatic Receive Flow Control causes the ASYNC device driver to stop transmitting all data after it sends an XOFF character until its receive queue lowers to about half full, when it sends the XON character. This behavior is suitable for most devices, but reduces transmit throughput significantly in Full-Duplex (Transmit and Receive) communications scenarios. By setting the Full-Duplex mode of Automatic Receive Flow Control, the physical ASYNC device driver continues to send application data after it sends the XOFF character. See IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO.

Initial Value Automatic Receive Flow Control is disabled.
First Level Open There is no effect on whether the physical device driver is enabled or disabled for this mode of operation. The state of the physical device driver is reset to show that the last flow control character automatically transmitted was an XON, if it is enabled for this mode of operation.
Close Considerations If the last character automatically transmitted by the physical device driver was an XOFF and a CLOSE request packet is received, the physical device driver automatically transmits an XON, if possible. After processing this close request, the port is not open any more from another open without a close.
Mode Utility Always disables Automatic Receive Flow Control.
Automatic Transmit Flow Control (XON/XOFF)

When the physical device driver is enabled for this mode of operation, it stops sending data to the transmit hardware when an XOFF is received, and resumes sending data to the transmit hardware when an XON is received.

If this mode is enabled, Error Alerts can be generated when the OS/2 Logging Facility is enabled. If an external device sends an XOFF, but does not send an XON, transmission of data is blocked because the device driver is waiting for the XON to be received. If the XON is not received before the Write Timeout period expires, an Error Alert is generated.

Initial Value Automatic Receive Flow Control.
First Level Open There is no effect on whether the physical device driver is enabled or disabled for this mode of operation. The state of the physical device driver is reset to show that it has not received an XOFF, so it can transmit (due to automatic transmit flow control), if it is enabled for this mode of operation.
Automatic Override When Automatic Transmit Flow Control is enabled, the physical device driver responds to receiving the XOFF within a single character time. That is, Automatic Protocol Override controls the Extended Hardware Buffering capability so that only one character is buffered for transmit at a time, and the device generates an interrupt for every character received (Receive Trigger Level is set to 1).
Bit Rate

The bit rate determines the hardware setting for the data transfer rate, specified in bits per second, and is the speed for which the hardware is configured. See IOCtls ASYNC_SETBAUDRATE and ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE.

Initial Value
1200 bps
First Level
Open No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to change the bit rate
Break Replacement Character

The device driver uses this character value if Break Replacement Character Processing is enabled. See IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO.

Initial Value
First Level
Open Reset to 00h
Mode Utility
No effect
Break Replacement Character Processing

If Break Replacement Character Processing is enabled and the device driver detects a break condition, it places the break replacement character in the physical device driver receive queue. If Break Replacement Character Processing is disabled, the physical device driver does not place any character in the physical device driver receive queue when it detects a break condition.

Initial Value
Break replacement character processing is disabled
First Level
Open Break replacement character processing is disabled
Mode Utility
No effect
COM Event WORD and COM Error WORD

These two WORDs have bits that show the status of the COM port. When an event occurs, the appropriate bits are turned on. The bits are cleared when the WORD is read with the appropriate IOCtl. See IOCtls ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT and ASYNC_GETCOMMERROR.

Initial Value
All defined bits are 0
First Level
Open All defined bits are 0
Mode Utility
Not applicable
Data Bits

This is the number of bits contained in each character transmitted or received by way of the communications hardware. See IOCtls ASYNC_SETLINECTRL and ASYNC_GETLINECTRL.

Initial Value
7 data bits
First Level
Open No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to change the number of data bits

This is the value of the modem control signals Data Terminal Ready (DTR) and Request To Send (RTS) put out by the communications hardware. Each signal is controlled independently and can be either ON or OFF. See IOCtls ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL and ASYNC_GETMODEMOUTPUT.

Initial Value
When the physical device driver starts the port during device driver initialization, their values are turned OFF.
First Level
Open The signals are normally turned ON, but there are many conditions that can cause the signals to be affected differently. See IOCtls ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL and ASYNC_SETDCBINFO for a complete explanation.
Close Considerations
A Close request packet causes DTR and RTS to be turned OFF after the transmit hardware has completely transmitted all the data sent by the physical device driver. After processing this Close request, the port is no longer open from another OPEN without a CLOSE. In addition, at least 10 additional character times must have elapsed (or one second, whichever is less).
Mode Utility
Not applicable for direct control. Indirect effects through altering processing modes of the physical device driver are possible.
DTR Control Mode

The control modes for DTR are:

  • Enable
  • Disable
  • Input Handshaking

The Enable and Disable control modes of DTR affect DTR processing during a First Level Open. When these control modes are set through IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO, the value of the DTR signal can be modified immediately by the physical device driver. The action depends on the previous control mode of DTR and the current value of the DTR modem control signal. If the control mode of DTR is Input Handshaking, then the device driver controls the DTR signal, depending on how full the receive queue is. The bits that control these states of the device driver are in the device control block.

Initial Value
First Level
Open No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to change the DTR Control Mode of the physical device driver
Error Replacement Character

The character value that the physical device driver uses, if Error Replacement Character Processing is enabled.

Initial Value
First Level
Open Reset to 00h
Mode Utility
No effect
Error Replacement Character Processing

The processing that the physical device driver performs when a received character has an error (parity, framing, overrun, or lack of receive queue space) is determined by whether Error Replacement Character Processing is enabled (active).

Initial Value
Error replacement character processing is disabled
First Level
Open Error replacement character processing is disabled
Mode Utility
No effect
Extended Hardware Buffering

The extended hardware buffering (FIFO-mode) capabilities available in supported systems apply to the NS-16550A UART device and other fully compatible devices. These serial devices are installed on many IBM PS/2 system boards, and on various ASYNC communications adapter options. Refer to Hardware Support for Extended Hardware Buffering.

On those systems that incorporate serial devices that fully and compatibly support Extended Hardware Buffering, the OS/2 ASYNC device driver provides three modes for exploiting this feature:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Automatic Protocol Override

The default is to enable Automatic Protocol Override on that COM port. Automatic Protocol Override is an asynchronous device driver mode of operation that automatically controls various parameters of Extended Hardware Buffering, such as Receive Trigger Level and Transmit Buffer Load Count.

Automatic Protocol Override causes the Receive Trigger Level and Transmit Buffer Load Count to be adjusted according to the device driver handshaking protocols in effect. When Automatic Protocol Override mode is ON and the handshaking protocols are set to their default settings, the physical device driver partially exploits only the performance advantages of Extended Hardware Buffering. The default handshaking protocols are:

  • Enabled for Input Sensitivity Using DSR
  • Enabled for Output Handshaking Using CTS and DSR
  • Disabled for Output Handshaking Using DCD
  • Disabled for Automatic Transmit Flow Control

If both Input Sensitivity Using DSR and Output Handshaking Using CTS and DSR are disabled, the Automatic Protocol Override causes the asynchronous device driver to automatically reset internal parameters (fully exploiting the Extended Hardware Buffering capabilities to the maximum extent possible).

The physical device driver's initialization default is to set Extended Hardware Buffering capabilities to the Automatic Protocol Override mode. An application or subsystem can alternatively set Extended Hardware Buffering to DISABLED, which causes the hardware to service transmit and receive interrupts one character at a time. It can also set Extended Hardware Buffering to ENABLED, which causes the physical device driver to set certain Extended Hardware Buffering parameters to specified levels, so the serial device fully exploits its Extended Hardware Buffering capabilities to the maximum extent possible.

When Extended Hardware Buffering is set to ENABLED, the following serial device hardware capabilities are exploited for maximum performance benefit and increased receive data integrity:

  • By setting the Transmit Buffer Load Count to 16, up to 16 characters are placed in the transmit hardware buffer (FIFO) during the processing of one Transmit Holding Register Empty (THRE) interrupt.
  • A 16-character receive hardware buffer (FIFO) is available with the Receive Trigger Level set to 1, 4, 8, or 14 characters. The Receive Trigger Level determines when the receive hardware generates a Receive Data Available hardware interrupt.

If the physical device driver receives an Open request for a COM port that is not already open, it does not alter the Extended Hardware Buffering setting that is in effect at the time. The ASYNC physical device driver preserves this state across multiple Open and Close requests.

Initial Value
Automatic Protocol Override mode is on
First Level
Open No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to set the Extended Hardware Buffering mode to ENABLED, DISABLED, or to Automatic Protocol Override
Input Sensitivity Using DSR

When the physical device driver is enabled for this mode of operation and DSR is OFF, the physical device driver discards receive data.

Initial Value
Input Sensitivity using DSR is enabled
First Level
Open No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to enable/disable this mode of the physical device driver
Automatic Override
When Input Sensitivity Using DSR is enabled, the physical device driver responds to the lowering of the DSR line within a single character time. That is, the Extended Hardware Buffering (Receive Trigger Level) is adjusted so the device generates an interrupt for each character received. The full 16-character receive buffer is still available to help avoid any receive hardware overruns. The Transmit FIFO feature is also still enabled so that only one transmit interrupt occurs for every 16 characters transmitted.
: In situations where DSR can naturally drop from O to OFF at the end of a communications session, but is not normally toggled during the session, it is most advantageous to disable Input Sensitivity Using DSR after the communications data transfer has begun. This achieves a significant performance benefit (under the control of Automatic Protocol Override), without the risk of losing valid data upon termination of the session. If, however, the DSR signal is expected to toggle frequently during a communications session, Input Sensitivity Using DSR should not be disabled, or potential data loss can result.
Null Stripping

If the physical device driver is enabled for null stripping, characters read in from the receive hardware (nonerror or nonbreak) with a value of 00h are thrown away. These null characters are stripped (not checked for Automatic Transmit Flow Control), even if the XON or XOFF character has been set to 00h, and are not placed in the physical device driver receive queue.

Initial Value
Null stripping is disabled
First Level
Open Null stripping is disabled
Mode Utility
No effect
Output Handshaking Using CTS, DSR, DCD

This mode of the physical device driver can be controlled independently for each modem control signal. When this mode is enabled, the physical device driver does not give data to the transmit hardware if the modem control signals are OFF (disabled). Data is not transmitted unless all the lines enabled for output handshaking are up.

If one of these modes is enabled, Error Alerts might be generated when the OS/2 Logging Facility is enabled. If an external device causes CTS, DCD, or DSR to become inactive, transmission is blocked while the device driver waits for the respective line to become active again. If the line does not become active before the Write Timeout period expires, an Error Alert is generated.

Initial Value Output handshaking using CTS and DSR is enabled. Output handshaking using DCD is disabled.

First Level
Open No effect.
Mode Utility
User interface to enable/disable this mode of the physical device driver for CTS and DSR (independently). Mode always disables this mode of operation of the physical device driver for DCD.
Automatic Override
When Output Handshaking using DSR, CTS, or DCD is enabled, the physical device driver responds to the dropping modem line within a single character time. That is, Automatic Protocol Override controls the Extended Hardware Buffering capability so that only one character at a time is given to the transmit hardware (Transmit Buffer Load Count is set to 1). The Receive Trigger Level is unaffected.

Determines whether a parity bit exists and, if appropriate, what algorithm determines its value. See IOCtls ASYNC_SETLINECTRL and ASYNC_GETLINECTRL.

Initial Value
Even parity
First Level
Open No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to change the parity characteristics
RTS Control Mode

The control modes for RTS are:

  • Enable
  • Disable
  • Input Handshaking
  • Toggling on Transmit

The Enable and Disable control modes affect RTS processing during a First Level Open. When these control modes are set using IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO, the value of the RTS signal can be immediately modified by the physical device driver. The action depends on the previous control mode of RTS and the current value of the RTS modem control signal. If the control mode of RTS is Input Handshaking, the device driver controls the RTS signal, depending on how full the receive queue is. If the control mode of RTS is Toggling on Transmit, then the physical device driver controls the RTS signal, depending on whether it is transmitting data. The bits that control these states of the physical device driver are in the device control block.

Initial Value
First Level
Open No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to change the RTS Control Mode of the physical device driver
Read Timeout State

When the physical device driver processes a READ request packet, it can be with Normal, No-Wait, or Wait-For-Something Timeout processing. With Normal Timeout processing, if no data is received in the specified period of time, the request is completed. With No-Wait Timeout processing, the request obtains whatever data is available in the physical device driver receive queue (at the time the request is processed by the device driver) and returns. With Wait-For-Something Timeout processing, the request acts like No-Wait Timeout processing. However, if no data is available when the device driver processes the request, the physical device driver waits until some data is available or until the request times out due to Normal Timeout processing.

Initial Value
Normal Read Timeout processing
First Level Open
The device driver is set to Normal Read Timeout processing
Mode Utility
No effect
Read Timeout Value

The user-specific value, in .01 seconds units (based on 0, where 0 = .01 seconds), is used for the Read Timeout processing, if Normal Read Timeout or Wait For Something Timeout processing is enabled.

Initial Value
1 minute
First Level Open
Set to 1 minute
Mode Utility
No effect
Stop Bits

Determines the number of stop bits associated with each character transmitted or received by way of the communications hardware.

Initial Value
1 stop bit
First Level Open_ No effect
Mode Utility
User interface to change the number of stop bits
Transmit Immediate

The device driver can be told to transmit a byte immediately, bypassing the normal file system Write requests (bypassing the data to be transmitted in the transmit queue). Only one character at a time can be waiting to be transmitted immediately.

Initial Value
There is no character waiting to be transmitted immediately.
First Level Open
There is no character waiting to be transmitted immediately.
Close Considerations
A CLOSE request packet, when after processing this close request the port is not open any more (from another open without a close), causes the device driver to attempt to transmit the character waiting to be transmitted immediately. If the physical device driver cannot transmit the character waiting to be transmitted immediately (see IOCtl ASYNC_TRANSMITIMM), it does not try to transmit the character and proceeds with the close processing.
Mode Utility
Not applicable.
Transmitting Break

The device driver can be transmitting a break. See IOCtls ASYNC_SETBREAKON and ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF.

Initial Value
Not transmitting a break
Close Considerations
A CLOSE request packet, when after processing this close request the port is not open any more (from another open without a close), causes the device driver to tell the hardware not to transmit a break any more
Mode Utility
Not applicable
Write Timeout State

When the physical device driver processes a WRITE request packet, it can be with Normal or Infinite Timeout processing. With Normal Timeout processing if no data is given to the transmit hardware within a specified amount of time, the request is completed. With Infinite Timeout processing, the request is completed only when all the data from the request has been given to the transmit hardware.

Error Alerts can be generated on the occurrence of Write Timeout, if the OS/2 Logging Facility is enabled. In order for an error alert to be generated by the physical ASYNC device driver, the appropriate mode of operation must be enabled.

Initial Value
Normal Write Timeout processing
First Level Open
No effect on Write Timeout processing
Mode Utility
User interface to set Infinite or Normal Write Timeout processing
Write Timeout Value

The user-specific value, in .01 seconds units (based on 0, where 0 = .01 seconds), is used for the Write Timeout processing, if Normal Write Timeout processing is enabled.

Initial Value
1 minute
First Level Open
Set to 1 minute
Mode Utility
No effect
XON/XOFF Characters

The characters used for automatic transmit and automatic receive flow control.

Initial Value
XON is 11h, and XOFF is 13h
First Level Open
The XON and XOFF characters are reset to their initial values
Mode Utility
No effect

Reserved Device Names (COM1-n)

The device name AUX does not appear in the device header of the ASYNC device driver. The ASYNC physical device driver does not support the reserved name AUX for either DOS applications or OS/2 applications.

IBM PS/2 (with Micro Channel) Considerations for COM1-4

The IBM PS/2 ASYNC device driver has device names COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4 in its device driver header. Device name COM1 corresponds to the first LID in the ABIOS common data area with the ASYNC Device ID. Device name COM2 corresponds to the second LID. Device name COM3 corresponds to the third LID. Device name COM4 corresponds to the fourth LID in the ABIOS common data area with the ASYNC Device ID.

The Advanced BIOS architecture ensures that the ordering in the ROM BIOS 40: data area matches the ordering of the LIDs in the common data area. Compatibility BIOS supports up to four ASYNC devices on the IBM PS/2 system, and the physical device driver assumes that the order of the Logical IDs matches the order of the addresses of these devices in the ROM BIOS 40: data area. Additional ASYNC devices can be supported by additional device drivers.

The mapping of the ASYNC Logical ID ordering to COMn must be consistent across all device drivers that support the ASYNC hardware in the IBM PS/2 hardware environment.

Initialization/Resource Management

The device driver is loaded and initialized with a DEVICE= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. They physical device driver processes parameters on the CONFIG.SYS to support COM ports with nonstandard address and IRQ's. Type help com.sys and read about the parameters.

During initialization, the physical device driver attempts to free memory from its data segment for ports it does not need and that do not get initialized. The physical device driver does not remove device names from its device driver header for ports that do not get initialized.

The device driver does not deinstall a device if the system requests it. If another device driver wishes to support a port already supported by this device driver, it needs to be initialized before this ASYNC device driver.

Shared ownership of a given serial device between multiple device drivers in a single session of the OS/2 operating system is supported, subject to certain restrictions. Each driver that installs sharing a serial device obtains exclusive access to that device when it processes an Open request, rather than claiming the device during initialization. Each driver also fully relinquishes control of that device, when it processes a matching Close request.

When the physical device driver is initialized, it is enabled by default for Output Handshaking Using CTS and DSR. This is for compatibility with existing systems (IBM PC and PS/2 BIOS INT 14H) and the requirements of supporting an RS232 port. It is also enabled by default for Input Sensitivity to DSR. This allows a remote device to indicate whether data being received is valid and is enabled to help ensure compatibility with existing systems. The initialization default for Extended Hardware Buffering on serial devices that fully support FIFO mode operations is Automatic Protocol Override.

The ASYNC device driver default protocols provide an upwardly compatible RS232-C interface for communication with most devices. New communication applications and devices might not require the default protocols to be enabled. The user should evaluate these alternatives and consider which protocols to enable or disable in order to provide the highest possible performance for support of a given serial device.

Initialization Considerations

The device driver does not attempt to initialize or support a port if it does not get the INIT request packet for the port's corresponding device name. If the physical device driver gets the INIT request packet for a given device name, it checks to see if a valid I/O address is in the BIOS 40: data area that corresponds to that device name. COM1 is in 40:0 and COM2 is in 40:2. If the 40: area does not have a valid I/O address, the physical device driver fails the port and will not support the port. Otherwise, the device driver attempts to get exclusively the interrupt level that corresponds to the I/O address for the port. If the interrupt level is not available, the physical device driver fails to initialize the port and will not support the port.

If the interrupt level is available, the physical device driver relinquishes the interrupt level. The physical device driver also initializes the port and sets up support for the port during this startup of the operating system.

In summary, in order for the physical device driver to support a port, the following must be TRUE:

  • The device driver must get an INIT request packet for the device name.
  • The 40: area that corresponds to the device name must have a valid I/O address.
  • The appropriate interrupt level must be available for exclusive use, even though the physical device driver will not claim the interrupt level for exclusive use during initialization.

The physical device driver claims ownership of the port by not deinstalling the corresponding device name. Another device driver can cause this device driver not to claim a port by initializing before this device driver, and by doing at least one of the following:

  • Not allowing this physical device driver to receive an INIT request packet for a given device name
  • Putting an invalid I/O address in the corresponding 40: area (for example, 0)
  • Exclusively owning the appropriate interrupt level at initialization time

The device driver does not attempt to initialize or support a port if it does not get the INIT request packet for the port's corresponding device name. If the physical device driver gets the INIT request packet for a given device name, it attempts to claim ownership of the specific LID position for the ASYNC Device ID that corresponds to the device name being initialized.

For Micro Channel bus machines, if the LID is not available, the physical device driver fails to initialize the port and does not support the port. If the LID is available, the physical device driver initializes the port and sets up support for the port during this startup of the operating system. The LID for the port is relinquished; it is reclaimed during Open processing.

For the AT-bus machine, COM.SYS still installs even though the LID is not present.

In summary, for the physical device driver to support a port on an IBM PS/2 computer, the following must be TRUE:

  • The physical device driver must get an INIT request packet for the device name.
  • The ASYNC LID corresponding to the device name must be available.

The physical device driver claims ownership of the port by not deinstalling the corresponding device name. Another device driver can cause this device driver not to claim a port by initializing before this device driver and doing at least one of the following:

  • Not allowing this device driver to receive an INIT request packet for a given device name
  • Claiming the appropriate ASYNC LID

Data Translation/Monitor Support/Spooler Support

The physical device driver provides no data translation, code page, or monitor support. It is the responsibility of the application or subsystem to provide any function required in these areas.

Spooling from LPT to COM is supported by the spooler, but spooling from COM to LPT, or COM to COM, is not supported. When spooling from COM to LPT, code page support is provided by the spooler.

Any requests for registering or opening a monitor chain to COMn are rejected by the physical device driver. The physical device driver deals with binary data and provides no special processing of binary or ASCII data streams.

ASYNC Communication Device Driver Interfaces

The physical ASYNC device driver supports a large set of generic IOCtl functions (Category 01h), which are organized into the following groups:

  • Break Processing
  • Device Control Block (DCB) Parameter Access
  • Device Driver I/O Queue Management
  • Line Characteristics
  • Manual XON/XOFF Processing
  • Polled Event Functions
File System Requests

The physical ASYNC device driver supports the File System requests as shown in the following table.

│Request   │Description                                       │
│INIT      │Initialize the device                             │
│Open      │Open the device                                   │
│Close     │Close the device                                  │
│Read      │Read from the device (Normal, Non-Destructive     │
│          │No-Wait)                                          │
│Write     │Write to the device                               │
│Status    │Input or output status                            │
│Flush     │Flush or terminate all pending requests           │
Open Processing

The physical device driver does not claim the interrupt level the port is on until the port is open. If the interrupt level is not available, the OPEN request packet fails. The interrupt level is claimed exclusively on the ISA bus machines. The interrupt level is claimed shareable on the Micro Channel architecture machines.

On PS/2 machines, a First Level Open causes the physical device driver to attempt to obtain a Logical ID. If this fails (which indicates another physical device driver might be using the device), a general failure is returned. If the Logical ID is obtained, but the open fails for some other reason, the Logical ID is freed. Other physical device drivers that coexist with the OS/2 physical ASYNC device driver perform similar processing.

If a timer tick handler is not available during First Level Open processing, the Open request can fail. If the physical device driver receives an OPEN request packet and the COM device is not already open (from a previous open without a close), this is called a First Level Open, and the physical device driver does special processing. See States of the ASYNC Device Driver. If a subsequent Open request is issued before a previous First Level Open request has completed, the device driver might process the OPEN request packets in an order different from the one in which they were issued. This could cause the First Level Open to take effect at a time different from what the application expected.

An Open request should never be issued until a previous Last Level Close request has completed. Otherwise, the function performed by a Last Level Close and a First Level Open might not occur. If the port is not already open (First Level Open), the physical device driver attempts to clear out any data in the receive hardware. On the IBM PS/2 system, if the port is not already open (First Level Open), the physical device driver relies on the Reset/Initialize Advanced BIOS function to reset and clear the UART receive hardware.

Close Processing

An application should never close an open handle to a COM port while there are requests still pending for that handle. If a request has not completed, it might be waiting for timeout processing. IOCtls are used to determine, and change, the current timeout processing.

A Last Level Close occurs when the port is no longer open (from another open without a close). When a Last Level Close occurs, the physical device driver does some special processing:

  • Clears the receive and transmit queues
  • Turns break OFF, if it is currently transmitting a break
  • Clears any character waiting to be transmitted immediately, if it cannot be transmitted If it can be transmitted, the physical device driver makes sure that it is given to the transmit hardware
  • Attempts to automatically transmit an XON (if possible), if currently enabled for Automatic Receive Flow Control (XON/XOFF), and the last character that the physical device driver automatically transmitted was an XOFF
  • Waits until all the data in the transmit hardware has been physically transmitted
  • Relinquishes the interrupt level
  • Turns DTR and RTS OFF, if they are not already OFF. The physical device driver first waits the specified number of character times
  • Relinquishes the Logical ID for the device (on PS/2 machines)
Read Processing

The physical device driver begins processing Read requests in the order it received them. Notice that this might not be the same order in which the requests were issued by the application. If the physical device driver receives more than one Read request, the request is queued on the Read request queue for later processing. Applications might not see Read requests completed in the order in which they were issued. The order of the data placed in the Read requests reflects the order in which the requests were received by the physical device driver.

The data for the Read requests comes from the physical device driver receive queue. Because of timeout processing, it is normal for the total number of Read characters requested not to be read. This is not considered an error. The request is completed when timeout is completed or when the amount of data requested is placed in the Read buffer. The various kinds of Read Timeout processing are discussed in the States of the ASYNC Device Driver. To reduce the probability of a device driver receive queue buffer overrun, the communications protocol takes into account the size of the physical device driver receive queue.

Write Processing

The physical device driver begins processing Write requests in the order it received them. Notice that this might not be the same order that the requests were issued by the application. If the physical device driver receives more than one Write request, the request is queued on the Write request queue for later processing. Applications might not see Write requests complete in the order they were issued. The order of the data transmitted due to the Write requests reflects the order that the requests were received by the physical device driver.

The data from the Write requests is placed in the physical device driver transmit queue. The number of characters written is considered to be the number of characters given to the transmit hardware, and not the number of characters placed in the physical device driver transmit queue. Because of timeout processing, it is possible that the total number of Write characters requested will not be transmitted. This is not considered an error. The request is completed when it times out or when the amount of data requested is given to the transmit hardware (but not actually transmitted at the physical RS232-C interface). Write Timeout processing is discussed in States of the ASYNC Device Driver.

If infinite Write Timeout processing is enabled, it is the responsibility of the application to monitor the status of the Write requests. The application might have to issue an IOCtl to disable infinite Write Timeout processing to cause the Write request to be completed (without all the data being transmitted). If an application does not check that all the data is given to the transmit hardware on each Write request, use the infinite timeout processing mode of the physical device driver to ensure that all the data has been given to the transmit hardware before the request is completed. To increase the throughput (ratio of number of characters transmitted per second to the bit rate), the application should keep the Write requests as large as possible.

Access Authorization

The physical ASYNC device driver does not prevent multiple processes from concurrently opening the same device name. The physical device driver uses standard file system contention control. An application or subsystem that needs exclusive access to the COM device will open it with access rights set to DENY_ANY. Inheritance of open handles, and sharing of the device among multiple opens, works in a manner similar to regular files.

ASYNC (RS232-C) Generic IOCtl Command Summary

The following table lists each function and its description:

│Function  │Category 01h IOCtls                               │
│          │Line Characteristics                              │
│  41h     │   Set Bit Rate                                   │
│  42h     │   Set Line Characteristics (stop, parity, data   │
│          │       bits)                                      │
│  43h     │   Extended Set Bit Rate                          │
│  46h     │   Set Modem Control Signals                      │
│  61h     │   Query Current Bit Rate                         │
│  62h     │   Query Line Characteristics                     │
│  63h     │   Extended Query Bit Rate                        │
│  66h     │   Query Modem Control Output Signals             │
│  67h     │   Query Current Modem Input Signals              │
│          │Manual XON/XOFF (Flow Control) Processing         │
│  44h     │   Transmit Byte Immediate                        │
│  47h     │   Behave as if XOFF Received (stop transmit)     │
│  48h     │   Behave as if XON Received (start transmit)     │
│          │Break Processing                                  │
│  45h     │   Set Break OFF                                  │
│  4Bh     │   Set Break ON                                   │
│          │Device Driver I/O Queue Management                │
│  68h     │   Query Number of Characters in Receive Queue    │
│  69h     │   Query Number of Characters in Transmit Queue   │
│          │Polled Events                                     │
│  64h     │   Query COM Status                               │
│  65h     │   Query Transmit Data Status                     │
│  6Dh     │   Query COM Error                                │
│  72h     │   Query COM Event Information                    │
│          │Enhanced Parameters                               │
│  54h     │   Set Enhanced Mode Parameters                   │
│  74h     │   Query Enhanced Mode Parameters                 │
│          │Device Control Block (DCB) Parameter Access       │
│  53h     │   Set Device Control Block Parameters            │
│  73h     │   Query Device Control Block Parameters          │

Note: Device Control Block parameters determine:

  • Automatic Transmit Flow Control (start/stop transmit, when XON/XOFF received)
  • Automatic Receive Flow Control (transmit XON/XOFF, when receive buffer fills/empties)
  • XON/XOFF Characters
  • DTR Control Mode (enable/disable/input handshaking)
  • RTS Control Mode (enable/disable/input handshaking/toggling on transmit)
  • Output Handshaking Using CTS/DSR/DCD (control signal determines when to transmit)
  • Input Sensitivity Using DSR (reception of data controlled by DSR)
  • Error Replacement Character and Processing
  • Break Replacement Character and Processing
  • Null Stripping
  • Timeout Processing
  • Extended Hardware Buffering(DISABLED/ENABLED/Automatic Protocol Override)

See Generic IOCtl Commands for more information about Category 01h IOCtls.

DOS Session Considerations/Restrictions

Applications using a serial printer from a DOS Session must spool print data to the spooler through the appropriate LPT handles.

The physical device driver makes no attempt to restrict or mold the function of file system requests because they might have come from a DOS Session. To achieve the full capabilities of the file system access to COM, the application needs access to the full range of Category 01h IOCtls. The design and externals of the physical asynchronous device driver are based on the requirements of OS/2-mode applications that use the RS232-C port of the system.

Spooler Considerations

When setting up a serial printer in the Serial Port Settings, the user can choose between two handshaking protocols. If the user selects None, the serial printer card switches must be set for XON/XOFF handshaking. If the user chooses Hardware, the serial printer card switches must be set for DTR Pacing.


The achievable performance is very sensitive to the environment. The type and amount of other system activity determine the achievable performance. On the IBM PS/2 system, the number of COM ports or other devices on the same interrupt level significantly affects the achievable performance level.

Trying to receive data at too high a bit rate could cause hardware overrun errors or receive queue overrun errors. Receive queue overrun errors are easily solved by adjusting the communications protocol to the size of the physical device driver receive queue. Trying to transmit data at too high a bit rate could also cause the performance of the operating system to be severely reduced.

The bit rate can be set with the MODE command or with an IOCtl. The bit rate should not be set to values that might cause receive overruns or adverse OS/2 system performance effects.

Enabling Extended Hardware Buffering

In most transmit-only situations (for example, serial printers), there is always a requirement for flow control (using Output Handshaking or Automatic Transmit Flow Control). If the attached hardware can receive a significant number of characters after the modem control (pacing) signal is changed, then setting Extended Hardware Buffering to enabled (See IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO) can be an acceptable way to significantly improve the transmit throughput and the operating system performance. This allows the Extended Hardware Buffering to yield maximum serial I/O performance while still providing the required Output Handshaking or Automatic Transmit Flow Control protocols required by the attached serial device. Testing with Extended Hardware Buffering enabled must be performed at the attached device when the physical asynchronous device driver is placed in this mode.

In many Receive and Transmit (half- or full-duplex) scenarios, disabling Input Sensitivity Using DSR has no negative effects. Many communications devices have switches that cause DSR to be constantly ON. Disabling Input Sensitivity Using DSR significantly improves the ability of the serial port hardware to handle receive data without receive hardware overrun errors. Another possible approach is to set Extended Hardware Buffering enabled by using IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO or the OS/2 MODE command.

In some other Transmit and Receive scenarios, disabling Output Handshaking Using CTS and DSR after a communications link has been established has no adverse effects under normal operating conditions. Again,the achievable performance benefits can be significant. Another possible approach is to set Extended Hardware Buffering enabled by using IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO.

The potential negative effects of disabling a default control mode of the physical device driver should be thoroughly understood. The potential performance benefits, however, can far outweigh the added complexity of usage and any other potential problems. Such problems can usually be resolved either by reverting to the Automatic Protocol Override mode or by using IOCtl ASYNC_SETDCBINFO to set Extended Hardware Buffering to disabled.

The per-character processing requirements must be addressed when deciding whether to override one of the default protocols of the physical device driver. Possible data integrity problems, such as receive overrun errors, loss of data at the beginning or end of a communications session, or receipt of invalid data on a noisy communications connection can occur. Such problems must be considered before using the potential performance benefits associated with Extended Hardware Buffering.

For ports operating at a given data-transfer rate, the system has less than 20% interrupt-driven device driver overhead when running with Extended Hardware Buffering enabled (both transmit and receive FIFO buffering active), as compared with running those ports on devices where Extended Hardware Buffering is disabled.

Also of equal importance are the operational characteristics of the device driver. By setting Extended Hardware Buffering enabled, the physical device driver can transmit with the full 16-character FIFO buffer active (essentially transmitting 16 characters at a time), and the Receive Data Available interrupts can provide 4, 8, or 14 characters each to the physical device driver receive queue. This is true no matter what device driver protocols are enabled. Examples of scenarios where setting the FIFO Enabled mode of the physical device driver might be acceptable are:

  • If the user does not care if too many characters are transmitted after a modem connection is broken
  • If the printer or plotter connected to the system does not lose data when it tells the system (with a modem control signal), to stop transmitting, and the system continues to transmit a significant number (up to 16) of characters
  • If the system is connected to a modem or another system that is normally set up to always keep DSR ON
  • If the communications protocol with the remote device does not require the system to respond on a character-by-character basis to input data (for example, when the remote device sends data in blocks and provides error retry capability on a block basis rather than a per-character basis)
VCOM.SYS does not currently support buffering.

Category 03h Video Control IOCtl Commands

The following is a summary of the Category 03h Video Control IOCtl Commands:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│   70h    │Allocate an LDT Selector                          │ SCR_ALLOCLDT (70h)
│   71h    │Deallocate an LDT Selector                        │ SCR_DEALLOCLDT (71h)
│   72h    │Query Pointer Draw Address                        │ PTR_GETPTRDRAWADDRESS (72h)
│   73h    │Initialize Call Vector Table                      │ VID_INITCALLVECTOR (73h)
│   74h    │ABIOS Pass-Through                                │ SCR_ABIOSPASSTHRU (74h)
│   75h    │Allocate an LDT Selector with Offset              │ SCR_ALLOCLDTOFF (75h)
│   76h    │Allocate an LDT Selector with Background          │ SCR_ALLOCLDTBGVAL (76h)
│          │Validation Options                                │
│   7Eh    │Allocate Video Buffer                             │ SCR_ALLOCVIDEOBUFFER (7Eh)
│   7Fh    │Get Address to ROM Font                           │ SCR_GETROMFONTADDR (7Fh)

Category 04h Keyboard Control IOCtl Commands

The following is a summary of the Category 04h IOCtl Commands:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│   50h    │Set Code Page                                     │ KBD_SETTRANSTABLE (50h)
│   51h    │Set Input Mode (Default ASCII)                    │ KBD_SETINPUTMODE (51h)
│   52h    │Set Interim Character Flags                       │ KBD_SETINTERIMFLAG (52h)
│   53h    │Set Shift State                                   │ KBD_SETSHIFTSTATE (53h)
│   54h    │Set Typematic Rate and Delay                      │ KBD_SETTYPAMATICRATE (54h)
│   55h    │Reserved                                          │ 
│   56h    │Set Session Manager Hot Key                       │ KBD_SETSESMGRHOTKEY (56h)
│   57h    │Set KCB                                           │ KBD_SETKCB (57h)
│   58h    │Set Code Page Number                              │ KBD_SETCP (58h)
│   59h    │Set Read/Peek Notification                        │ KBD_SETREADNOTIFICATION (59h)
│   5Ah    │Alter Keyboard LEDs                               │ KBD_ALTERKBDLED (5Ah)
│   5Bh    │Reserved                                          │
│   5Ch    │Set NLS and Custom Code Page                      │ KBD_SETNLS (5Ch)
│   5Dh    │Create a New Logical Keyboard                     │ KBD_CREATE (5Dh)
│   5Eh    │Destroy a Logical Keyboard                        │ KBD_DESTROY (5Eh)
│   71h    │Query Input Mode                                  │ KBD_GETINPUTMODE (71h)
│   72h    │Query Interim Character Flags                     │ KBD_GETINTERIMFLAG (72h)
│   73h    │Query Shift State                                 │ KBD_GETSHIFTSTATE (73h)
│   74h    │Read Character Data Records                       │ KBD_READCHAR (74h)
│   75h    │Peek Character Data Record                        │ KBD_PEEKCHAR (75h)
│   76h    │Query Session Manager Hot Key                     │ KBD_GETSESMGRHOTKEY (76h)
│   77h    │Query Keyboard Type                               │ KBD_GETKEYBDTYPE (77h)
│   78h    │Query Code Page Number                            │ KBD_GETCODEPAGEID (78h)
│   79h    │Translate Scan Code to ASCII                      │ KBD_XLATESCAN (79h)
│   7Ah    │Query Keyboard Hardware ID                        │ KBD_QUERYKBDHARDWAREID (7Ah)
│   7Bh    │Query Keyboard Code Page Support Information      │ KBD_QUERYKBDCODEPAGESUPPORT (7Bh)

Category 05h Parallel Port Control IOCtl Commands

The following is a summary of Category 05h IOCtl Commands:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│   42h    │Set Frame Control (CPL, LPI)                      │ PRT_SETFRAMECTL (42h)
│   43h    │Reserved                                          │
│   44h    │Set Infinite Retry                                │ PRT_SETINFINITERETRY (44h)
│   45h    │Reserved                                          │
│   46h    │Initialize Parallel Port                          │ PRT_INITPRINTER (46h)
│   47h    │Reserved                                          │
│   48h    │Activate Font                                     │ PRT_ACTIVATEFONT (48h)
│   49h    │Reserved                                          │
│   4Bh    │Reserved                                          │
│   4Ch    │Reserved                                          │
│   4Dh    │Set Print-Job Title                               │ PRT_SETPRINTJOBTITLE (4Dh)
│   4Eh    │Set Parallel Port Write Timeout Value             │ PRT_SETIRQTIMEOUT (4Eh)
│   4Fh    │Reserved                                          │
│   50h    │Reserved                                          │
│   51h    │Reserved                                          │
│   62h    │Query Frame Control                               │ PRT_GETFRAMECTL (62h)
│   63h    │Reserved                                          │
│   64h    │Query Infinite Retry                              │ PRT_GETINFINITERETRY (64h)
│   65h    │Reserved                                          │
│   66h    │Query Parallel Port Status                        │ PRT_GETPRINTERSTATUS (66h)
│   67h    │Reserved                                          │
│   68h    │Reserved                                          │
│   69h    │Query Active Font                                 │ PRT_QUERYACTIVEFONT (69h)
│   6Ah    │Verify Font                                       │ PRT_VERIFYFONT (6Ah)
│   6Bh    │Reserved                                          │
│   6Ch    │Reserved                                          │
│   6Dh    │Reserved                                          │
│   6Eh    │Query Parallel Port Write Timeout Value           │ PRT_QUERYIRQTIMEOUT (6Eh)
│   6Fh    │Reserved                                          │
│   70h    │Reserved                                          │
│   71h    │Reserved                                          │

Category 07h Mouse Control IOCtl Commands

The following is a summary of Category 07h IOCtl Commands:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│   50h    │Reserved                                          │
│   51h    │Notification of Display Mode Change               │ MOU_UPDATEDISPLAYMODE (51h)
│   52h    │Reserved                                          │
│   53h    │Reassign Current Mouse Scaling Factors            │ MOU_SETSCALEFACTORS (53h)
│   54h    │Assign New Mouse Event Mask                       │ MOU_SETEVENTMASK (54h)
│   55h    │Reassign Mouse Threshold Values                   │ MOU_REASSIGNTHRESHOLDVALUES (55h)
│   56h    │Set Pointer Shape                                 │ MOU_SETPTRSHAPE (56h)
│   57h    │Unmark Collision Area                             │ MOU_UNMARKCOLLISIONAREA (57h)
│   58h    │Mark Collision Area                               │ MOU_MARKCOLLISIONAREA (58h)
│   59h    │Specify/Replace Pointer Screen Position           │ MOU_SETPTRPOS (59h)
│   5Ah    │Set OS/2 Mode Pointer Draw Device Driver Address  │ MOU_SETPROTDRAWADDRESS (5Ah)
│   5Bh    │Reserved                                          │
│   5Ch    │Set Current Physical Mouse Device Driver Status   │ MOU_SETMOUSTATUS (5Ch)
│          │Flags                                             │
│   5Dh    │Notification of Mode Switch Completion            │ MOU_DISPLAYMODECHANGE (5Dh)
│   60h    │Query Number of Mouse Buttons Supported           │ MOU_GETBUTTONCOUNT (60h)
│   61h    │Query Mouse Device Motion Sensitivity             │ MOU_GETMICKEYCOUNT (61h)
│   62h    │Query Current Physical Mouse Device Driver Status │ MOU_GETMOUSTATUS (62h)
│          │Flags                                             │
│   63h    │Read Mouse Event Queue                            │ MOU_READEVENTQUE (63h)
│   64h    │Query Current Event Queue Status                  │ MOU_GETQUESTATUS (64h)
│   65h    │Query Current Mouse Event Mask                    │ MOU_GETEVENTMASK (65h)
│   66h    │Query Current Mouse Scaling Factors               │ MOU_GETSCALEFACTORS (66h)
│   67h    │Query Current Pointer Screen Position             │ MOU_GETPTRPOS (67h)
│   68h    │Query Current Pointer Shape                       │ MOU_GETPTRSHAPE (68h)
│   69h    │Query Mouse Threshold Values                      │ MOU_QUERYTHRESHOLDVALUES (69h)
│   6Ah    │Query Physical Mouse Device Driver Level/Version  │
│          │Number                                            │ MOU_VER (6Ah)
│   6Bh    │Query Pointing Device ID                          │ MOU_QUERYPOINTERID (6Bh)

Category 08h Logical Disk Control IOCtl Commands

The following is a summary of Category 08h IOCtl Commands:

│Function            │Description                             │
│   00h              │Lock Drive                              │ DSK_LOCKDRIVE (00h)
│   01h              │Unlock Drive                            │ DSK_UNLOCKDRIVE (01h)
│   02h              │Redetermine Media                       │ DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA (02h)
│   03h              │Set Logical Map                         │ DSK_SETLOGICALMAP (03h)
│   04h              │Begin Format                            │ DSK_BEGINFORMAT (04h)
│   20h              │Block Removable                         │ DSK_BLOCKREMOVABLE (20h)
│   21h              │Query Logical Map                       │ DSK_GETLOGICALMAP (21h)
│   22h              │Reserved                                │
│   40h              │Removable Media Control                 │ DSK_UNLOCKEJECTMEDIA (40h)
│   43h              │Set Device Parameters                   │ DSK_SETDEVICEPARAMS (43h)
│   44h              │Write Logical Track                     │ DSK_WRITETRACK (44h)
│   45h              │Format and Verify Track                 │ DSK_FORMATVERIFY (45h) 
│   5Dh              │Diskette Control                        │ DSK_DISKETTECONTROL (5Dh) 
│   5Eh              │Reserved                                │
│   5Fh              │Reserved                                │
│   60h              │Query Media Sense                       │ DSK_QUERYMEDIASENSE (60h)
│   63h              │Query Device Parameters                 │ DSK_GETDEVICEPARAMS (63h)
│   64h              │Read Logical Track                      │ DSK_READTRACK (64h)
│   65h              │Verify Logical Track                    │ DSK_VERIFYTRACK (65h)
│   66h              │Status                                  │ DSK_GETLOCKSTATUS (66h)

Category 09h Physical Disk Control IOCtl Commands

Category 09h is used to access physical partitionable hard disks. The handle used for Category 09h command is returned by the DosPhysicalDisk (Function 2) API function. (See the OS/2 Control Program Programming Reference for more information). This handle is used to tell the system which physical disk is accessed by the IOCtl command.

The Physical Disk Control commands relate to the entire partitionable hard disk. Direct track and sector I/O start at the beginning of the physical drive. PDSK_GETPHYSDEVICEPARAMS, describes the entire physical device.

The following is a summary of Category 09h IOCtl Commands:

│Function       │Description                                  │
│   00h         │Lock Physical Drive                          │ PDSK_LOCKPHYSDRIVE (00h)
│   01h         │Unlock Physical Drive                        │ PDSK_UNLOCKPHYSDRIVE (01h)
│   44h         │Write Physical Track                         │ PDSK_WRITEPHYSTRACK (44h)
│   63h         │Query Physical Device Parameters             │ PDSK_GETPHYSDEVICEPARAMS (63h)
│   64h         │Read Physical Track                          │ PDSK_READPHYSTRACK (64h)
│   65h         │Verify Physical Track                        │ PDSK_VERIFYPHYSTRACK (65h)

Category 0Ah Character Device Monitor IOCtl Command

The following is the Category 0Ah IOCtl Command:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│   40h    │Register Monitor                                  │ MON_REGISTERMONITOR (40h)

Category 0Bh General Device Control IOCtl Commands

The following is a summary of Category 0Bh IOCtl Commands:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│   01h    │Flush Input Buffer                                │ DEV_FLUSHINPUT (01h)
│   02h    │Flush Output Buffer                               │ DEV_FLUSHOUTPUT (02h)
│   41h    │System Notifications for Physical Device Drivers  │ DEV_SYSTEMNOTIFYPDD (41h)
│   60h    │Query Monitor Support                             │ DEV_QUERYMONSUPPORT (60h)

Category 0Ch Advanced Power Management

│Function  │Description                                       │
│40h       │Send Power Event                                  │ POWER_SENDPOWEREVENT (40h)
│41h       │Set Power Event Resource                          │ POWER_SETPOWEREVENTRES (41h)
│42h - 44h │Reserved                                          │
│45h       │OEM APM Function                                  │
│60h       │Query Power Status                                │ POWER_GETPOWERSTATUS (60h)
│61h       │Query Power Event                                 │ POWER_GETPOWEREVENT (61h)
│62h       │Query Power Information                           │ POWER_GETPOWERINFO (62h)
│63h       │Query Power State                                 │

Category 80h Screen Control IOCtl Commands

The following video IOCtls are defined and supported by the SCREENDD$ device driver, by way of the DosDevIOCtl call. The IOCtl category code is 80h (defined as SCREENDD_CATEGORY).

The function codes within the SCREENDD_CATEGORY are:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│00h       │Get Current Video Memory Bank                     │ SCREENDD_GETCURRENTBANK (00h)
│01h       │Set Current Video Memory Bank                     │ SCREENDD_SETCURRENTBANK (01h)
│02h-07h   │Reserved                                          │
│08h       │Return Adapter Video Configuration                │ SCREENDD_SVGA_ID (08h)
│09h       │Return Manufacturer-Specific Adapter Data         │ SCREENDD_SVGA_OEM (09h)
│0Ah       │Update Adapter Video Memory Information           │ SCREENDD_UPDATEMEMORY (0Ah)
│0Bh       │Return Linear Address Mapped to Physical Address  │ SCREENDD_GETLINEARACCESS (0Bh)
│0Ch-7Fh   │Reserved                                          │

An example of the DosDevIOCtl calling convention for the Screen IOCtls follows:

int PASCAL near videoIoctl(VOID *data,VOID *parm,USHORT function)
  unsigned hScreenDD;                  /* handle of SCREENDD$ dev driver */
  unsigned OpenAction;                 /* action taken to open device    */
  unsigned rc;                         /* function return code           */

  if (!(rc = DosOpen(SCREENDD_NAME, (PHFILE)&hScreenDD, (PUSHORT)&OpenAction,
    rc = DosDevIOCtl(data,
  return (rc);

Category 80h OEMHLP IOCtls

The OEMHLP interface was originally designed to allow Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to modify and adapt the OS/2 operating system to run on their hardware. In the past, IBM supported the OS/2 operating system on IBM hardware only. Therefore, OEMs had to build modified versions of the OS/2 operating system. The OEMHLP interface facilitated this process.

IBM currently tests the OS/2 operating system on a wide variety of OEM hardware. It is no longer necessary for OEMs to adapt the OS/2 operating system to their machines. Now the OEMHLP interface can be used to obtain real-mode information. This information can be passed to applications and device drivers running in protect mode. Applications and physical device drivers running in protect mode cannot access BIOS through the INT interface. The OEMHLP interface allows access to BIOS information and functions that are essential to these programs.

For example, you might want to issue INT 15h calls from your device driver initialization code to determine if an Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) adapter is present. The following examples show the methods to determine if a specific EISA or Micro Channel adapter is present.

Using the Query Adapter ID to Verify EISA Adapter

The following example uses the OEMHLP IOCtl interface to verify the EISA card ID:

USHORT FindMyEISACard(void)
  HFILE filehandle;
  USHORT action;

  EISAFunctionInfo.efi_SubFunc = OEM_GET_SLOT_INFO; /* EISA Get Slot Info */
  EISAFunctionInfo.efi_Slot    = 0;                 /* Slot 0             */

  rc = DosOpen("OEMHLP$",
  if (rc == 0)
    for(index=1;index<CFG_MAX_EISA_SLOTS;index++)   /* For each slot      */
      EISAFunctionInfo.efi_Slot    = (UCHAR) index; /* Slot Number        */
      EISASlotInfo.esi_CardID  = 0;                 /* Reset Card ID value*/
      rc = DosDevIOCtl((PVOID)&EISASlotInfo,        /* Data Packet */
                       (PVOID)&EISAFunctionInfo,    /* Parm Packet */
      /* If IOCtl successful and slot has adapter, then store away
         the adapter ID, otherwise mark as empty with a zero.
        if (EISASlotInfo.esi_CardID == MYCARDID)
           DosClose(filehandle);        /* Close handle to OEMHLP$ */
      DosClose(filehandle);             /* Close handle to OEMHLP$ *    /

Using the DevHlp_ABIOSCall to Verify Micro Channel Adapter

The following example uses the DevHlp_ABIOSCall to verify the Micro Channel POS ID:

USHORT FindMyMicroChannelCard(void)
  USHORT i,rc;             /* Index and return code    */
  USHORT LID;              /* Logical ID               */

  if (GetLIDEntry(POS,0,1,&LID))

  /* Get length of RB to use for reading POS data. */

  POSLenRB.rb.RBLen = sizeof(POSLENRB);
  POSLenRB.rb.Func  = 0x01;
  POSLenRB.rb.LID   = LID;
  POSLenRB.rb.Unit  = 0;
  POSLenRB.rb.Resv1 = 0;
  POSLenRB.rb.Resv2 = 0;
  POSLenRB.Rsv1     = 0;
  POSLenRB.Rsv2     = 0;
  POSLenRB.Rsv3     = 0;
  rc = ABIOSCall( LID, &POSLenRB, 0);

  /*Is my request block big enough? */

  if ((rc==0) && (sizeof(POSRB) >= POSLenRB.RBLen))
       RB.rb.RBLen = POSLenRB.RBLen;       /* request block length        */
       RB.rb.Func  = 0x0b;                 /* read stored POS data to mem */
       RB.rb.LID   = LID;                  /* Logical ID                  */
       RB.rb.Unit  = 0;
       RB.DataBuf  = (ULONG)(FARPOINTER)&POSData;

       for(i=0;i<=CFG_MAX_POS_SLOTS;i++)   /* For each slot, get POS ID   */
           RB.Slot = (UCHAR)i;
           rc = ABIOSCall(LID,&RB,0);
             if (RB.AdapterID == MYCARD)

  FreeLIDEntry(LID);             /* Release LID Entry */

OEMHLP IOCtls Summary

The following is a summary of Category 80h OEMHLP IOCtl Commands:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│00h       │Query OEM Adaptation Information                  │ OEMHLP_GETOEMADAPTIONINFO (00h)
│01h       │Query Machine Information                         │ OEMHLP_GETMACHINEINFO (01h)
│02h       │Query Display Combination Code                    │ OEMHLP_GETDISPLAYCOMBCODE (02h)
│03h       │Return Video Fonts                                │ OEMHLP_GETVIDEOFONTS (03h)
│04h       │Read EISA Slot Configuration Information -        │ OEMHLP_READEISACONFIGINFO (04h) - 00
│          │Subfunction 00                                    │
│04h       │Read EISA Function Configuration Information -    │ OEMHLP_READEISACONFIGINFO (04h) - 01
│          │Subfunction 01                                    │
│05h       │Query ROM BIOS Information                        │ OEMHLP_GETROMBIOSINFO (05h)
│06h       │Query Miscellaneous Video Information             │ OEMHLP_GETMISCVIDEOINFO (06h)
│07h       │Query Video Adapter                               │ OEMHLP_GETVIDEOADAPTER (07h)
│08h       │Query SVGA Information                            │ OEMHLP_GETSVGAINFO (08h)
│09h       │Query Memory Information                          │ OEMHLP_GETMEMINFO (09h)
│0Ah       │Query Display Mode, Query and Set (DMQS)          │ OEMHLP_GETDMQSINFO (0Ah)
│          │Information                                       │
│0Bh       │Access PCI BIOS Information                       │ OEMHLP_PCI (0Bh)
│0Bh       │Query PCI BIOS Information - Subfunction 00h      │ OEMHLP_PCI (0Bh) - 00h
│0Bh       │Find PCI Device - Subfunction 01h                 │ OEMHLP_PCI (0Bh) - 01h
│0Bh       │Find PCI Class Code - Subfunction 02h             │ OEMHLP_PCI (0Bh) - 02h
│0Bh       │Read PCI Configuration Space - Subfunction 03h    │ OEMHLP_PCI (0Bh) - 03h
│0Bh       │Write PCI Configuration Space - Subfunction 04h   │ OEMHLP_PCI (0Bh) - 04h

Category 80h Adapter Presence-Check Services (TESTCFG.SYS)

The TESTCFG device driver provides services for automatic detection of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) hardware interfaces. Functions provided by this driver are accessed entirely by opening the device name TESTCFG$ and using the following Category 80h IOCtls.

│Function  │Description                                       │
│40H       │Get Copy of BIOS/Adapter Memory                   │ TESTCFG_SYS_GETBIOSADAPTER (40h)
│41H       │Issue an "IN" I/O Instruction                     │ TESTCFG_SYS_ISSUEINIOINSTR (41h)
│42H       │Issue an "OUT" I/O Instruction                    │ TESTCFG_SYS_ISSUEOUTIOINSTR (42h)
│60H       │Get Bus Architecture Function                     │ TESTCFG_SYS_GETBUSARCH (60h)
│61H       │Return All POS IDs                                │ TESTCFG_SYS_GETALLPOSIDS (61h)
│62H       │Return All EISA IDs                               │ TESTCFG_SYS_GETALLEISAIDS (62h)

Category 80h Resource Manager IOCtl Commands

RESOURCE.SYS provides two IOCtls that allow a ring 3 application to obtain a "snapshot" of the Resource Management data structures. Obtaining a snapshot of the Resource Management data structures consists of the following two steps:

  1. A data structure representing a depth-first traversal of the Resource Manager node structure is obtained.
  2. For each node traversed, the following information is provided:
A Resource Manager handle to access the node.
The depth of the node in the tree structure.
  1. A copy of each Resource Manager node can be obtained by supplying the node handle returned in Step 1.
│Function  │Description                                       │
│01h       │Get Resource Manager Node Data                    │
│02h       │Enumerate Resource Manager Nodes                  │

Category 80h CD-ROM Drive and Disc IOCtl Commands

The OS/2 CD-ROM Device Manager provides an interface through generic IOCtls.

The CD-ROM device driver returns error values in the range of hex FF00 through FF14. DOS DevIOCtl return codes are described in the OS/2 Programming Reference manuals.

│Function  │Description                                       │
│40h       │Reset Drive                                       │ CDROMDISK_RESETDRIVE (40h)
│44h       │Eject Disc                                        │ CDROMDISK_EJECTDISK (44h)
│45h       │Close Tray                                        │ CDROMDISK_CLOSETRAY (45h)
│46h       │Lock/Unlock Door                                  │ CDROMDISK_LOCKUNLOCKDOOR (46h)
│50h       │Seek                                              │ CDROMDISK_SEEK (50h)
│60h       │Return Device Status                              │ CDROMDISK_DEVICESTATUS (60h)
│61h       │Identify CD-ROM Driver                            │ CDROMDISK_GETDRIVER (61h)
│63h       │Return Sector Size                                │ CDROMDISK_GETSECTORSIZE (63h)
│70h       │Report Location of Drive Head                     │ CDROMDISK_GETHEADLOC (70h)
│72h       │Read Long                                         │ CDROMDISK_READLONG (72h)
│78h       │Return Volume Size                                │ CDROMDISK_GETVOLUMESIZE (78h)
│79h       │Get UPC                                           │ CDROMDISK_GETUPC (79h)

Category 80h High-Resolution Timer IOCtl Commands

The following IOCtls are defined and supported by the TIMER0$ device driver by way of the DosDevIOCtl call. The IOCtl category code is 80h (defined as HRT_IOCTL_CATEGORY).

The function codes within the HRT_IOCTL_CATEGORY are:

│Function  │Description                                       │
│00h       │Get Version                                       │ HRT_QUERY_VERSION (00h)
│01h       │Get Resolution                                    │ HRT_GET_RESOLUTION (01h)
│02h       │Set Resolution                                    │ HRT_SET_RESOLUTION (02h)
│03h       │Get Pointer to Clock Timer                        │ HRT_GET_POINTER (03h)
│04h       │Free Pointer to Clock Timer                       │ HRT_FREE_POINTER (04h)
│05h       │Block Until Time Elapses                          │ HRT_BLOCKUNTIL (05h)
│06h-7Fh   │Reserved                                          │

An example of the DosDevIOCtl calling convention for reading the current time follows:

   #include "tmr0_ioc.h"

   APIRET rc           = NO_ERROR;
   HFILE  hfile        = NULLHANDLE;
   ULONG  ulAction     = 0L;

   ULONG  ulResolution = 1;
   ULONG  ulSize1      = sizeof(ulResolution);

   ULONG  * _Seg16 pulTimer16;             // defines a 16:16 pointer
   ULONG  ulSize2      = sizeof(pulTimer16);
   ULONG  *pulTimer;

   rc=DosOpen( "TIMER0$ ",
   if (rc) {
      printf("Couldn't open TIMER0$.\n");

   printf("TIMER0$ opened. File Handle is %lu\n",hfile);

   rc=DosDevIOCtl( hfile,
   if (rc) {
      printf("Couldn't set resolution.\n");

   rc=DosDevIOCtl( hfile,
   if (rc) {
      printf("Couldn't get pointer.\n");

   pulTimer = pulTimer16;    // converts a 16:16 pointer to a 0:32 pointer
   if (!pulTimer) {
      printf("NULL pointer.\n");

   // At this point, pulTimer is now a pointer to the timer 0 counter variable.


The DosOpen of TIMER0$ registers the application as a client. At this point, the high-resolution timer (HRT) is taking interrupts, so only open the driver when timer services are needed. The pointer is valid for the life of the process, and each call to HRT_GET_POINTER allocates another selector, so this call should only be made once.

While the HRT is taking interrupts, DOS sessions (VDMs) will not receive INT 8 or INT 1Ch calls. The reason for this is that OS/2 only allows one device driver to receive interrupts on a given IRQ, and VTIMER.SYS (the VDD that provides INT 8 and INT 1Ch services to VDM's) expects CLOCK0x.SYS to deliver IRQ 0 interrupts. When the HRT is active, it receives the IRQ 0 interrupts instead of CLOCK0x.SYS, and thus VTIMER.SYS never gets them either.

Note: Performance tools, such as C Set's DDE4XTRA.SYS and VisualAge's CPPOPA3.SYS, are incompatible with this driver. Performance analysis tools cannot be run while the high-resolution timer is active, and vice versa.

The following code segment illustrates how to block a time-critical thread until a certain time has eleapsed. Return code checking has been omitted for brevity. A time-critical thread should be used for this function.

   ULONG ulDelay = 1;               // Number of milliseconds to wait
   ULONG ulSize2 = sizeof(ulDelay);

   DosOpen("TIMER0$ ", &hfile,


   DosDevIOCtl( hfile,

Category 81h CD-ROM Audio IOCtl Commands

   CDROMAUDIO_SETCHANNELCTRL (40h) - Set Audio Channel Control
   CDROMAUDIO_PLAYAUDIO (50h) - Play Audio
   CDROMAUDIO_STOPAUDIO (51h) - Stop Audio
   CDROMAUDIO_RESUMEAUDIO (52h) - Resume Audio
   CDROMAUDIO_GETCHANNEL (60h) - Return Audio-Channel Information
   CDROMAUDIO_GETAUDIODISK (61h) - Return Audio-Disc Information
   CDROMAUDIO_GETAUDIOTRACK (62h) - Return Audio-Track Information
   CDROMAUDIO_GETSUBCHANNELQ (63h) - Return Audio-Subchannel Q Information
   CDROMAUDIO_GETAUDIOSTATUS (65h) - Return Audio-Status Information 

Category 81h Touch Device-Dependent Driver

   Device-Dependent Device Driver Command Summary
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETCALIBCONST (52h) - Set Calibration Constants
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_READDATA (53h) - Read Data
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_READDATA (53h) - Read Data
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETCLICKLOCK (55h) - Set Click-Lock Parameters
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETTOUCHTHRESHOLD (56h) - Set Touch Thresholds
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETEMULXY (57h) - Set Emulation XY Offset
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_WRITEMEMLOC (5Ah) - Write Memory Location
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETCALIBCONST (60h) - Get Calibration Constants
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETCLICKLOCK (62h) - Get Click-Lock Parameters
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETTOUCHTHRESHOLD (63h) - Get Touch Thresholds
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETEMULXY (64h) - Get Emulation XY Offset
   TOUCH_DEVDEP_READMEMLOC (67h) - Read Memory Location 

Category 81h Touch Device-Independent Driver

   Device-Independent Device Driver Command Summary
   TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETCOORDSYS (50h) - Set Coordinate System
   TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETSELECTMECH (52h) - Set Selection Mechanism
   TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETEMULSTATE (55h) - Set Emulation State
   TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETCOORDSYS (60h) - Get Coordinate System
   TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETSELECTMECH (62h) - Get Selection Mechanism
   TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETEMULSTATE (65h) - Get Emulation State