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Get the locale information.


UniQueryLocaleItem(localeObj, queryItem, result);


localeObj - LocaleObject - input 
The locale object created from UniCreateLocaleObject.
queryItem - LocaleItem - input 
The item to be queried.
result - UniChar - output 
The locale information received.


An integer with values of:

Calling Convention


Example Code

LocaleObject localeObj;
LocaleItem   queryItem;
UniChar      result;
integer      rc;
rc = UniQueryLocaleItem(localeObj, queryItem, result);

Related Functions

  • UniSetUserLocaleItem


UniQueryLocaleItem returns a pointer in result to a null-terminated UniChar string containing information found in the locale object identified by localeObj about the language or cultural item named by the item argument. UniQueryLocaleItem allocates the memory to hold the UniChar string and returns a pointer in result. Use UniFreeMem to free the memory associated with result by UniQueryLocaleItem.

The constant names and values for queryItem are contained in ulsitem.h:

Item Name Item Description
LOCI_sDateTime Date and time format string
LOCI_sShortDate Short date format
LOCI_sTimeFormat Time format string
LOCI_s1159 AM string
LOCI_s2359 PM string
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName7 Abbreviation of day 7 (Sun)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName1 Abbreviation of day 1 (Mon)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName2 Abbreviation of day 2 (Tue)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName3 Abbreviation of day 3 (Wed)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName4 Abbreviation of day 4 (Thu)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName5 Abbreviation of day 5 (Fri)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName6 Abbreviation of day 6 (Sat)
LOCI_sDayName7 Name of day of week 7 (Sun)
LOCI_sDayName1 Name of day of week 1 (Mon)
LOCI_sDayName2 Name of day of week 2 (Tue)
LOCI_sDayName3 Name of day of week 3 (Wed)
LOCI_sDayName4 Name of day of week 4 (Thu)
LOCI_sDayName5 Name of day of week 5 (Fri)
LOCI_sDayName6 Name of day of week 6 (Sat)
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName1 Abbreviation of month 1
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName2 Abbreviation of month 2
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName3 Abbreviation of month 3
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName4 Abbreviation of month 4
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName5 Abbreviation of month 5
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName6 Abbreviation of month 6
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName7 Abbreviation of month 7
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName8 Abbreviation of month 8
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName9 Abbreviation of month 9
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName10 Abbreviation of month 10
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName11 Abbreviation of month 11
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName12 Abbreviation of month 12
LOCI_sMonthName1 Name of month 1
LOCI_sMonthName2 Name of month 2
LOCI_sMonthName3 Name of month 3
LOCI_sMonthName4 Name of month 4
LOCI_sMonthName5 Name of month 5
LOCI_sMonthName6 Name of month 6
LOCI_sMonthName7 Name of month 7
LOCI_sMonthName8 Name of month 8
LOCI_sMonthName9 Name of month 9
LOCI_sMonthName10 Name of month 10
LOCI_sMonthName11 Name of month 11
LOCI_sMonthName12 Name of month 12
LOCI_sDecimal Decimal point
LOCI_sThousand Triad separator
LOCI_sYesString Yes string
LOCI_sNoString No string
LOCI_sCurrency Currency symbol
LOCI_sCodeSet Locale codeset
LOCI_xLocaleToken IBM Locale Token
LOCI_xWinLocale Win32 Locale ID
LOCI_iLocaleResnum Resource number for description
LOCI_sNativeDigits String of native digits
LOCI_iMaxItem Maximum item number
LOCI_sTimeMark Time mark (am/pm) format
LOCI_sEra Era definition
LOCI_sAltShortDate Alternate short date format string
LOCI_sAltDateTime Alternate date and time format
LOCI_sAltTimeFormat Alternate time format
LOCI_sAltDigits XPG4 alternate digits
LOCI_sYesExpr XPG4 yes expression
LOCI_sNoExpr XPG4 no expression
LOCI_sDate Short date separator
LOCI_sTime Time separator
LOCI_sList List separator
LOCI_sMonDecimalSep Monetary currency separator
LOCI_sMonThousandSep Monetary triad separator
LOCI_sGrouping Grouping of digits
LOCI_sMonGrouping Monetary groupings
LOCI_iMeasure Measurement (Metric, British)
LOCI_iPaper Normal paper size
LOCI_iDigits Digits to right of decimal
LOCI_iTime Clock format
LOCI_iDate Format of short date
LOCI_iCurrency Format of currency
LOCI_iCurrDigits Digits to right for currency
LOCI_iLzero Leading zero used
LOCI_iNegNumber Format of negative number
LOCI_iLDate Format of long date
LOCI_iCalendarType Type of default calandar
LOCI_iFirstDayOfWeek First day of week (0=Mon)
LOCI_iFirstWeekOfYear First week of year
LOCI_iNegCurr Format of negative currency
LOCI_iTLzero Leading zero on time
LOCI_iTimePrefix AM/PM preceeds time
LOCI_iOptionalCalendar Alternate calandar type
LOCI_sIntlSymbol International currency symbol
LOCI_sAbbrevLangName Windows language abbreviation
LOCI_sCollate Collation table
LOCI_iUpperType Upper case algorithm
LOCI_iUpperMissing Action for missing upper case
LOCI_sPositiveSign Positive sign
LOCI_sNegativeSign Negative sign
LOCI_sLeftNegative Left paren for negative
LOCI_sRightNegative Right paren for negative
LOCI_sLongDate Long date formatting string
LOCI_sAltLongDate Alternate long date format string
LOCI_sMonthName13 Name of month 13
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName13 Abbreviation of month 13
LOCI_sName OS/2 locale name
LOCI_sLanguageID Abbreviation for language (ISO)
LOCI_sCountryID Abbreviation for country (ISO)
LOCI_sEngLanguage English name of Language
LOCI_sLanguage Native name of language
LOCI_sEngCountry English name of country
LOCI_sCountry Name of country in current language
LOCI_sNativeCtryName Name of country in native language
LOCI_iCountry Country code
LOCI_sISOCodepage ISO codepage name
LOCI_iAnsiCodepage Windows codepage
LOCI_iCodepage OS/2 primary codepage
LOCI_iAltCodepage OS/2 alternate codepage
LOCI_iMacCodepage Mac codepage
LOCI_iEbcdicCodepage Ebcdic codepage
LOCI_sOtherCodepages Other ASCII codepages
LOCI_sSetCodepage Codpage to set on activation
LOCI_sKeyboard Primary keyboard name
LOCI_sAltKeyboard Alternate keyboard name
LOCI_sSetKeyboard Keyboard to set on activation
LOCI_sDebit Debit string
LOCI_sCredit Credit string
LOCI_sLatin1Locale Locale for Latin 1 names
LOCI_wTimeFormat Win32 Time format
LOCI_wShortDate Win32 Date format
LOCI_wLongDate Win32 Long date format
LOCI_jISO3CountryName Java Abbrev for country (ISO-3)
LOCI_jPercentPattern Java percent pattern
LOCI_jPercentSign Java percent symbol
LOCI_jExponent Java exponential symbol
LOCI_jFullTimeFormat Java full time format
LOCI_jLongTimeFormat Java long time format
LOCI_jShortTimeFormat Java short time format
LOCI_jFullDateFormat Java full date format
LOCI_jMediumDateFormat Java medium date format
LOCI_jDateTimePattern Java date time format pattern
LOCI_jEraString Java era strings

OS Version Introduced

OS/2 Warp