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This function returns information about a bit map identified by the bit-map handle.


GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader(hbm, pbmpData)


hbm (HBITMAP) - input 
Bit-map handle.
pbmpData (PBITMAPINFOHEADER2) - in/out 
Bit-map information header.
This is a structure, that on return, is filled with data for the specified bit map.

Return Code

rc (BOOL) - returns 
Success indicator.
TRUE : Successful completion
FALSE : Error occurred.


Possible returns from WinGetLastError

An invalid bit-map handle was specified.
An internal bit map busy error was detected. The bit map was locked by one thread during an attempt to access it from another thread.


The length field of the BITMAPINFOHEADER2 structure must be set by the application before performing this function.

This function should be used in preference to the GpiQueryBitmapParameters function.

Example Code

This example uses GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader to return information about a bit map identified by the bit-map handle; if successful, it uses this information to create a new bit map via GpiCreateBitmap.

#define INCL_GPIBITMAPS /* Bit-map functions */
#include <os2.h>

HPS hps; /* presentation-space handle */
BOOL fSuccess; /* success indicator */
HBITMAP hbm; /* bit-map handle */
HBITMAP hbmNew; /* bit-map handle */
BITMAPINFOHEADER2 pbmp2Data; /* Bit-map information header */
PBYTE pb; /* address of bit-map image data in resource */

/* set size of info structure */
pbmp2Data.cbFix = 16L;

fSuccess = GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader(hbm, &pbmp2Data);

/* use information to create bit map */
hbmNew = GpiCreateBitmap(hps, /* presentation space */
            &pbmp2Data, /* bit-map information header */
            CBM_INIT, /* initialize the bit map */
            pb, /* bit-map data */
/* bit-map information table */

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