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 * This procedure processes the keys sent to a dialog that implements the page of a     *
 * notebook control. Navigation keys are processed within the dialog page, all other    *
 * keys are forwarded to the frame window whose client area the notebook control is     *
 * part of.                                                                             *
 * Req:                                                                                 *
 *      hwndPage ...... Dialog implementing notebook page                               *
 *      hwndDialog .... Dialog where the notebook control is part of the client         *
 *      mp1 ........... Parameter 1 of WM_CHAR message sent to notebook page            *
 *      mp1 ........... Parameter 2 of WM_CHAR message sent to notebook page            *
 * Ret:                                                                                 *
 *      ulRc .......... Return code: TRUE no error, FALSE otherwise                     *
 * Ref:                                                                                 *
MPARAM  ProcessPageKey(HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndDialog, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) {
   #ifdef  DEBUG_DIALOG
      printf("Dialog: Page - Got key (%02X)", (int)CHAR1FROMMP(mp2));
      if (((CHAR1FROMMP(mp2))>=0x20) && ((CHAR1FROMMP(mp2))<0x7F))
         printf("(%c)", (char)(SHORT1FROMMP(mp2)));
   #endif  /* DEBUG_DIALOG */

   /* Process only the navigation keys in this dialog
   procedure, that implements a notebook dialog page. Forward
   all other keys to the dialog the notebook is part of the
   client */
   if ((SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)==VK_TAB)    ||
       (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)==VK_LEFT)   ||
       (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)==VK_RIGHT)  ||
       (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)==VK_UP)     ||
       (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2)==VK_DOWN)) {
         #ifdef  DEBUG_DIALOG
            printf("Dialog: Page - is a navigation key\n");
         #endif  /* DEBUG_DIALOG */

         /* Let the dialog page's window procedure handle the navigation
         keys (a break statement would just ignore the key the way this
         dialog is implemented) */
         return(WinDefDlgProc(hwndPage, WM_CHAR, mp1, mp2));

   #ifdef  DEBUG_DIALOG
      printf("Dialog: Page - not a navigation key\n");
   #endif  /* DEBUG_DIALOG */

   /* See If the main dialog handled this keystroke */
   if((BOOL)WinSendMsg(hwndDialog, WM_CHAR, mp1, mp2)) {
      #ifdef  DEBUG_DIALOG
      printf("Dialog: Dialog - we handled it\n");
      #endif  /* DEBUG_DIALOG */

   #ifdef  DEBUG_DIALOG
      printf("Dialog: Page - we handled it\n");
   #endif  /* DEBUG_DIALOG */
