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DosListIO performs the specified number of seek/read and/or seek/write operations.


DosListIO (CmdMode, NumEntries, pListIO)


CmdMode (ULONG) input
This specifies the mode in which the operations should be performed. Valid modes are:
LISTIO_ORDERED: Operations are performed synchronously in the given order.
LISTIO_UNORDERED: Operations are performed independent of order.
NumEntries (ULONG) input
The number of seek/read or seek/write operations in the list.
pListIO (PLISTIO) input/output
Pointer to an array of NumEntries LISTIO data structures which contain the information necessary to perform the seek/read and seek/write operations.

Return Code

ulrc (APIRET) returns
DosListIO returns one of the following values:
  • 0 NO_ERROR


DosListIO applies the same restrictions for each seek/read and seek/write control block as would be applied if the requests were issued separately with DosSetFilePtr, DosRead, and DosWrite.

Each request control block contains fields for the Actual number of bytes read/written and the operation return code. These fields are updated upon completion of each request, therefore care must be taken that the memory containing the control block array not be deallocated or manipulated by another thread before the DosListIO request returns.

There are two valid modes for the list of I/O operations to be processed:

  • Ordered - This mode guarantees the order in which the operations will be performed. The API will return with an error code corresponding to the first failed request and will leave the following requests unissued. This provide a synchronous sequence of automatic seek/read and seek/write requests. This is the only mode that is compatible with file systems other than the raw file system.
  • Unordered - This mode does not guarantee the order of issue or completion of the requests. The API will return with an error code if any request fails. Additionally, each request in the list will be issued, even those following a failed operation. This mode is valid for the raw file system only.

This function was included as an addendum of the OS/2 Toolkit 4.5

Example Code

The following is NOT a complete usable program. It is simply intended to provide an idea of how to use Raw I/O File System APIs (e.g. DosOpen, DosListIO, and DosClose).

This example opens physical disk #1 for reading and physical disk #2 for writing. Using DosListIO, 10 megabytes of data is transferred disk #1 to disk #2. Finally, DosClosed is issued to close the disk handles.

It is assumed that the size of each of the two disks is at least 10 megabytes.

#define INCL_DOSFILEMGR    /* Include File Manager APIs */
#define INCL_DOSMEMMGR     /* Includes Memory Management APIs */
#define INCL_DOSERRORS     /* DOS Error values */
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SIXTY_FOUR_K 0x10000
#define ONE_MEG     0x100000
#define TEN_MEG     10*ONE_MEG

#define UNC_DISK1  "\\\\.\\Physical_Disk1"
#define UNC_DISK2  "\\\\.\\Physical_Disk2"

int main(void) {
   LISTIO listIOCtrlBlks[2];          /* List IO control blocks   */
   ULONG  ulNumCtrlBlks;              /* Number of control blocks */
   HFILE  hfDisk1        = 0;         /* Handle for disk #1 */
   HFILE  hfDisk2        = 0;         /* Handle for disk #2 */
   ULONG  ulAction       = 0;         /* Action taken by DosOpen */
   UCHAR  uchFileName1[20] = UNC_DISK1, /* UNC Name of disk 1 */
          uchFileName2[20] = UNC_DISK2; /* UNC Name of disk 2 */
   PBYTE  pBuffer        = 0;
   ULONG  cbTotal        = 0;

   APIRET rc = NO_ERROR;              /* Return code */

   /* Open a raw file system disk #1 for reading */
   rc = DosOpen(uchFileName1,               /* File name */
                &hfDisk1,                   /* File handle */
                &ulAction,                  /* Action taken by DosOpen */
                0L,                         /* no file size */
                FILE_NORMAL,                /* File attribute */
                OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS, /* Open existing disk */
                OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE |       /* Access mode */
                0L);                        /* No extended attributes */
   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
      printf("DosOpen error rc = %u\n", rc);
   } /* endif */

   /* Open a raw file system disk #2 for writing */
   rc = DosOpen(uchFileName2,               /* File name */
                &hfDisk2,                   /* File handle */
                &ulAction,                  /* Action taken by DosOpen */
                0L,                         /* no file size */
                FILE_NORMAL,                /* File attribute */
                OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS, /* Open existing disk */
                OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE |       /* Access mode */
                0L);                        /* No extended attributes */
   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
      printf("DosOpen error rc = %u\n", rc);
   } /* endif */

   /* Allocate 64K of memory for transfer operations */
   rc = DosAllocMem((PPVOID) pBuffer, /* Pointer to buffer */
                     SIXTY_FOUR_K,      /* Buffer size */
                     PAG_COMMIT |     /* Allocation flags */
                     PAG_READ |
   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
      printf("DosAllocMem error rc = %u\n", rc);
   } /* endif */

   /* Initialize listIO control blocks */
   memset(listIOCtrlBlks, 0, sizeof(listIOCtrlBlks));

   listIOCtrlBlks[0].hFile = hfDisk1;       /* Handle for disk 1 */
   listIOCtrlBlks[0].CmdFlag = LISTIO_READ | /* Read operation */
   listIOCtrlBlks[0].Offset = 0;
   listIOCtrlBlks[0].pBuffer = (PVOID)pBuffer;
   listIOCtrlBlks[0].NumBytes = SIXTY_FOUR_K;

   listIOCtrlBlks[1].hFile = hfDisk2;        /* Handle for disk 2 */
   listIOCtrlBlks[1].CmdFlag = LISTIO_WRITE | /* Write operation */
   listIOCtrlBlks[1].Offset = 0;
   listIOCtrlBlks[1].pBuffer = (PVOID)pBuffer;
   listIOCtrlBlks[1].NumBytes = SIXTY_FOUR_K;

   while (cbTotal < TEN_MEG) {

      ulNumCtrlBlks = 2;
      rc = DosListIO(LISTIO_ORDERED,
      if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
         printf("DosListIO error  rc = %u\n", rc);
      } else {

         /* Check return code from the read operation */
         if (listIOCtrlBlks[0].RetCode != NO_ERROR) {
            printf("DosListIO read operation failed, rc = %u\n",
           return 1;

         /* Check return code from the write operation */
         if (listIOCtrlBlks[0].RetCode != NO_ERROR) {
            printf("DosListIO write operation failed, rc = %u\n",
            return 1;

      if (listIOCtrlBlks[0].Actual != listIOCtrlBlks[1].Actual) {
         printf("Bytes read (%u) does not equal bytes written (%u)\n",
                listIOCtrlBlks[0].Actual, listIOCtrlBlks[1].Actual);
         return 1;

      cbTotal += SIXTY_FOUR_K; /* Update total transferred */

   } /* end while */

   printf("Transfer successfully %d bytes from disk #1 to disk #2.\n",

   /* Free allocated memmory */
   rc = DosFreeMem(pBuffer);
   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
      printf("DosFreeMem error  return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

   rc = DosClose(hfDisk1);
   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
      printf("DosClose error  return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

   rc = DosClose(hfDisk2);
   if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
      printf("DosClose error  return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;
return NO_ERROR;

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