DDK Glossary - R

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Read-Only Memory Basic Input/Output System (ROM-BIOS)
Microcode in read-only memory that controls basic input/output operations such as interactions with cassettes, diskette drives, hard disk drives, and the keyboard. See also BIOS, NetBIOS.
Note: ROM BIOS allows the user to write programs and add or remove devices without concern for characteristics such as device addresses.
real mode
In the OS/2 operating system, a method of program operation that does not limit or prevent access to any instructions or areas of storage. The operating system loads the entire program into storage and gives the program access to all system resources.
The attribute of a program or routine that allows the same copy of the program or routine to be used concurrently by two or more tasks.
removable-media indicator
A flag (bit) indicating that a device permits media removal.
The means of providing extra information used in the definition of a window. A resource can contain definitions of fonts, templates, accelerators and mnemonics; the definitions are held in a resource file.
The Presentation Manager event that occurs when switched back from a full-screen DOS or WIN-OS/2 session.
Return far.
reverse video
A form of highlighting a character, field, or cursor by reversing the color of the character, field, or cursor with its background; for example, changing a red character on a black background to a black character on a red background.
Read-Only Memory Basic Input/Output System.
Raster operation.
Real-Time Clock.