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Session Manager Hot Key data structure


USHORT  fsHotKey
UCHAR   uchScancodeMake
UCHAR   uchScancodeBreak
USHORT  idHotKey

C Declaration Method

typedef struct


State Key Flag. Has the following settings:
High Byte    Bit settings are as follows:
Bit 15       Reserved = 0 
Bit 14       Reserved = 0 
Bit 13       Reserved = 0 
Bit 12       Reserved = 0 
Bit 11       Right Alt key down 
Bit 10       Right Ctrl key down 
Bit  9       Left Alt key down 
Bit  8       Left Ctrl key down

Low Byte     Bit settings are as follows:
Bit 7        Reserved = 0
Bit 6        Reserved = 0
Bit 5        Reserved = 0
Bit 4        Reserved = 0
Bit 3        Reserved = 0
Bit 2        Reserved = 0
Bit 1        Left Shift key down
Bit 0        Right Shift key down
The Scan Code of the hot key, Make.
The Scan Code of the hot key, Break.
Hot Key Id.
The Hot Key Id value is set by the caller. Notice that ID value FFFFh is reserved and must not be used as a Hot Key ID. See Remarks in IOCtl KBD_SETSESMGRHOTKEY.
A maximum of two of the above bit selections can be selected for a given hot key definition. If more than two bits are selected or if a reserved bit is selected, the result is an INVALID_PARAMETER error code returned to the caller.