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typedef struct _CNRINFO {
  ULONG       cb;                // length of control data in bytes
  PVOID       pSortRecord;       // pointer to sort function
  PFIELDINFO  pFieldInfoLast;    // pointer to last column
  PFIELDINFO  pFieldInfoObject;  // pointer to IN-USE column
  PSZ         pszCnrTitle;       // text for container title
  ULONG       flWindowAttr;      // container attributes: CV_* CA_*
  POINTL      ptlOrigin;         // lower-left origin (virtual)
  ULONG       cDelta;            // number of records from end
  ULONG       cRecords;          // number of records in container
  SIZEL       slBitmapOrIcon;    // size of bitmap in pixels
  SIZEL       slTreeBitmapOrIcon;// size of tree bitmaps in pixels
  HBITMAP     hbmExpanded;       // bitmap for tree node
  HBITMAP     hbmCollapsed;      // bitmap for tree node
  HPOINTER    hptrExpanded;      // icon for tree node
  HPOINTER    hptrCollapsed;     // icon for tree node
  LONG        cyLineSpacing;     // space between two rows
  LONG        cxTreeIndent;      // indent for children
  LONG        cxTreeLine;        // thickness of the Tree Line
  ULONG       cFields;           // number of fields in container
  LONG        xVertSplitbar;     // position relative to container