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BitBlt information structure. BitBlt information structure, used for the GHI_CMD_BITBLT and VMI_CMD_BITBLT functions.


typedef struct _BITBLTINFO {
 ULONG         ulLength;       /* Length of the BITBLTINFO data structure, in bytes. */
 ULONG         ulBltFlags;     /* Flags for rendering of rasterized data. */
 ULONG         cBlits;         /* Count of Blts to be performed. */
 ULONG         ulROP;          /* Raster operation. */
 ULONG         ulMonoBackROP;  /* Background mix if B_APPLY_BACK_ROP is set. */
 ULONG         ulSrcFGColor;   /* Monochrome source Foreground colour. */
 ULONG         ulSrcBGColor;   /* Monochrome source Background colour and transparent colour. */
 ULONG         ulPatFGColor;   /* Monochrome pattern Foreground colour. */
 ULONG         ulPatBGColor;   /* Monochrome pattern Background colour. */
 PBYTE         abColors;       /* Pointer to colour translation table. */
 PBMAPINFO     pSrcBmapInfo;   /* Pointer to source bit map (BMAPINFO) */
 PBMAPINFO     pDstBmapInfo;   /* Pointer to destination bit map (BMAPINFO). */
 PBMAPINFO     pPatBmapInfo;   /* Pointer to pattern bit map (BMAPINFO). */
 PPOINTL       aptlSrcOrg;     /* Pointer to array of source origin POINTLs. */
 PPOINTL       aptlPatOrg;     /* Pointer to array of pattern origin POINTLs. */
 PBLTRECT      abrDst;         /* Pointer to array of Blt rects. */
 PRECTL        prclSrcBounds;  /* Pointer to source bounding rect of source Blts. */
 PRECTL        prclDstBounds;  /* Pointer to destination bounding rect of destination Blts. */

C Declaration Method