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UniCompleteUserLocale is used to finish a locale modification. This API is called after one or more UniSetUserLocaleItem calls to cause the new user defined locale file to be saved.


int UniCompleteUserLocale( void )


None required.


Return value (int) - returns

Successful completion; overridden items have been written to a file.
DosOpen failed to open the locale file.
DosWrite failed due to denied access.
Insufficient memory to create a buffer for writing the new locale.


UniCompleteUserLocale is used to complete the process of defining a new locale or modifying an existing locale. An application will use the UniQueryLocale* APIs and UniSetUserLocaleItem to take an existing locale definition and customize that definition to form a new locale. When the customization process is complete, UniCompleteUserLocale is invoked to save the results as a new locale.

The result of calling this API is that the locale is saved to disk as a new user locale or changes to an existing locale are saved to disk to represent the newly created locale.


This example shows how to complete a user locale after modifying one or more locale items.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar     *uniUsrLocales;     /* Array containing user locales */
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* allocate space for the user defined locales */
     uniUsrLocales = (UniChar *) malloc(4096);

     /* Query the list of user defined locales available to modify */
     rc = UniQueryLocaleList(UNI_USER_LOCALES, uniUsrLocales, 2048);

     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleList error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Change locale definition by calling UniSetUserLocaleItem to make
      * locale item changes.

     /* Write the current set of user locales to disk */
     rc = UniCompleteUserLocale();
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCompleteUserLocale error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


#include <unidef.h>

int UniCompleteUserLocale( void )

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