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Translates a scan code and the effective shift state to a Unicode and virtual/dead key. It also sets the BIOS scan code.


UniTranslateKey(kbHndl, effShift, vScan, uc, vdKey, biosScan);


kbHndl - KHAND - input 
The keyboard handle created from UniCreateKeyboard.
effShift - ULONG - input 
The effective shift state returned from UniUpdateShiftState.
vScan - VSCAN - input 
The Presentation Manager scan code which indicates the key. This does not indicate any action keys like break, repeat, make, etc.
uc - UniChar - output 
The Unicode character returned.
vdKey - VDKEY - output 
The virtual/dead key.
biosScan - BYTE - output 
The BIOS scan code.




An integer with values of:


Calling Convention


Example Code

KHAND   kbHndl;
ULONG   effShift;
VSCAN   vScan;
UniChar uc;
VDKEY   vdKey;
BYTE    biosScan;
integer rc;
rc = UniTranslateKey(kbHndl, effShift, vScan, uc, vdKey, biosScan);

Related Functions


Most of the time, there is an Unicode character or Presentation Manager (virtual) scan code. A few cases (Esc, Tab, Backspace) both will exist. It is normal, upon the return of a dead key, there is also a Unicode character for the stand-alone character associated with the dead key.

The BIOS scan code is returned due to the translation being dependent on the keyboard layout. This emulates the earlier DOS and OS/2 keyboard layouts that allow the translated (BIOS) scan code to be set by the layout.

OS Version Introduced

OS/2 Warp