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GreSetBitmapID sets the local identifier (lcid) for a bit map.

This function is supported by the graphics engine.


GreSetBitmapID(hdc, hbm, lLcid, pInstance, lFunction)


hdc (HDC) - input
Device context handle.
hbm (HBITMAP) - input
Bit-map handle.
lLcid (LONG) - input
Local identifier to be associated with the bit map.
pInstance (PVOID) - input
Pointer to instance data.
lFunction (ULONG) - input
High-order WORD=flags; low-order WORD=NGreSetBitmapID.

Return Code

rc (BOOL) - returns
Return codes.
On completion, the handling routine must return BOOLEAN (fSuccess).
  • TRUE Successful
  • FALSE Error
Possible Errors Detected: When an error is detected, the graphics engine calls WinSetErrorInfo to post the condition. Reasons for failure of this function include:
Refer to the "Error Explanations" section of the Presentation Manager Programming Reference for further explanation.


The presentation driver must assign an lcid before the bit map can be used for area shading or as the pattern in a BitBlt operation. The bit map can be of any format supported by the device. However, it can be simplified by the graphics engine before use.

Errors are raised by the graphics engine when:

  • The local identifier is already in use.
  • The bit map is already selected into a memory DC.
When a bit map is destroyed, its lcid becomes undefined.
#include <os2.h>

HDC        hdc;        /*  Device context handle. */
HBITMAP    hbm;        /*  Bit-map handle. */
LONG       lLcid;      /*  Local identifier to be associated with the bit map. */
PVOID      pInstance;  /*  Pointer to instance data. */
ULONG      lFunction;  /*  High-order WORD=flags; low-order WORD=NGreSetBitmapID. */
BOOL       rc;         /*  Return codes. */

rc = GreSetBitmapID(hdc, hbm, lLcid, pInstance, lFunction);