Unicode Programming Reference

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Reprint Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation

The Unicode Programming Reference documents the:

Universal Language Support Functions

You need internationalized applications to operate in a variety of environments based on some territory, language, and cultural definition. You identify these environments by a locale. A locale object encapsulates the following culturally-specific information:

  • Culture
  • Language
  • Script
  • Territory

Universal Language Support Functions

Conversion Functions

It is expected that most of the processing by applications using the ULS will be done using UniChar strings. Yet, many applications will need to export data to and import data from non-UCS encodings (for example, ASCII or EBCDIC). For this purpose, a set of functions are defined to perform conversions between UCS and non-UCS encodings. The Uconv name is used to indicate these functions. The Uconv functions are capable of doing only UCS conversions, such as converting to/from UCS.

In addition, the iconv functions defined by the X/Open Portability Guide, Issue 4 are provided for converting between any encodings, for example, between PC code and ISO codes. In addition, any of the UCS conversions may be invoked using the iconv functions by specifying UCS-2 as the to/from code set.

Universal Language Support Keyboard Functions

When a user presses a key on the keyboard, the device driver maps to the appropriate scan code. To process the translation of the scan code to a Unicode character or virtual function key, a set of ULS keyboard functions are provided.

The keyboard functions maintain a state that includes information about:

  • Shift state
  • Lock state
  • Virtual and dead key

The keyboard functions include:

  1. Translation table manipulation functions:
  2. Translation and state maintenance functions:

Data Types

The following data types are used by the Unicode functions.

Error Codes

Unicode Errors


August 1996

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  • HTM - Second Edition (October 1997)